Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-15 Thread Fran Jones
At last, some happy pics!  There have been way too many sad stories lately.  I 
almost hate to receive another List for fear of hearing of another Berner who 
has gone to the Bridge.  Anyone have any funny/happy stories this spring?

Fran & Sisco (hey, I'm always happy, mom)

SportSound Music:

Sophie is at peace now

2003-03-15 Thread Louise Wetzel
Saturday afternoon around 3:30 on March 15th, I sent Sophie on to frolic
with Travis, Lola, Chelsea, Roscoe, Astra,Talley and Tanner at the Rainbow
Bridge.  She fought a good fight after being diagnosed in December with lung
cancer.  I was privileged to get three more wonderful and special months
with her.

She was truly the most awesome dog I spent my life with, who could have
asked for anything more than Sophie.  How many Berners can say they are the
first of anything, here she was the first USDAA titled on the USA.  She did
it all, obedience, carting, agility and being the best companion I could
ever ask for.

Her passing was peaceful and quick.  Thank you Dorothy for being there with
me, that is what good friends are for.

I will miss her terribly, always and forever, my Sophie.

Louise in Queens NY
Sophie 12 year old BMD, Devin blue merle BC and 2
Papillons, Carmen & Riki

mast cells survivor

2003-03-15 Thread Binay Curtis


Bandit survived 3 mast cell tumor surgeries - approximately 9 removed
alltogether- all grade 1. Large margins, a great vet and a lot of love
from us - and this list.


Hang in there.



Binay Curtis

Galaxy Six Strategies

Phone: (415) 346-6661

Fax: (415) 674-3672

Cell: (415) 596-6678



Juvenile Cataract Question

2003-03-15 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Posted in plain text for Jackie, please respond directly to her:

Can anyone give me information on juvenile cataracts? (I'm asking for a
friend who has a 13 mo old Saint) I've checked the internet and also
called my vet but wanted info from owners who have experienced this.
Can it be corrected?  Will the dog evantually go blind?  What are the
chances of it popping up in the other eye?

Any thought/comments please... 


american airlines breed profiling.

2003-03-15 Thread Lisa Baldwin
well, it looks like all of the letters of protest worked for once.

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

> Subject: American Airlines reverses breed profiling
> TO:   All interested persons
> FROM:Jeffrey P. Helsdon, Legislative Director
> March 14, 2003
> American Airlines is about to announce that, effective immediately, it is
> reversing its seven month old policy of profiling certain breeds of dogs from
> being carried as cargo on American Airlines carriers.
> The DPCA is the first dog organization, or any other organization, to break
> this news, which comes from the highest sources within American Airlines.
> The breed-profiling policy was adopted last August, after an AA flight to New
> York during which a dog escaped from the cargo hold and chewed through the
> cargo hold wall.
> The change in AA policy comes after an initial storm of protest from the
> pure-bred dog fancy in general, organized in large part through the
> leadership of the DPCA.  Over the past six months, members of the DPCA
> Legislative Committee have conducted confidential, high level negotiations
> directly with AA officers charged with the responsibility for implementing
> the breed profiling policy.  At one point, a DPCA Legislative Committee
> member held discussions with an AA officer in the first class section of an
> AA 747 traveling across the Pacific to China.
> As a result of the DPCA's intensive, high level negotiations, AA has
> crafted,
> and is about to implement, a crate securing procedure that will be used on
> all dog crates flying on AA flights  irrespective of breed of dog being
> shipped, to ensure the safety of passengers and crew flying on AA.
> Releasable cable ties will be used on all crates flown in cargo.
> The reversal of the breed profiling ban is effective immediately.  Between
> May and September, the crate securing procedure will be perfected on dogs
> flown in crates as cargo only.  Dogs flown as additional baggage will be
> subject to the new crate securing procedure beginning in September, giving
> the procedure an opportunity to be perfected during the summer months.
> The DPCA is indebted to the efforts of numerous Doberman fanciers throughout
> the world who called, wrote, and e-mailed AA, which was flooded with mail in
> opposition to their breed profiling policy.  A special thanks, which is well
> deserved, goes to Ms. Judy Smith, whose singular efforts on behalf of the
> DPCA to address this wrong are in large measure responsible for the success
> that we now enjoy.
> Please disseminate to all lists.
> Jeffrey P. Helsdon

Change of email/website address

2003-03-15 Thread Liz Rilstone
Hi All,

Just a quick one to let you know I have changed my email & website
addresses. Please update your address books & website links. The bigpond
address is only available until midnight tonight, so don't forget!! I would
hate to miss any mail

Take care,
Liz Rilstone
Bakkabyond BMD's:

A special funny website

2003-03-15 Thread berner1
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RIP Oscar - Histio

2003-03-15 Thread jean cheesman

Tonight I have just made up another new page for the Histio Roll Call Site,
Reid Myer's Oscar who died two days ago from MH, with the most beautiful
picture of Reid's daughter with Oscar -  it was their Christmas card!

Earlier tonight I added Renee Jacquier's Bear to the Roll Call, he died
yesterday, and Renee will be sending me pictures to make his Tribute Page.

And also new page for Lily Gardener, Jason Urrutia & Nadine Py's much loved
and missed Berner Lady who died end of September '01.

In the few short weeks I have been doing this new Page, I am saddened and
horrified by the number of our Berners lost to this awful disease!

Since I lost my Samson to Lymphosarcoma over three years ago I have
Moderated EndlessLove Group on Yahoo for owners of pets with cancer. I
thought I was hardened! Histio is just fast that there is no time to even
find this support group!

Please do your best to help here.

Please take note that this a special time of Histio Awareness! It is a
Killer! And we are losing far too many of our beloved Berners to this awful

Take a look at the Histio Roll Call Site, grab yourself a huge box of
tissues, you will need it!

Bottom of the page you will find link to all the information on the new
Research being done and how you can help, and link to the new FundRaiser!!

Cheque books out please! Our Berners need our help right now!!!

 All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

new member

2003-03-15 Thread Karen Aufdemorte
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Re: Deuce

2003-03-15 Thread bmd4me
I just spoke with the specialist, results did come back today and we did get
a definitive diagnosis.  Malignant Histiocytosis.  I hope I will have until
Monday morning with him.  We will definitely be submitting a blood sample to
the Fred Hutchinson study.

Christy Varhaug and for now, Deuce

My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-15 Thread jean cheesman
Hi All,

After my recent weeks of mainly very sad uploads to my Longlease and Histio
Roll Call Sites, tonight I am pleased to announce have just done a very
happy upload!

My Gang - Springtime 2003!

The sun has been back the last few days, - dare I say it? It hasn't rained
since Wednesday! - very chilly as true March winds have been blowing, but
the mud has been drying out! Praise Be!

Got the camera out today and actually managed to get pics of all my Gang,
even the cats!

Find on the Recent Updates. Hope you enjoy, we have had a good day!

 All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Oscar-- casualty of Histio 3 weeks before his 4th bday

2003-03-15 Thread Reid Myers
Hi Berner Owners,

When we first got our beloved Oscar almost 4 years
ago, I was very active on this list.  I lost touch,
but when he was diagnosed with malignant histiocytosis
3 weeks ago, I got back on.  

Oscar was having chronic diahrrea for 2 months, had
rectal prolapse, and after a colonscopy 3 weeks ago he
was diagnosed with cancer.  My worst nightmare a
reality.  He was all the wonderful things a Berner can
be... kind, loving, gentle, funny, outgoing, tolerant,
obedient and beautiful.  He was our baby, and we
devoted our lives to helping make him the amazing dog
that he was.  When my daughter was born 1 1/2 years
ago, Oscar was still our baby-- and they had a very
special relationship that I cherished everyday of his
life.  To see a 2 foot tall girl walking a 100 pound
dog down the street warmed my heart and everyone who
saw.  He was a local celebrity, and he will be missed
by MANY.

We put him down 2 days ago... before he was in too
much obvious pain, but after I knew he wasn't getting
joy out of life (though his tail kept wagging).  The
last 3 weeks helped prepare me, but he was an awfully
big, wonderful presence that I miss terribly.

I will be donating to the cause-- I just learned of it
and unfortunately, I didn't get any blood samples. 
I'd also like to put his name on the "Histio Roll
Call".  I couldn't see how to post, can someone help?

Thanks to all of you... and cherish your Berners as I
know you do!

Reid Myers
Sunnyvale, CA

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

Re: Used Cart

2003-03-15 Thread EKDAL3
Hello All

I am in the market for a used cart to begin some preliminary carting with my Berner 
purely for fun. Any recommendations? I live in northern NJ and am willing to travel to 
collect a cart.

Esta Dalsass

Some people

2003-03-15 Thread bmd4me
As I walked into the veterinary specialist hospital to pay my thousand bucks
and retrieve my terminally ill dog- praying for one last weekend of happy
memories, a sign posted on the message board caught my eye.  Nine year old
beagle needs good home, seems they recently had a baby and "don't have time"
for their old dog anymore. Then I come home and read this list with so many
who have would have given anything to have nine years+ with their beloved
dogs.  It really irritated me.

Christy Varhaug
Deuce, Alibi and Rhett
Houston, TX

re: posts to list about eyes and legs

2003-03-15 Thread Lisa D Allen
Someone wrote to the list requesting information about leg injuries with 
mention that the dog in question had suffered from several.
If your dog injures his or her leg, I would suggest that first you take the 
dog to your regular veterinarian; if he or she thinks that the services of a 
specialist are in order, you can then be sent to one.
If there is a problem, it can thusly be managed early and thoroughly and 
well.  A leg problem can range from minor to; Yoda's lameness, which 
persisted despite everything we did by way of treatment, was synovial cell 
sarcoma and lameness can also be indicative of well established bone cancer; 
luckily, we "caught" Moses' before it got to this point, actually, we 
discovered it by accident when Xraying for something else although, given 
other clinical symptoms and the fact that he is a Bernese, it came as a 
shock but not a total surprise that cancer was present.
Also, if your dog's eyes are not healthy, I urge you to rely on Internet 
information only as an adjunct to a firm diagnosis by a veterinary eye 
specialist, to whom your dog's veterinarian can refer you.  Moses' eyes, 
which are FINE, were causing him some problems several years ago, we 
thought, when he was diagnosed with immune mediated polyarthritis; I heard 
from several veterinarians that ocular changes are one of the signs of 
histiocytosis, which he does NOT have.
Lisa Allen

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Introducing Choupette

2003-03-15 Thread Timothy Forman
Hello fellow l-ers,
It appears that Domain Bernois has run the Berner count back up to three. Starting a long story here so if you bore easily you might want to hit delete about now.
I am back in Jeddah until the end of the month. Christl drove all the critters (except Najeeb, our Arab) up to Germany and flew down here for a week to keep me from dying of loneliness. Well our friend in Switzerland who looks after our pups when we are gone told Christl a very sad story. Seems that there is a shelter in the Berner Mittleland (near the city of Bern) that has a had an old Berner girl in their care since last October.
Chuopette's story is that she has been kept locked in a dark barn for the past ten years. She had another dog with her for company but apparently little human contact. Someone turned the farmer in and when the animal welfare people went out they found her malnourished, with a coat that hadn't been groomed in ten years, and, judging by how hand-shy she was, probably beaten on occasion. They confiscated both dogs. Her companion (not sure what breed but said to be a large dog) was adopted but the family didn't feel as if they could handle two large dogs. The people in the shelter have been working with her since October. They finally got her coat brushed out, actually took months to do it! They have also overcome much of her hand-shyness but she is still very frightened by new situations, and apparently most everything that does not resemble a dark barn is new to her.
Because of her age no one has shown any interest in adopting her, and because of her situation the folks at the shelter wanted someone who could provid her with the extra attention she will need. Preferably a real Berner person. Enter Christl. Our dog-sitter friend said to Christl " you told me you were always ready to help a Berner in need and this old girl needs someone special." To make a long story short (I know, too late!) Christl called the shelter just before she came down here and spoke at great length with a wonderful lady who looks after those creatures whose people have tossed them away, for whatever reason. It was agreed that upon her return to Germany she would visit Choupette. Thursday afternoon she loaded Gandalf and Holly into the car and drove two hours down to the Bern region and the shelter.
Choupette will be eleven years old in May. She has just had a complete physical exam and been pronounced healthy. She has a lovely straight coat and good teeth (albeit a trifle yellow) she has that Berner spark in her eye. All three animals were brought out into the exercise area. Choupette went straight to Holly who immediately flopped over on her back. Then Gandalf and Choupette play bowed and bumped chests for a while. Then Choupette came and leaned on Christl. Then Christl loaded all three of them into the car and drove home. On the way home they stopped at the Lange Erlen, an off-leash park of immense size in Basel with a river running through it. Christl kept Choupette on a very long leash and let her take what may have been her first ever swim. She followed Holly into the water, looked around, tasted the water and then, in true Berner fashion, laid down in water that would freeze you or I to death in about 30 seconds.
Choupette isn't quite sure what to make of a breakfast consisting of ground fruit, fat-free yogurt and a raw egg, but she approves quite heartily of everything else in a BARF diet. All three dogs are fed side by side with no problems. The raw meaty bones are accepted graciously and everyone settles down for a nice chew with nary a trace of agression. They are currently at the house of Christl's parents, in a little village on the edge of the Black Forest. There is a large tract of farmland with a stream running through it and they are brought there twice a day for an off-leash run. This soon-to-be eleven year old has been outrunning the 10-month old puppy, at least in short bursts. Slowly she is being exposed to new things, as soon as she is comfortable with something Christl moves on to something else. Going to try taking her with to a restaurant when I get back at the end of the month.
So, I guess Choupette has found her forever home. I don't know how much time we will have with her but, whatever time we get, I'm sure it will be too short. Christl is both amazed and yet not really surprised at how sweet and loving this Berner girl is. In spite of the terrible conditions, lack of human contact, and years of being kept so isolated, that essential Berner spark never went out. However much time she has left, she will know nothing but love from now on.
Tim & Christl with Gandalf, Holly & Choupette!
in loving memory of Urmel, Frodo, Baerli and Magic
Domain Bernois
Nimes, France (temporarily stuck in Jeddah!)Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Leash training, when to start

2003-03-15 Thread mdlamson
We have a 3 month old berner, Carlos (strong swiss name) and I was wondering
if it is too early to expect him to learn to heel.  We enjoy taking short
walks with him and I don't want him to develop bad habits but I also don't
want to take all the fun out of the activity itself.  What would be a
reasonable approach at this early age?

Mike Lamson

Thank you

2003-03-15 Thread SLTALT
Hi Everyone,

I posted a question a week or so ago about everyone's favorite books on puppies and/or 
training.  Thanks to everyone who responded to me - I have some wonderful ideas and 
have been keeping busy reading them.  Two more weeks until our baby boy comes home!  

I also asked you about sleeping arrangements, and any advice/comments you had - thanks 
also to everyone who replied to me - all of your thoughts were helpful!

I am confused though as to why my post didn't actually show up on the digest, but yet 
some of you wrote to me.  I do have AOL 8.0 - is that the problem?  How can I fix it?  
I have gone to now, and will send this from there, thinking that might 
help...?  I hope so.

Thank you all again.  I'll be in touch as I have more questions - I'm sure I'll have 
MANY in a few weeks!  We're S excited

in Maine

Worm Klez.E immunity

2003-03-15 Thread traceywashere
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Re: Blastomycosis - HELP

2003-03-15 Thread Hugh Hayes

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: Blastomycosis - HELP

> My five year old Berner Baran was just diagnosed with Blastomycosis.  It
> manifested itself in his mouth.  He has had 6 upper teeth pulled including
> one of his big canines.  The bone was compromised around those teeth.  Has
> anyone had experience with this disease and were you able to get it under
> control?  My vet only sees one or two cases a year.  He is being put on
> Itraconazole (also used in humans for nail fungus) and costs a fortune.
> isn't a complaint as much as an extra bonus with this disease.  And they
> don't make a low cost animal version - I have to pick it up at the drug
> store. The vet originally was afraid it might be some type of cancer.  He
> says even though it isn't cancer, he's still not out of the woods yet
> this can be hard to cure.  Any advice is welcomed.  Thanks.
> Mike Dimitroff
> Wayne, IL


2003-03-15 Thread bmd4me
Deuce has had what the vets call ADR ("ain't doing right") for the past
month or so.  I took him in for bloodwork and a senior exam just before
Valentine's day - everything came back normal.  Over the past two weeks, his
appetite has decreased, he is drinking more and sleeping more.  I had him
entered in the Atlanta draft test this weekend, but had a nagging feeling
that something just wasn't right.  When Renee posted about Bear, I really
started thinking about Deuce's recent symptoms.

I took Deuce into the vet again this morning, just to re-confirm that he was
still doing ok and ready to travel.  He was running a slight temperature and
his gums seemed a little pale.  The vet ran bloodwork and discovered he was
very anemic and suggested I take him to Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists
for a blood transfusion and further diagnostic tests.  Ultrasound and x-rays
show a mass in his spleen, a mass in his chest and several abnormal lymph
nodes.  The preliminary cytology suggests  malignancy, but the vet took an
aspirate of one of the lymph nodes to send to the lab.  Results are due
possibly tomorrow, no later than Monday.  Since we did not send a real
biopsy, there is a about a 40% chance we won't get a positive read on the
type of cancer.  The vet does not think he is in significant pain but
probably doesn't feel well and is fatigued.  She did not think he required
transfusion, but warned me keep a close eye on him, if his gums become more
pale or he seems to "crash" he may require transport to the EC.  If that
does happen - I think I will send him to the bridge instead of treating him,
I don't want him to suffer for my sake.

I brought him home last night, they wanted to keep him "in case anything
happened".  I insisted that I wanted him home for the same reason.  I want
him at home with loved ones close by when it is his time to go to Rainbow

I want to know what kind of cancer it is that I am dealing with, but I am
strongly leaning towards only pallative treatment. He
would be nine on May 20, whatever this is it seems to have already spread
and his quality of life is much more important to me than quantity.  This is
a dog that is still sniffing everything, wags his tail and eagerly jumped in
the truck (extended cab-he rides behind my seat).  He is eating his steak,
cheese and egg meals with great gusto.  No one would guess he was ill by
just looking at him, except for the recently shaved legs and belly.

Just to make a perfectly crappy day a little worse, when I arrived home last
night, I found out that Deuce's older sister, Cassie, had gone to the bridge
earlier that same day.

Christy Varhaug and Deuce- officially
U-ATCH U-CD Dabrak's Donar Double-Take AX OAJ CDX NDD AD NAC NGC NJC

Stevie's Progress

2003-03-15 Thread Karen
My Dear Berner Buddies,
I am sorry for my lack of updates lately, and thanks to all who have
enquired about Sweet Stevie.
Stevie is doing quite well. Today is the last day for any and all of his
meds. Woooh. He is steadily progressing and has good days and some not
so good days. He is much steadier on his feet, but still has a bit of a
problem when we are outside and not on flat ground. There is still so much
ice and snow and bitter temperatures here, which of course, does add to the
problem. We are patiently awaiting some traction boots that have been sent
by Stevie's Guardian Angel, I am sure once he gets some confidence back, it
will be very beneficial. His "displaced" eyes are slowing moving their way
back to proper alignment but are still off somewhat. His eating habits have
greatly improved but he now has different "tastes" than before the accident.
His favourite new treat, (I think I met have mentioned it before) is peeled
baby carrots with Three Cheese Ranch Dressing. He just loves them and
"smiles" when he smells me take it out of the fridge. His muscle tone and
strength have a long way to go but once his exercise is able to be increased
I am positive that this will improve dramatically. He is still having
acupuncture, therapeutic touch and massage, but just once a week now. Stevie
has an appointment with the Neurologist next Wednesday, just for a follow up
and to test his mental acuity. Stevie has been under some rather intense
emotional duress here at home. My personal life is in tatters, but this is
not the forum for that and those of you who have kept in contact with me
personally know some of what is going on. In any event the stress is very
large for me and of course this reflects ultimately on Stevie. I try to
protect him as much as possible, but cannot completely. And on those days
that have been particularly bad for me, Stevie seems to be depressed and
very sad. This breaks my heart to see him this way as well, but then I will
receive some warm wishes and kind thoughts from my Berner friends all over
the world and it helps to put things in perspective for me. Then I am able
to pass this on to my precious boy. I know that I continue to do some fairly
heavy leaning on many shoulders just now and believe me I am not used to
being the one doing the leaning, but I thank each and every one of you.
I try to stimulate Stevie with little games to keep him happy and bright!
This seems to alleviate some of his stress.  But I think that just as much
as I worry about him, he reciprocates and worries about me and now that he
is somewhat physically better he is able to demonstrate this more. How did
these gentle giants get the insight and intellect that they so readily
demonstrate? Stevie and I share a bond and a love that normally would take
fellow bipeds years to develop, if ever. From the posts here lately and the
tragic turn of events for so many, it becomes more and more apparent to me
that these big, black, hairy "children" of ours serve a much higher purpose
than the non-berner owner can only imagine, and of course not fully
understand, I don't fully understand it myself. Unfortunately all of this
love and devotion comes with a price.  I can only sum it up as simply as "I
could have missed the pain, but I would have had to miss the Dance" This
line of Garth Brooks song has become a very poignant focal point in my life
as well as others and I truly believe it to be true. It is obvious that
Stevie was sent to me for a reason, just the same as all of you out there
and all your Beloved Berners.  Yes we have experienced some huge highs and
devastating lows, but the joy and the love that I feel when I look deep into
those beautiful brown eyes and that soulful face makes everything worthwhile
and it helps to get me through the day.
Sorry that this is lengthy, and kind of heavy for a Saturday Morning but I
feel that I am among friends and able to share. This too shall pass. Perhaps
with Spring (hopefully on its way sometime soon!!) and the rebirth of the
earth, so too will we be!! Thank you to all for your concerns and inquiries
and your continued support and prayers.
Berner Hugs and Gentle Kisses
Karen and Stevie

We do make adifferent New Law

2003-03-15 Thread Bobbie Abern
   Last week,I emailed the list about a new law dealing with the sporting
dogs and hurting.A dog (any dog could not even chase a mouse in the snow)
for they could be finded.
 Well one person got in touch with me,she got in touch with a family
member,who happens to be involved with a turkey group.He got in touch with
there people,now a mailing list is going out and THEY will be at the meeting
March 25th.
 Point of story.We have to stay on top of these bills,no matter what
state they are for.We have to take the time,to email the senators who ever
and have our voice heard.We have sat back to long and groups like
Peta,ASPA,etc. are getting bills pass that hurt all of us in one way or
  Some of these group would like it if NO one own pets (the new bill
that all pit bull or any thing in the bull family)could be fine etc.) is
alook at what coming.
 The new bill for R.I. Take a good look at it.The dewclaw part alone
would hurt allot of breeds,not just us.I guess they have never seen a dog
who has torn they dewclaw off.We have to spell out to the powers to be,what
some of these law would mean,not just to us but to the dogs.

  Bobbie Abern

RE: puppy issues

2003-03-15 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Terry,
Was your puppy on any antibiotics post surgery? Normally they are not given
but occasional one hears of a vet giving them. Also post surgery can cause
some patients to have nausea and diarrhea and it is necessary to rest the
stomach and feed small helpings of boiled lean hamburger and equal measure
of overcooked cheap starchy rice (not the converted type like Uncle Ben's).
Also give some probiotics like lactobacillus acidophilus which you can buy
in capsule form from the health food store or pharmacy. Do not feed yoghurt
at this time as the dairy fat might aggravate the condition especially if
full fat.

Are you absolutely sure puppy has not eaten any item of clothing or string
like material.

Rose T.

Pat Long

2003-03-15 Thread Karen Connors
ANDto YOU, my dear, dear friend, Pat 
Long...THANK  YOU!!...  for the
massive hours and all your heart  and soul, you have invested to Histio.  I 
always remember, you were there for me when Britney was sick with Histio.
Boy, did I cry a lot on your were there the very moment I 
the lump in Britt's tummyremember we were on line talking?  4 years 
feels like yesterday.   Since you lost your beloved Hannibal, you have been
a major support for so many of us!!  THANK YOU!!with all my heart!! :"")
Love and the biggest hugs in the whole wide world!!
Karen, Britney, Angel and Amika

At 05:53 PM 3/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
We are such an incredibly lucky group. This breed seems to attract such
wonderful people, and I'd like to take time to thank some of them.
Joye Neff, the Fundraising Queen! You are AMAZING!

Karen Pickles, the Fundraising Website Wonder. Thank you for keeping one
step ahead of Joye, it's a difficult job, I know!
Willem Wijnberg, our new Fundraising Donor Extraordinaire! You keep
those eyes healthy for us, we want to have you with us for a very long
Karen Connors, The Angel Lady. Nothing I can say will adequately express
how much we all love you. Thank you!
Jean Cheesman, Master of the Quick Page! I have to be careful what I ask
of you, you are just too fast and excellent! (Take a peek at It has nothing
to do with the histio efforts, but everything to do with a budding
Rescue Queen, who is obviously an excellent Trainer.)
Coleen Hacker, who took on the task of digging for more information
about the Fred Hutchinson study, and did an excellent write-up of it.
To everyone who has donated information, experience, blood samples,
time, money, support, sympathy, that's just about everyone on this List!
That's all I'll mention in the context of Histio - I know I'm missing
some others, I'm hungry and it's dinnertime. And if I start a list of
all the amazing people in this breed, I'm liable to go on all night. We
really are blessed with a terrific bunch of people, aren't we! THANK YOU
Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Fun at School

2003-03-15 Thread Gillpatric
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2003-03-15 Thread Annette Tucker
Boone, who is almost 5 1/2, has been having seizures since he turned 4 1/2,
two weeks before major surgery on his neck to repair a compressed disk.
Since they began, they have averaged one about every month to two months.
However, he has just had 4 seizures in four weeks.  They don't last long -
maybe 30 seconds or so.  He falls over, howls horribly and then calms down.
He recovers quickly gets up and seems fine, although a little more "clingy".
I have been trying to keep from putting him on seizure medicine, even trying
acupuncture and a homeopathic medicine my doctor recommended.  Now I feel
like there is no other alternative.  I am so frustrated because there is no
explanation for this seizures.

Does anybody have any advice regarding this?  I would love to hear any
treatment options and the pros/cons to seizure medicine from your personal
experiences (the doctor wants to put him on potassium bromide).

Thanks so much!

Annette Tucker
Raleigh, NC

- Original Message -
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4323

> BERNER-L Digest 4323
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Fund Raising
> by Julie Toft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) FW: This is scary - News from AKC
> by Lisa Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) test
> by Terry & Cathy Bering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) RIP Bear - Malignant Histiocytosis.
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) puppy issues
> by Terry & Cathy Bering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Invisible Fence Inquiry
>   7) Bear  October 27, 1997 - March 14, 2003
>   8) RE: [Fwd: Invisable Fencing]
> by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) PVBMDC Maryland draft test in May
> by Andrea Stefanac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10)
> by Annie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Flooring for Santa's new "kennel"

2003-03-15 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

You will definitely find Flooring as a topic in the archives, but better
yet, I have a compilation of a lot of the back posts on the topic! So go
to and click on "berner-l compilations"!

Good luck making the decision!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

RE: eating wood

2003-03-15 Thread Molly Palmer
My dog definitely eats wood.  We live in a very rural area, on the edge of
some lovely woodlands, and there is wood everywhere.  Santa munches away on
all manner of sticks and branches from the woods and (very occasionally) has
a good meal of the neatly stacked firewood by our woodburning stove.  (I
guess he figures that the amount of dog hair he provides us with, not to
mention the snuggles on the sofa, should provide us with plenty of warmth
and firewood is therefore unnecessary...)  He has also been known to sneak
up and remove pieces of firewood from the chopping block, before they even
get into the woodshed.  Honestly, some dogs have no shame.  :-)

We have absolutely no idea why he does this, but he shows no ill-effects.  I
haven't been able to single out any common denominator in his wood-eating
phases but I'd be very interested to hear any ideas on the subject.

Molly & Santa-Paws
Cornwall, UK

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrea Brin
Sent: 14 March 2003 16:02
To: Berner-L
Subject: eating wood

does your dog eat wood? i am talking about branches from trees etc. i am
wondering what she is missing that is causing her to do this.

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Flooring for Santa's new "kennel"

2003-03-15 Thread Molly Palmer
Dear All

We are in the process of buying Santa a larger "kennel".  Our cottage is
just too small for us now.  I have to admit to a bit of a snigger when I
read posts asking if they have enough room for a Berner - our cottage is
just 8 feet wide!  It is, however, in a very rural area.  We live on the
edge of some lovely woodlands where Santa has endless possibilities for
running, jumping, swimming in the river, getting good and muddy, etc, so we
feel that that makes up for the lack of space in the cottage.

We will soon (hopefully) be moving to a much larger cottage and now have the
difficult task of choosing flooring.  Our first choice for the main
downstairs areas will probably be Cornish slate, although I'm not sure how
easy it is to keep looking respectable under the onslaught of large muddy
paws.  We would really like any suggestions on how to keep wooden floors
safe from claws.  At present, our landing/study area has an old wooden floor
that had been stained very dark by a previous owner.  Removing the staining
would have taken a lot more time and unheaval than we could afford, so Steve
used a dark varnish over the top.  Santa's claws have really taken their
toll on this floor and it is looking really tatty, in a very short time.
Obviously we don't really want a repeat of this scenario at our next house
(kennel!) so we'd be very grateful for any wisdom the List can impart.

Pat, will I find any info on this in the archives?  I've never been talented
at finding things there :-)  !!

Santa is looking forward to his new "kennel".  Whilst it's not surrounded by
woodlands, it will be surrounded by Bodmin Moor, so he can practise hard at
being the new "Beast of Bodmin".  Mind you, he's not very beastly, so he may
not be terribly convincing.  Still, we can practise.  I can look quite

With muddy tail-wags,

Molly & Santa
Cornwall, UK
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Lazarus update!

2003-03-15 Thread Claire Carpenter
Hi everyone  - some of you have kindly asked how my boy Lazarus has been
doing, you may recall he had a stroke on 17th February. Well - kind of good
news! He is still in hospital at the Animal Health Trust. After 2 weeks we
thought we would have seen an improvement but unfortunately he was still
completely paralysed on his left side. We spoke at length to the vets and
decided that we would give him another 2 weeks before we decided that we
could do no more. I arranged to take him swimming 3 times a week, I picked
him up, drove him to a hydrotherapy pool and then took him back to the
hospital. He seemed to really enjoy this and the pool owner thought he
wasn't a hopeless case, so we kept fingers crossed.
Today I went to see Lazarus, as I have everyday since it happened, and he
can actually stand up! He can't walk or anything because his legs are just
not co-ordinated but he is finally starting to recover it seems. His front
left leg is still pretty bad, and he keeps it tucked under a lot but with
lots of physio and swimming we are hoping to improve this.
So - Lazarus should finally be coming home next weekend! We have completely
emptied the dining room so that hehas his own large space to get away from
everyone else, and although he still needs help walking I think with his
help me and him will just about to be able to manage!  Obviously everyones
good wishes and keeping everything crossed for us has really pad off - just
as well we called him Lazarus!

Claire Carpenter