BRAG and those lucky green socks

2003-06-22 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
I packed up the three girls and one human teenage son and headed off to
Montana for the long show circuit with a whole bunch of other berner owners
(very large berner entry). The first three days were hot, hot and hot. Maize
went reserve one day and Abra went reserve the next. All Abra needed was a
major to finish and on the fourth day I realized that the lucky green socks
had not left the hotel room -- DUH! So on the fourth day I brought the socks
and after showing Maize in bred-by, I raced to the bathroom and changed
while Abra's large open bitch class was getting started. The lucky green
socks safely on my feet, I nervously paced and tried not to watch while Abra
was being shown.

More pacing and suddenly the class was over and Abra had won the class --
now on to Winner's Bitch and the anxiety began in earnest. I should have had
some faith because Abra got the nod, I jumped up and down and cried, and now
I have:

CH Pinnacle's East of Eden, VCD1 (TD, CD, NA, NAJ), OA, CDX, DD, CGC -- A
BMDCA Versatility Dog!!!

This also makes Abra's mom, CH Pinnacle's Borah, CD, DD, the very first
bitch to earn the distinction of Top Producer of Versatility Dogs (as per
the 2002 Yearbook) and only the second berner to earn this honor -- the
other is Borah's father, Jackson :)

So thanks to Eden Jonas and Chuck Armatys for trusting me with Abra, who
continues to fulfill my dreams.

Mary-Ann Bowman
Emma, CDX, DD, CGC, retired
Maize, VCD1 (TD, CD, NA, NAJ), OA, OAJ, DD, CGC
Halo deVil, TD (puppy)

Berner Events in Vermont?

2003-06-22 Thread Barbara French
I will be vacationing in Vermont (eastern side)  from July 3-12. Any Berner 
events going on then?
Barbara French
Syracuse, NY

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Hurray! Happy arrived!!!

2003-06-22 Thread Romn Tmea
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Not a Berner Ball but a Berner in a Ball

2003-06-22 Thread Karen Alexander
OK.  I know the subject of this post is confusing but I kinda wanted
everyone to read this and laugh as much as I did once you get this image in
your mind's eye.  I spent a recent night with my berner mom Shelly.  Six
month old Cindy came along.  I had high hopes of Cindy being able to play
with other dogs and she finally did get expend some puppy energy on another
berner.  Now that Cindy is in her terrible two's I took over the collapsible
accordion type create for her to sleep in.  The crate was as close to the
fold out sofa as I could get it but it was still in the middle of the room. 
The next morning as folks started to awaken, Cindy decided she wanted out. 
She pawed the crate and over she went and out of bed I scrambled.  It was
hilarious.  She looked like a hamster in a ball trying to walk around the
living room.  Someone had to grab the crate so I could unzip it and let her

Karen Alexander   Clover 7 and you know who
Southernmoments BMD
Pensacola, FL

Humping young puppy

2003-06-22 Thread Nancy
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warm weather behavior

2003-06-22 Thread Terry Cathy Bering
Berner Members,
The warmer it gets the less my 9.5 month berner eats and the more she is
begining to lick excessively; skin, toys, sandals, even clothing. Is this
natural or might there be a problem with her stomach?
She had diahrria before so we switched to to straight dog food and a little
cheese. That seems to have settled the diahrria problem.
Also with the warmer weather she seems to be developing other habits, laying
down on even short walks (unless, of course she sees another dog) then she
has all the energy in the world. We have tried most of the collars and
harnesses but she can be very stubborn and doesn't seem to address the
stubborness issue.  Terry Bering

Another Update

2003-06-22 Thread Jean Cheesman
Have also just added Jennifer Martyn's Berner, Porter, with his little
brother, Kief to the Friends' Gallery!

Getting there!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Lawsuit = Sick Pups from Js Kennels

2003-06-22 Thread Lisa Rhyne Jubas
Scheetz is in business with a couple here in the Los Angeles area.  The
business names change frequently.  Currently it is Puppy Playhouse.  Long
story short, our Berner Harley is 7 months old and already had over $5k worth
of surgery. We're going after Scheetz and Puppy Playhouse for fraud.  We were
assured Scheetz is a big-time, internationally renowned dog show judge who
personally works with the best breeders in the world to insure quality and has
the best dogs guaranteed.  Well, we didn't know better and so we bought
If you would be so kind as to email us any info you have on Js Kennels, Jason
Scheetz or Puppy Playhouse we would greatly appreciate it.  We've got one court
date coming up soon and have already filed Better Business Bureau complaints. 
Our goal is to get Scheetz's license yanked for good and put this couple in LA
out of business.  We are going to the LA Times to do an interview as soon as we
get enough data.  Time is of the essence and any information you have (who he
really is, where he gets his animals, how many people get sick animals from
him, etc.) would be tremendously valuable and greatly appreciated.  Thank you
very much. Dean  Lisa Jubas, 310-477-9654

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Need help with ideas

2003-06-22 Thread K.Jacobs
Hi All,
  I am working the committee for our area Fun Match.  We are planning to
have some fun classes such as a biscuit catch and musical hoops(where you
have your dog sit in a hoop when the music stops).  Does anyone have some
ideas on other fun Berner Games that we could use for  fun class
competitions.  We are planning to offer placements such as 1st, 2nd, ect.
Karen Jacobs

A Day in the Life

2003-06-22 Thread Janice Parky
Some Rainy Sunday humor...

Here on Cape Cod, we have had 2 days of sunshine in the past 2 weeks.  Wet
dogs, wet floors, lots of wet towels, wet everything.  Today, we had a brief
few moments of respite.  Halley and her 12 week old brother Wrigley (or
Rigley, still debating the spelling) were restless. Actually restless is and
understatement.  They were approaching nuclear melt-down.  I was busy, so
asked my husband to take the dogs for a short walk up to visit a friends
gallery.  Just to use up some of their boundless energy.

My husband used to be referred to as The Man Who Hates Dogs.  Before
Berners, that is.  Halley is his girl, Wrigley is, well, Wrigley.  So, he
sets out with the two dogs.  Diamond, our cat decides to go too.  There he
is walking two bouncing, Berners down the street, followed by a long haired
black cat.  He visits with our friend and starts back home.  As he is
approaching the house, all I can hear is his booming laughter and some
ranting about how insane everyone is.  I am now wondering if he has somehow
gone over the edge..

Apparently, on the walk home, the dogs were still bouncing, and Diamond the
cat decides to lie down in the middle of the road-2 lanes that run through
the center or our miniscule town.  Diamond is then suddenly being attacked
by blackbirds, for what reason, who knows.  There is The Man Who Hates
Dogs, on the side of the road, with the two lunging, bouncing dogs who only
want to play with their cat who is rolling around in the middle of the road
as the birds are dive-bombing her.  Traffic is stopped in both directions.
Bruce says he just looked at everyone, shrugged and walked on.  Diamond
followed and traffic flowed again.

Waiting for the sun,
Janice Parky, Halley and Wrigley/Rigley
Cape Cod, MA

HELP-Blood test results

2003-06-22 Thread tami winner
I just had a blood panel run on my nine year old girl, and the protein and 
albumin are very low.

Tulie is currently being treated for hemangiosarcoma, but the Vet does not 
feel that the blood results are caused from the cancer. My Vet is kinda 
stumped, because Tulie is not showing any signs of what these levels would 

I had a blood panel and urinalysis run in Feb. These were the results then 
and now.

Albumin  2.2 
Total protein4.9 
Globulin  2.7

There was no protein in the urine, so it is not being lost there. At this 
time, we do not know where the protein is being lost.

Can anyone give me any info on what I can do? Everything I have looked up so 
far points to renal/liver failure.

I have taken Tulie off all supplements, and was just starting to switch her 
food. What type of food should I look at now?

Tami Winner
Merced, CA
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