Good Boy! the movie

2003-09-04 Thread AlCurras
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baka spends yet another day at the vet

2003-09-04 Thread stmaybe
i came downstairs this morning to find my almost 3 year old baka unable 
to stand. we rushed off to the vet. baka did stand and walk a few steps 
at the vet, after being carried in on a stretcher. her back was all 
arched & her rear end looked weak.

i told the vet about a diarrhea problem we've been home treating 
(fasting, boiled beef & rice, the usual). it started up a couple days 
ago, after a little too much recreational bone. but other than that, 
baka has seemed healthy and happy.

the vet couldn't find anything that felt strange, baka's temp was at the 
high end of normal, but still normal, and the vet couldn't identify any 
specific places that hurt from her exam. she did notice baka seemed to 
be a little more full of gas than she'd normally be.

they did two sets of xrays. the first showed baka's hips & back looked 
fine, but the vet said baka's intestine wall was strangely thick. it 
also didn't appear to be doing anything (though i'm not sure how you 
could see that in an xray). the second showed baka's stomach which the 
all the vets at the clinic agreed "didn't look normal"- there might be 
something in there causing problems, they're just not sure.

so they took some blood, gave baka some sub-q fluids, a shot of pain 
killer, a shot of anti-vomiting meds, and sent us home with 
anti-diarrhea pills. they think baka's rear end weakness is a general 
weakness from the diarrhea.

tomorrow morning i'm to call the vet & tell her how baka did overnight & 
if she's getting up at all. then we'll have the test results & most 
likely re-xray to see how baka's stomach looks & see if they can get a 
better look at the part that doesn't look normal.

baka is home, crashed out on her bed next to my computer & while she did 
walk down the ramp & into the house on her own, she hasn't moved since. 
i guess i'll be sleeping in the office tonight.

laura & baka
chapel hill, nc

FW: [NaturalBerners] OT -- Ari update #3

2003-09-04 Thread Andrea Brin
this is a great way to help ari.
-Original Message-
From: Jennifer Lennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [NaturalBerners] OT -- Ari update #3

I would imagine that one could call the veterinary clinic with a VISA number
as well. It might make donations easier for folks. Not from a trust aspect,
just from a getting it done aspect. I know for me in Canada, it would be
easier from a foreign funds aspect.

I think that's what I'm gonna do. The phone number (looked it up on the
internet) is (330) 452-8906. Wouldn't it be cool if she got there to pick
her up and Ari's bill is paid!! That would be grand, indeed!!

- Original Message -
From: "Karen Connors" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
...If you feel moved to help in any way, you can send a check, no matter the
amount ...

  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

NaturalBerners Features found at

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Karen and Stevie Update

2003-09-04 Thread Jean Cheesman
>Sorry I posted this text in html so I am resending it in plain text
Forward from Karen
-Dear Listers,
I am sending this note as a request from some of the very special and
supportive people on this list who I have come to know, love and respect.
An update on Stevie and IWell lets see, I would just like to say that as
the cooler weather of fall is rapidly approaching, I can finally say that
things are good. Stevie is the absolute picture of health and happiness. He
is "normal" in every Berner way, big, strong, delightful, and more
importantly happy. After Stevie's ordeal in January and the bizarre accident
that nearly took his precious life, we have learned to deal with many
things. But I know now that Stevie and I are both survivors and perhaps that
is where our unbreakable connection comes in. Stevie came to me at a time
when I was no more ready to accept a dog into my life than to jump off the
roof. I was just put on sick leave and there were many personal problems at
home. But in walked this rather large ball of black fluff who stole my heart
immediately. Call it fate, kismet or just plain luck, whichever it was it
definitely was Love first and foremost. I cherish each and every day that he
is with me. He is my heart.
The transition from large house in the country to small apartment in the
city went just as smooth as glass for Stevie, not one problem!! Stevie is
becoming a real gentleman, but still has some of that mischievousness in him
as I am sure all 18 month old "puppies" do. He is still very much a puppy in
some ways and I hope that we don't ever lose that in the long run. He has
gained all of his weight back, his coat is beautiful, his teeth and gums
healthy, and he constantly has that huge berner "smile" on his face. We walk
approx. 8km a day and we have met many people on our travels who just plain
gravitate towards him. He is such a wonderful ambassador!! Stevie and I are
going to try our hand at "carting" very soon, I can't wait, I think he will
be just great at it!! We shall see. We have also discovered that Stevie has
a fear of "feathers", not sure why, but he jumps around like an ape when he
discovers one and gets all snorty and peculiar!!
I am now working at a job that is not the ideal but for me for right now it
is perfect, and relatively stress free!! It pays the bills and allows me
time with Stevie and for us to be happy, and that is all that matters. We
have come to learn that money is not the important thing, sure it allows you
to purchase "stuff" but it is mostly superfluous!! We are fine!!
More importantly, we ARE fine thanks to the love and support from this list.
During the whole Stevie Saga we received over 900 emails which in itself is
mind boggling. We would never have made it through without you all and until
now, I have never felt so much love and support and comfort from so many,
and the remarkable thing is that we don't know one another at all!! Thank
you to all who have been with us through the good times and the bad and to
those of you who continue to write, we appreciate your "friendship" more
than you will ever know.
Berner hugs and kisses as always,
(to most of you!!)
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

Re: [Berner-l] Ari update #5-YIPEE!!!!

2003-09-04 Thread Liz Caldwell
At 7:38 PM -0400 9/4/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Just got back from visiting Ari and [barring any complications
>tonight]she is coming home tomorrow morning!!

Oh, Cathi, that is WONDERFUL news!!!

I know I don't need to encourage or ask you to give her a big hug for me --
I suspect you'll have trouble letting her out of your sight for a few days.

Wishing Ari a quick and complete recovery,

Liz Caldwell
Lawrence, KS

Ari update #5-YIPEE!!!!

2003-09-04 Thread bernerlover
Just got back from visiting Ari and [barring any complications
tonight]she is coming home tomorrow morning!!

She is doing even better than this morning. The nurse grabbed my hand and
took me back there. She was so excited. "Wait till you see her, wait till
you see her!" And sure enough, Ari was sitting on the floor with 2 other
nurses/vet techs and she was just eating up all the love they could give
her. They all had the biggest smiles on their faces. I just broke down
crying.but not the tears of the past few days. These were tears of joy.
Then THEY started crying. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I
sat down beside her and she smothered me with kisses.even wagged her
whole butt. Boy, did she want to come home with me tonight! But they want to
keep her just one more night. But she went all day without any heart

I thanked them all so much for the love and care they have shown her.
One nurse said "How could we not? Look at her! She is such a sweet girl".
There went the tears again. I told them again how many people have been
sending prayers and good thoughts and that I would never, ever be able to
thank them enough for everything they have done. I do believe they have gone
over and above the call of duty with Ari. Not just with the technical
medical care.but with the extra love and compassion they have shown her
[and me]. For any one who has been in the hospital, you know what I mean.
All the care in the world is great, but sometimes it is just that one nurse
who takes a few minutes to sit with you and give you a pep talk, that can
make your day and help you in your recovery.

She still doesn't have much of an appetite, but they think it is more just
the fact that she doesn't have mama hand feeding her. While I was there she
ate a little yogurt for me. I left that and some baby food and cottage
cheese and some more scrambled eggs. They laughed and said "she IS going
home tomorrow morning, ya know".

Laughter.what a beautiful sound. You don't realize how much you miss it,
until you go a few days without it.

So, my friends, I thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for your
love and support. I will post in the morning as soon as "our" dear Ari is
home again. I think I will actually sleep tonight. I told Bacchus that his
girl is coming home. He understood.

Much love

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

September 12th 20/20-dog-friendly training

2003-09-04 Thread Todd/Jennifer Zaayer
Forwarded from the APDT e-bulletin:

Special 20/20 Segment on Dog-Friendly Training

Friday, September 12, 2003 10pm EST 
20/20 News Magazine will be airing a new segment on dog training.  
The segment will be following reporter John Stossel and his terrier 
puppy, Oscar through the process of training. The piece will feature 
professional trainer and APDT member Andrea Arden.  The 20/20 segment 
will focus on how important dog-friendly puppy training is to raising 
a safe, friendly, well-behaved canine companion.

Megaesophagus .Any info needed!

2003-09-04 Thread terri thompson-brady
Hello to all! For the most part i read all the posts here on this great
list, but now i am in need of help for my 16 month old female Berner: DIVA.
We just came home from Veterinary Diagnostics Imaging Center  with a
spinning head of info. Diva was diagnosed with MEGAESOPHAGUS.
Her only symptoms are occ. wheezing & " gulping " of her food.
We are taking her to University of Penn. as soon as i can get an appt.
Does anyone know about this condition & do you have any helpful advice? I
would GREATLY appreciate it!!!
Thank you!
Terri Brady & Diva

cats and dogs

2003-09-04 Thread Laura C. Tharney
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RE: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread Andrea Brin
i believe you can turn off the adds if you put it in the right mode. also
you can create how you want your name or id to appear. i think i was able to
change mine. it is tricky when you set the preferences since they would like
to sell you the world. but i guess nothing is free. i do agree with you
though in principle though. guess we really need to sing posts now!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of S K
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

Only big drawback to yahoo is that people's names don't show up, just a
yahoo id. Plus you have this commercials popping up when you do some search

I'm going to miss my old Berner-l from prairienet.

Sylvia Katvala and Neala
Tucson, AZ

Michael Johnson's Paintings

2003-09-04 Thread Jean Cheesman
Hi Everyone,

Details below of a wonderful opportunity to view Michaels's wonderful
paintings of Bernese Mountain Dogs and other critturs.

"This month three of Michael's paintings with Bernese Mountain Dogs will be
on exhibit in Arizona.  Does anybody in your group want to go to an art
reception in Scottsdale?  Here is the schedule:"

 2003 Art of Triumph exhibition opens  Thursday Sept. 18th at
Bonner David Galleries, 7040 Main,Scottsdale, AZ 85281  7:00-9:00 PM
there's a reception

Art of Triumph Art Walk Friday, September 19, 2003 6:30-9:00 PM

Artists reception and announcement of prize winners, Bonner David Galleries

sponsored by 6Saturday,

September 20, 200310:00-12:00

Artists demonstrations, location TBA  6:00 PM

Art of Triumph 2003 closes Sunday, September 21, 2003

On display will be:

Spring Foals And Puppies
Dog Park
Berner Head

He has a painting with a BMD in an art exhibit in Kansas City that is
opening to the public this Friday night.  That is at the Rieger Hotel

If you haven't viewed the pics of Michael's paintings before, you will find
them on his page on my Berner Art Section there's a link there to Michael's Website

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread S K
Only big drawback to yahoo is that people's names don't show up, just a
yahoo id. Plus you have this commercials popping up when you do some search

I'm going to miss my old Berner-l from prairienet.

Sylvia Katvala and Neala
Tucson, AZ

Re: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 09/04/2003 8:57:01 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Yahoogroups has its problems, but looks like those of us that use AOL can 
 finally upgrade (geesh, I'm still running 5.0)  >>

Me also!  Now we can go to the new V 9.0 and see how things look in the 21st 
Century.  I have had the Breed Steward list on Yahoo since early this year and 
so far, things are going well.  I think my current list of Yahoogroups of 
which I'm a member is about 20+, it is an easy system to use.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Calling all Canadians

2003-09-04 Thread Rose Tierney
-Original Message-
From: Bill C-10B Petition [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 3, 2003 6:10 PM
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"
Subject: Bill C-10B On-Line Petition

An Important Message About Bill C-10B:

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

The recent rescues of 10 horses and 60 cats by the Hamilton\Burlington SPCA
are just two of many reasons why Bill C-10B, Amendments to the Animal
Cruelty Provisions of the Criminal Code must be passed into law.

With the fall session of Parliament only weeks away, Members of Parliament
and Senators must be reminded of Bill C-10B, and the support this
legislation has received from hundreds of thousands of Canadians from all
walks of life.

The amendments will provide tougher penalties for those convicted of
willful and unnecessary animal cruelty or neglect, including the ability to
ban offenders from owning animals in the future.

The establishment of animal cruelty crimes as hybrid offences, rather than
punishable only as summary conviction offences, provides judges with
broader sentencing discretion.

This change, along with moving animal cruelty offences out of the property
crimes section of the Criminal Code and into a new section, signals a new
level of importance for these crimes.

Please sign our on-line Petition at and
please send this e-mail to anyone you know who would support Bill C-10B!
Help Change The Future.

The Staff At PetRadioNet.

Re : Berner-garde fund-raiser

2003-09-04 Thread FlowerPower216
Hi everyone,
I finally did it! I made a decision about how to spread out my free tickets and I sent 
Joye  my donation! It was a tough choice.. such a lot of great prizes!
So now my reward... I can send in my brag with a clear conscience.
My puppy, Flash, Adesa's Hot Lightning Bolt ( littermate to Hot Chili Pepper of  CA 
National Specialty fame) earned 11 conformation points and 2 majors by the age of 11 
months. Then, to top it off, at one year and one day he passed both the Canine Good 
Citizen test (CGC) and the Therapy Dogs International Certification ( TDI ).
Now he can join his big sister on nursing home visits. 
To anyone  thinking about doing therapy visits with your Berner, do it.  It is a 
wonderful experience for both you and your dog.
Our newest undertaking now is drafting. Although too young to compete, Flash  is 
taking to carting very well, and we should be ready by the time he is two ( the 
minumum age for draft tests).
Big sister, Tobie, isn't so sure about carting yet, but she is working at it and we 
are making progress.  Since the cart my husband built for us isn't big enough for her 
to ride in she has decided that she will pull it, especially if there are treats 
Obedience, therapy visits and drafting are all great ways to extend your Berner's 
world and get out there and enjoy new things with them.
Carol Westaway
Grove City , Ohio

Re: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread Bernersrit
Always hard to say goodbye to old friends.  Thanks to everyone at Prairienet 
who kept us online all those years.

Yahoogroups has its problems, but looks like those of us that use AOL can 
finally upgrade (geesh, I'm still running 5.0) since we won't have to worry about 
html posts.  Also, the archive search at yahoo is good so you can go back and 
find posts you may want to read again fairly easily.

Thanks Pat and team for your continuing efforts to keep us together.

Carol Lingley
Ijamsville, MD

Ari update #4

2003-09-04 Thread bernerlover
Today Ari looked and acted about 100% better than yesterday morning. The
blood transfusion made a big difference. She is still throwing some PVC's,
but not as often, and not so many at once.

Again, they let me lay with her for about an hour. Her tail is wagging
furiously now. She is making her little "oof, oof, oof" noises [I call her
my little piggy when she does that] and rolling over for tummy rubs. Most
importantly, she did her cutest "trick". If you stop petting her, she will
put her paw over her eye and look cute.

They had me bring up some scrambled eggs [last nights hamburger and rice
didn't tempt her at all] and she ATE!

But the biggest thing.and I am trying to stay cautiously optomistic
here.they said maybe.just MAYBEAri can come home tomorrow.

My heart is doing cartwheels! Thank you again everyone for your
wonderfully supportive messages of love and hope and prayers. Your support
has helped me stay strong. After my initial freakout, that is.

I haven't posted much about Bacchus, he is doing very well. In fact, he is
doing real well. As soon as I get Ari home, I feel then I can concentrate on
my boy.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

UCE Complaint (BERNER-L digest 4560)

2003-09-04 Thread Christine Lewandowski
You have sent the attached unsolicited e-mail to my
e-mail account.

I do not wish to receive such messages in the future.
Please remove my name from your lists immediately.

This message was not retrieved automatically because it is too large. Large messages 
are normally valid e-mail and are skipped in order to speed up filtering.

Messages that are not retrieved are not processed.

You can adjust this setting in Settings, Messages, but it is strongly recommended that 
you leave this option switched on.

Right-click in this window and select Retrieve to download the message now.

Karen and Stevie

2003-09-04 Thread Karen
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New Berner Book Available!

2003-09-04 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
This is cross posted on request! Thank you to all who wrote in about
this one!!



Dear Friends of the Bernese Mountain Dog

On behalf of Dr. Bernd Guenter and Doral Publishing, Inc., I wish to
thank all of you who gave your time and shared your thoughts about what
kind of new book would best serve the Bernese fancy.

The verdict of over 200 responses was nearly unanimous for a
Coffee Table type book including many large color photos. We listened
and heard your choice. Therefore, effective this date, Doral Publishing
will be offering Bernd¹s NEW English language Coffee Table Book for
pre-order.  There is a 20% discount for pre-orders. The pre-order
discount will be good until October 31, 2003

We will offer two versions of the book. The regular edition will
be priced at $59.95; your discounted price is  $47.96.  A Premier
edition will also be offered with a dust jacket as a special limited
numbered series (300 copies) autographed by the author. In later years
these should become collectors items. These will be priced at $75.00.
Your discounted price is $60.00

We will begin to take orders NOW for both books. Once the
Premier edition has been sold out, no more copies of this version will
be available.

Shipping/Handling costs in the USA will be $4.95. Canadian
orders will cost $7.00 and all other countries will be $9.00. All books
shipped via US Priority Mail or Global Priority Mail.

Toll Free Phone orders in the U.S and Canada call: 1-800
Business Phone: (623) 875-2057
Website orders:

BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
The time has come, the Walrus said... sorry. It's one of my favorite

The SoBig virus did us in, well - it did in Prairienet. We generated
over 40% of their volume there for awhile, and the decision was made to
have Berner-L leave Prairienet by the end of September. (Compounding
this move is my 10 day vacation to Scotland starting next week. Timing
is everything!) The Berner-L has been on Prairienet since the very
beginning, and I'm going to miss the help and the kindness that they
have provided. The List Manager, Karen, has this to say:

"Please pass on to everyone the list Prairienet's and my thanks for
their support over the years and wish everyone and their Berners the
best.  We will always have Bernie and Bernice the life-size plush
Berners to remind us of BERNER-L!"

But for now, we need to migrate everyone over to the new Berner-L.
Thanks to Jean Cheesman who was much more long-sighted than I was, she
reserved Berner-L on yahoogroups. For those of you who are not familiar
with yahoogroups, I don't think it will be difficult for you, honest!
You'll need to sign up for an account, go to:
Once you are signed up, you can search for the group "Berner-L" and go
ahead and join. Or you can join by sending an email to:

I'm going to be starting out slowly here, I've not managed a yahoogroup,
so the files and photo section are limited access for now. The rules are
the same, and those rules will be sent out in a welcome message when you

So welcome aboard, and many thanks to Prairienet for getting us started
so many years ago, and for keeping us going in spite of the strains
we've placed on them over the years! And a special thanks to you, Karen!
May your garden always be in bloom!!

Pat Long, (& Luther)
Berwyn PA