RE: Airlines A/C

2003-07-04 Thread BMDfriend
I personally feel that Continental has the best deal going..not price wise...but 
customer service.  They do not have embargoes for temperatures because the dogs are 
the first off and the last on the plane. They keep the dogs in an air conditioned van 
on the tar mack prior to loading and if there is a lay over..they are taken to the air 
conditioned cargo holding area.  They also have a kennel set up with each airport that 
takes the dogs overnight should the flight be delayed for unseen circumstances such as 
weather.  I had a friend that was shipping an Akita and she used this kennel because 
of weather. She did have to pay the extra kennel bill...but she knew her dog was safe 
and cared for. They came and picked up her dog and dropped it off the next AM prior to 
flight departure.  Continental has gone the extra mile to assure your dog's comfort.  
The compartments on the plane (like most) are pressurized and air conditioned. I have 
recently called around and asked about prices and flights and their policies. No one 
comes close to Continental.  The others just won't ship if temperatures exceed 85 
degrees. Good luck with your dog's flight.
Darcy Babb
Tijeras, NM what?

2002-11-13 Thread BMdfriend
I too find that this thread is interesting and agree with most of what has been said 
about breeding and guarantees. When I sell a pup, I try not to make it sound like a 
good deal in that if the pup turns up dysplastic requiring surgery or  euthanasia the 
pup price will be refunded in full.  I go on further and let them know that while it 
may sound like a great deal, the price of the pup is only approximately 1/2 the price 
of the surgery. I also explain that I would be happy to take the pup back, but by that 
time the family is usually too attached to let them go, but I let them know it is an 
option should they choose it.
I do have a comment on clearances that can tend to get different opinions. 
 What about Grade 1 elbows?  I think that this clearance rating is VERY subjective, 
unlike hip clearances.  Too many vets have way too many opinions on Grade 1's and I am 
not so sure I would throw the baby out with the bath water here. I refer you to the 
article listed at the BMD Health Links page (compiled by our wonderful Robin Camken) 
EVIDENCE by Dean R. Gahring, D.V.M., Diplomate.  I have copied the last few sentences 
of this article:
>>>Grading elbows that are dysplastic may be helpful to breeders because it has been 
>shown that breeding parents with higher grades of elbow dysplasia result in a higher 
>incidence of dysplasia in the progeny.  By only breeding normal or Grade I parents, 
>significant progress in Scandinavia and the UK has been made in reducing the 
>incidence of elbow dysplasia in Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs. <<<
I simply do not feel there is enoough info out there about grade 1 elbows.  I feel 
VERY differently about grade 2 elbows.
I hope I didn't open a can of worms here.  But I would love to hear others opinions.  
But flames...just shared opinions.
Darcy Babb
Tijeras, NM