
2003-07-19 Thread Beverly Arnold
I am not sure this is a correct post but had to try for our Berner's cousin.
One of our breed club members has rescued an intact male Appenzeller 10
years old.  He belonged to a Swiss couple who are going back to Switzerland
and their vet felt like it would be too hard a trip for a 10 yo dog.  He has
Swiss papers, is house broken, crate trained, but has not been around other
males.  The person who has him said he is getting along with her male Dobe
ok.  I told her that I would network around, she was impressed with the dog
but has too many to keep another.

We are in Gainesville Fl.  If anyone knows of an Appenzeller rescue or would
like to rehome this boy, let me know and I will pass on the information.
Since I may have to live with my mother for a while and her absolute limit
(I am told everytime I talk to her) is 2 dogs I can't even think about
adding him to my menagerie.

Thanks in advance,

Beverly Arnold
Gainesville, Fl

need help with research

2003-06-18 Thread Beverly Arnold
If anyone can help me with the following please email me privately.

1. Is there anyway to research pedigrees on line?
2. Nesselacker is a very familiar name in a lot of lines.  I assume V
Nessalacker or von Nessalacker refers to a kennel in Switzerland.  Is there
anyway of finding out more about this line (kennel)?
3.  I have heard there is a show berner list but have not been able to find
it, could someone clue me in.

Thanks guys, I really need to find a job, I am making up my own research
now.  But I figured that I could make better use of this down time to find
out more about the breed and try to understand the genetics better.  I have
some really good books but they just make me want to know more.

Beverly Arnold, Han and Liesl
Gainesville, Fl

Re: venting or stupid questions

2003-06-05 Thread Beverly Arnold
During a conversation with my hairdresser (my bangs covered my nose-time for
a trim) yesterday made me realize that my pronunciation (you all) may be
questionable on the bernese/burmese issue.  She also thought that it was
Burmese Mt Dog - I say berner a lot and  bur and ber are pronounced the
same.  When I say Bernese I try to emphasize the 'bear' - in German e is
pronounced a.  Right??? Hey I'm from Ga.  I had a Swiss woman try to teach
me how to properly say Berner Sennehund.  She gave up in disgust.  Anyway,
if I at least give it a german try most people get it.  :-)

Beverly Arnold, Han and Liesl
Currently in Gainesville Fl

The July issue is here!

2003-06-04 Thread Beverly Arnold
Its here! I have been looking for almost 2 weeks since my sister, who works
for the post office, told me she saw it come through the mail.  I read the
article in the grocery store and almost cried then when I got home and saw
the ads, I did.  :-)Great job guys!  It is an awesome issue! This one is a

Beverly Arnold, Han and Liesl
Gainesville Fl

re: two dogs in a suburu -thanks

2003-06-01 Thread Beverly Arnold
Thanks everyone for your input, I am still reading email!  Han and I picked
up Liesl last night and they shared the back seat with a little maneuvering
back and forth.  Everyone is still getting used to each other but Liesl is
fitting right in.  I even walked them together this morning-that was a show!
However, when Han realized that Liesl was getting tired he walked very
quietly (and slowly) home.  What a guy!  I guess I will keep the Subaru - I
really like it and it is low to the ground so it is easy for Liesl (and my
89 year old mother) to get in. :-)

Beverly Arnold, Han (13 mo) and Liesl (7 y)
Gainesville Fl

2 dogs in a suburu

2003-05-31 Thread Beverly Arnold
Does anyone have any experience fitting 2 berners in a Subaru? I am picking
up a 7 year old girl tonight (125#) and Han is 89 and growing.  I have a
outback sport (late model -paid for, thank goodness)  Until I find a job I
can't move up price wise but might be able to trade for a forester.  I would
appreciate anyone's experience/comments.  I haven't been able to access the
archives lately and it seems that the CRV was the smallest car
mentioned -was that one or two dogs?

Beverly Arnold and Han (soon to welcome Liesl)
Gainesville Fl

re: training spirited puppies

2003-05-29 Thread Beverly Arnold
I would love to read about training methods that work with spirited puppies.
I have had dogs all my life and at times was completely befuddled with Han.
If I had been a newbe I might have given up.  As it is, he is developing
into a wonderful dog.  I have a list of things that I tried (some worked and
some didn't) but I would appreciate any and all posts for the next time

Beverly Arnold and Han (I'm a work in progress)
Gainesville Fl

Re:Berners and their special cars

2003-03-20 Thread Beverly Arnold
The stories of Harvey and Titan were a lightbulb moment for me.  It had
never occurred to me that I might have a one car dog.  Silas grew up
riding in the front seat of a pickup and the back seat of a Isuzu Impulse.
I was a grad student at the time and often drove one of the university
trucks. Silas would hop a ride if I was going solo.  He rode in a lot of
different vehicles as we hopped rides around Athens, if I got in he would
get in.  When the impulse died I got a Suzuki Swift and he owed the
backseat.  Since he would cause the car to sway when he turned around he
started wearing a seatbelt.  We drove a lot of miles in that Swift and many
times it carried Silas (back seat) 2 Lhasas (front and back floors) and one
crated and very loud cat ( front seat).

Han is another story.  He rode home to Gainesville Fl from Vienna VA in the
Swift.  Shortly after I got a Subaru Outback Sport.  It is the biggest
vehicle that I have had in many years.  Han has no problem getting into the
Subaru but when I wanted to share a ride with my son in his truck (4 door -
Han had the back seat) we had to fight with him everytime he had to get in.
He also won't get into my neighbors van or come near their Taurus.  When he
was younger he would go to the window, stand up and give the driver a kiss,
now he will not come near the car at all much to her chagrin.  The variety
of vehicles that were available with Silas are not with Han.  I wonder if
that makes a difference, if its environment or genetic?

Beverly and Han
Gainesville Fl
Forever remembering Silas (KT Silas Hope TD CD CGC)

carrying equiptment

2003-03-20 Thread Beverly Arnold
I saw an ad for a expen carrier that was designed to attach to the bumper or
on the trailer hitch.  Does anyone have any experience with such a device,
pro or con?  Are they sturdy enough to hold a grooming table?  Any
suggestions would be appreciated.

Beverly Arnold
Gainesville FL

re:musings of things lost and fortunately found

2003-02-26 Thread Beverly Arnold
I had a similar experience last week and can emphasize the need for an I.D.
Han and I have been traveling between Gainesville Fl and Atlanta on a much
too regular basis helping my mother move to the other side of town.  I had
misplaced Han's rabies tag, and he had just been microchipped (not
registered yet) but I had ordered an ID tag with both home and cell numbers
on it and had just installed it on his collar before the last trip.  The new
house has a tiny stretch of dirt in back surrounded by walls and fence and I
had let him out there while I enjoyed a second cup of coffee (I had put him
there before but didn't realize that the termite inspectors had not secured
the gate).  My peace was interrupted by a signal that I had voice mail and
my heart stopped when a voice said  I have your dog Han, he was at my front
door.   He was right down the street in a small kennel (Mom I was locked
up!!) but it could have been so much worse.  She lives near some very busy
streets.  Thank goodness that my numbers were right there easy to read and
the neighbor was nice enough to take the trouble to shut up Han and call me
(they have dachunds).

Beverly Arnold
Gainesville Fl


2003-02-17 Thread Beverly Arnold
Silas means woodsman in the name book so my roommate who was an arborist
(and Silas's dad) gave him the name.  Ken didn't know anything about
choosing names so in reading that the name should be unique he registered
him as Kens Termite Silas Hope.  Termite because he was eating wood at the
time and Hope from his dam.  Well, it is unique.

My mom and aunt didn't like Silas because they favored my Llashas and they
thought that I gave Silas more attention (I did).  I won them over when I
read in our family history that our anscestor, Hans Georg Schleppi came over
from the Bern providence of Switerland at 10 years of age, many years ago.
I called them up and told them they were going to have to be nice to Silas,
his ancestors came from the same place as our ancestor.  It worked, from
then on he was a member of the family.

When I went to get Han I knew that it was going to be real hard to bring my
family around, besides Silas and both Llashas, we lost two human members of
our family last year.  He was a member of the F troop and already was named
Florian so his breeders and  I put our heads together and came up with
HanFlorian Georg V Lindenhof. Han for short.  It worked again.

potomic river speciality

2003-02-17 Thread Beverly Arnold
For those who know much more than I.What is the difference in the
special classes - puppy divisions and the regular conformation puppy class?
I entered Han in the specials before I saw that there were puppy classes in
the regular division.  Did I do right or did I screw up again?


puppy weight

2003-02-13 Thread Beverly Arnold
Can anyone give me an idea of the % adult weight an unneutered male should
have obtained by 10 months?  Han's weight has been hanging between 83 and 85
pounds since December.
Just wondering

Beverly Arnold

CVBMDC Web site

2003-02-13 Thread Beverly Arnold
Its not linked yet and I forgot to write it down : ( .  Can someone send me
the address? : )


Re: weird things berners have eaten

2003-02-06 Thread Beverly Arnold
My Silas ate a tracking glove.  He was carrying it out of the field and when
we got far enough behind that we couldn't stop him he swallowed it.  The
glove had been used a lot and was soaked in hot dog juice.  He threw it up
a week later.

Beverly Arnold

exercise and teenagers

2003-01-06 Thread Beverly Arnold
My Han is now 9 months old and since I want to show him, intact.  I feel
that he needs the chance to run more than he can in our small yard and soon
he won't be able to go to the dog parks.  I know with horses most muscle
building is done at a trot but what about dogs?   I am hesitant to let him
run unleashed in an unfenced area but I have one place that we have been
able to use that has been, so far, without dogs.  I would appreciate any
suggestions as to how much and what kind of exercise would be best.

Also, does anyone have any wise suggestions for what to expect and how to
deal with a teenager?  Silas was neutered by this age so I have no
experience in this department as far as hormones go.


Beverly and Han ( h, what's that smell!)
In loving memory of Silas (K T Silas Hope TD CD CGC) March 1992- Jan 2002

dog show training

2002-11-16 Thread Beverly Arnold

Is there anyone in the Georgia-Fl area who shows, that would be willing to
give me some
instruction/help getting started?  My breeder in the Northeast, she is
helpful but far away. We are going to conformation classes here in
Gainesville (FL) but it would be nice if someone could take us under their
wing for a bit.  I cannot afford to hire a handler, I got Han because I
wanted to learn to show myself, but I really could use a mentor.  

Beverly Arnold and Han (Mom, where did you hide the remote controls this


bleeding gums

2002-11-13 Thread Beverly Arnold

Does anyone have any experience with bleeding gums in Berners?  Yesterday I
noticed that Han's gums around his teeth were unusually red and several of
his teeth had blood around the base.  His mouth is definitely sore, he
hasn't chewed up a remote control in a week.  He had a bout of ulcers in
his mouth about a month ago could both incidents be related?   If anyone
has any suggestions I would appreciate it.  He is not taking any
medications at the moment so that couldn't be the problem.

Thanks in advance,

--- Beverly Arnold