
2003-03-11 Thread Bobbie Abern
Hi Everyone,
   When my puppies are to young for allot of things but they are bored(we
have already done the sit,down etc. bit)I go to dancing.We learn to
bow,march in place,twist right and left,pole,back,under,etc.The thing I like
is besides the fun,they learn to watch my hands.It is also something I can
do in the show ring to break the stress and no-one knows we are playing.
 Also found out that when I start CDX and UD work its alot easier
because I can use my hand allot more besides my voice.They seem to get the
idea allot faster.
My group dance to New York,New York.Will never complete ,dogs
could,I couldn't,I'm lucky to go in front of a judge but we have FUN.
 Try it,I think you would enjoy,I know the dogs will
   Bobbie Abern

new law

2003-03-07 Thread Bobbie Abern
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Did You

2003-03-07 Thread Bobbie Abern
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