Rainbow Bridge

2003-03-03 Thread JJackbcop
Problems with the computer, and I've lost all my bookmarked websites.  Would someone 
please send me a link to the story of the Rainbow Bridge?  I have a dear friend who's 
sending her 6 YO rottie there today.  Dang (edited) cancer.

Thanks all,
Julie J


2002-12-21 Thread JJackbcop
I'm looking for any berner folks that have experience with this sport.  I'm not 
interested in doing any racing, but it does seem to be a great way to share winter 
sports with your dog. A lot of non-husky breeds seem to be used as well.  For those 
that may be curious about this, here's a website I found: 
http://www.skijornow.com/skijornowhome.html (I'm not affiliated in any way)

happy holidays!
Julie J and Lexi

torn shoulder

2002-12-01 Thread JJackbcop
Looking for advice. . .My exuberant 13 mo. girl had a collision with a few labradors 
intent on fetching a ball today.  They were all at a dead run and didn't see each 
other in the tall grass--they hit her hard, and she got hurt pretty bad.  The 
immediate trip to the vet and Xrays show she didn't break the shoulder (scapula), but 
the vet says she probably tore her shoulder muscle.  The vet seems unclear on how to 
care for this, and if surgery may be necessary.  Said that this type of tear may not 
heal itself.  Anyone with experience on this?  My sweet girl has never known any pain 
in her young life, and now she's hurting bad. . .this is awful.  

thanks for sharing your ideas!

Julie J and Lexi

Lexi's 1YO!

2002-10-14 Thread JJackbcop

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