2003-08-14 Thread JSTELMAK

I am trying to locate the winner of this year's National Specialty "People's Choice" 
Award, Coleen Carroll.  I cannot find her name in the September 2002 BMDCA membership 

Does anyone have any contact information for me?

Thank you.


Julene Stelmak
Los Angeles, CA

Michael Johnson painting - just got mine!

2003-08-02 Thread JSTELMAK

After reading June's post from Pat? about checking out the Berner paintings of Michael 
Johnson, I spent over an hour looking through his website: 


I really fell in love with his style and ordered a painting the same day as Pat's 
post.  I sent in several pictures of Gus and the painting arrived in the mail 
yesterday.  It is wonderful!!!  

Michael and his mom, Robin, are fantastic people.  He paints a lot of Berners. If you 
have some time, take a look at his website.  If nothing more, it will put a smile on 
your face and literally brighten your day (his use of colors is quite unique)!


Julene Stelmak
Los Angeles, CA

Prong collars - response to Margareta

2003-08-01 Thread JSTELMAK

It is obvious you have strong opinions about the prong collar but, believe me when I 
say, I have exhausted all other "no pull" techniques.  My boy is 16.5 mo. old and 133 
lbs.  I have a 65 year old mother and father who walk my boy when I am at work.  Gus 
has pulled my mom across the street, fields, etc. and they are not in control 
sometimes.  Gus will pull my mom into a traffic filled street if he sees something he 
wants on the other side.  For both of their lives, I cannot have this.  

I am very knowledgeable about positive reinforcement.  I have never, let me repeat, 
never popped my dog using a leash.  I don't even know how to correct using a leash.  I 
Clicker train.  I have a well mannered, happy dog who has a sparkle in his eye when we 
go to obedience school.  I have a relationship with my dog (inside and outside of 
obedience) that is "soul-like" - a term Dr. Jean Dodds used last week when we had a 
visit.  As I said, Gus does quite nicely when I walk him, but I can not have him be 
the boss when others walk him.  

I am using the prong collar as a tool until I can get Gus more reliable with a buckle 
collar.  When used incorrectly, the prong collar can hurt, but so can a Gentle Leader, 
Halti, buckle collar, choke collar, etc.  

I once thought prong collars were cruel also -  just look at them!  But, I have found 
after doing some research and testing the collar on myself, it does not hurt.  

I appreciate your opinion, but I also think it is important to recognize the opinions 
from the caliber of people on this List.  We all know Berners are sensitive - this is 
not news to us and we are extremely passionate about this breed.  We would NEVER do 
anything to hurt our furkids.  Look at what many of these List members do to protect 
this breed.   

If you can provide the studies indicating where the use of the prong collar is worse 
than any other collar, it would be welcome reading.  But, I have read studies 
suggesting the opposite to be true.  I have personally seen the damage done by choke 
collars (collapsed trachea, etc.), and I have seen the emotional damage done by people 
"nagging" their dogs using buckle collars.  My boy, as evidenced today on our first 
walk with the prong, was happy, obedient and had wonderful focus and sparkle in his 

Please don't discount the testimonials from these List members as rubbish.  I think we 
are a lot more intelligent than what you give us credit for.


Julene Stelmak
Los Angeles, CA

Prong collar - a success + a question!

2003-08-01 Thread JSTELMAK

After reading the posts from Vilma, Karen, etc., I decided to check into getting a 
prong collar for my 16 mo. old boy.  He walks nicely and resonds well to a buckle 
collar when I walk him (his mama), but he'll pull when walked by others.  I have tried 
the Gentle Leader and, although it helps, he spend most of the time rubbing his nose 
on the grass or tunneling in between legs trying to get it off.  What a lovely sight 
this is!

After reading the posts about prong collar success, I made a purchase.  I purchased 
the conventional one - the one that you directly clip on and off versus the slip type.

Before we took our first walk, I did a bit of research on how to properly fit the 
prong and how to use it.  I found the following article:


It not only perfectly addreses how to get a proper fit (with beautiful pictures!), but 
it also addresses the difference between the live and dead ring.  I understood the 
article to suggest the live ring (the one that controls the slack/tightness of the 
collar) is used for obedience training (for corrections) and the dead ring is used for 
controlled walks.  For the experts out there, is this your understanding also?  I did 
not realize you had a choice in where to attach your leash depending on the purpose 
(obedience vs. walks).

The article also addresses the fact that the leash should be attached to the right of 
the dog's neck, not below the neck like buckle collars.  Why this is, I don't know.

Anyway, we had a very nice walk this morning with the prong collar.  It's a pain in 
the butt to get on sometimes (my fingers aren't made of steel so I have a hard time 
pinching the prongs together), but it worked for us!

One question I do have, has anyone had problems with the dog's hair getting caught in 
the collar?  Does anyone have a bald ring around their dog's neck?  It seems as if 
this might be the only problem with using prong collars on long coated breeds.

Thank you for the prong collar posts.  I think my mom can now walk without having a 
tunneling Berner up her butt anymore.


Julene Stelmak and Gus (who, by the way, greets us with whatever he finds to put in 
his mouth everytime we come home -normally it's a couch throw pillow.  His whole body 
wags and it's the cutest thing)!!!
Los Angeles, CA

testing out AOL 8.0 and survey

2003-03-24 Thread JSTELMAK
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Hip x-ray question

2002-12-18 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers:

When my boy was 8 months old, I had preliminary hip and elbow x-rays done by 
his regular Vet.  His elbows are excellent, but both femoral heads are at a 
"very acute angle" (instead of the head turning into the socket, the head is 
a bit more vertical in the socket).  The Vet. said that he still has a lot of 
growing to do and that, possibly, the head will rotate downward.  Overall, 
the Vet thought the x-rays look good, but I could re-xray at 12 months to see 
if the head has dropped a bit.

Has anyone had any experience with hip x-rays that have "very acute angles of 
the femoral head?"  Did you re-xray at some later point to find that, indeed, 
the head dropped or rotated into the socket?  I'm curious.

Thank you.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

Neutering studies?

2002-12-09 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers:

Does anyone know of any formal studies that have been conducted describing 
the pros/cons of early or "late" neutering?  

I have an 8.7 month old boy who has not been castrated because I have "heard" 
of a study suggesting that castrating before the growth plates close may 
inhibit the male BMD from growing to the full, robust male he should be.  I 
"heard" of another study suggesting the incidence of some type of cancer (I 
cannot recall which cancer) is reduced 50% if the dog is castrated after the 
growth plates close.  

Has anyone read these studies?  If so, can you please send them to me?  

I want to make an informed decision about castration, but I am getting 
conflicting opinions on when it may be best.  I welcome all opinions.

Thank you.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

In need of a berner fix - thank you!

2002-11-26 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers from MI,

Thank you so very much for your offers to have my Dad visit your furballs.  I 
have forwarded the several responses I received to him.  Hopefully, he does 
not have any critical plans this coming weekend because I know he would enjoy 
all the activities that have been scheduled.

So, if a 65 year old man that looks like Bill Clinton with a beard and 'tashe 
introduces himself to you, that's my Dad!!!  He'll be smiling the entire 

Thank you for your emails.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

In need of a berner fix

2002-11-23 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers:

My 65 year old father has been taking care of his sick mother who lives in 
North Branch, MI (:40 drive Northeast of Flint, MI).  We have a wonderful 8 
month old boy who my father has seen twice since we brought him home at 8 
weeks (once when Gus was 10 weeks old and once when he was 6 months old).  My 
father misses Gus terribly, but he cannot bring himself to leave the care of 
his dear mother to someone else.

Is there anyone in Flint or other surrounding areas who has a Berner my 
father can visit for a few hours?  My father is willing to drive anywhere.  A 
few sloppy kisses and a wagging tail would be so therapeutic for my father 
(he's starting to get cabin fever).  He would be s happy to play and love 
anyone's furry friends for as long as they would allow.  I know one visit 
will keep him smiling for days.

I understand if someone doesn't want a "strange" man entering their property 
but, believe me, my father is the one of the best persons anyone can know.  
He will do anything for you, is so appreciative of small favors, and is a 
genuine, respectable, family-loving man.  He retired from Boeing as a 
Software Engineer on the B-1 Bomber 5 years ago and is working on his 
Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic's License during the hours he is watching my 
grandmother (he needs something to keep his smart brain entertained).

I would be so thankful and happy if someone can help me coordinate a Berner 
visit or two for my father.  Can anyone lead me in the right direction?

Thank you SO very much.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

How to post in Plain Text if you are AOL

2002-11-22 Thread JSTELMAK
The process if very simple:

1.  Verify you are typing your message in "Arial" font
2.  Type your message
3.  Highlight your message ("left" click and drag the length of the message). 
4.  Put the cursor someone on the highlighted message and "right" click.  A 
small window will appear.  Scroll up to "Text" then over to "Normal".  Select 
5.  Deliver your message by selecting the usual "Send Now" icon MAKING sure 
the test is still highlighted when you sent it.

I hope this solves some problems.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

Where to go for preliminary X-rays?

2002-11-16 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers:

I have an 8 month old boy who I would like to get X-rayed since his rear 
appears a bit unstable.  I have an appointment on Tuesday with his regular 

Should I keep this appointment or do you think I should make an appointment 
with an Orthopedist?  Should I get a recommendation for an orthopedist from 
OFA?  I don't know how much experience my Vet has with X-raying hips/elbows, 
etc. and I would be disappointed if the X-rays indicate a problem due to 
improper positioning on her part.

Thank you for your opinion.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

Canine acne update

2002-10-18 Thread JSTELMAK
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Canine acne?

2002-10-13 Thread JSTELMAK

Fellow L'ers:

I have a 7 month old male that has been biting around his butt area.  When I 
inspected him the other day, I noticed a few pencil eraser size, very hard 
bumps next to his testicles and on either side of his tail and a few bumps on 
his lower back.  He also has some much smaller bumps and redness on each 
inner thigh.  I put some Bag Balm on it but, when I awoke the next moring, I 
saw no improvement.

We took him to the Vet on 10/17 and she said he has "canine acne" and hives.  
She said it was very common in puppies this age since their hormones are 
changing and suggested I dilute rubbing alcohol and water and apply liberally 
several times per day until it dries.

Well, I've done that and it's not drying as quickly as I would like.  I tired 
the infamous "hot spot" remedy also (rubbing alcohol, water, steeped tea, 
aspirin), but this isn't drying it quickly enough for me.  So, I'm on my way 
today to purchase an Elizabethan collar since the cortisone cream I've been 
applying after the alcohol solution isn't ridding the biting.

I'm curious to know how many other people experienced this and if the 
symptoms I describe sound familiar.

I am hoping the E-collar will be the true fix since he won't be able to bite, 
scratch and re-open halfway cured wounds.  Any other suggestions?


Julene and my teenage boy
Manhattan Beach, CA