update: Nola

2003-07-21 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
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Need help in New England!

2003-07-16 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
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Re: Happy Birthday!

2003-01-21 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
For Nola's birthday, we put a candle in a plate of special -high quality-
canned food. (she only eats kibble) She loved it!

 Is it safe to give Pongo some cake?  What is a doggy alternative?

 Take care,
 Pongo and his birthday slaves!  ;o)
 Washington, DC

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Re: Puppy with Soft Stools

2003-01-19 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
When our puppy first came home, she had soft stools for a few days. She was
also checked out-all clear, the vet suggested nerves, new environment,
excitement, maybe a change in diet? Was the puppy always eating the
Eukanuba, or was the breeder feeding something different? We had to
gradually change over to locally available food when we brought her home. I
guess it lasted about 4 days or so, with no other symptoms of illness, and
eventually went back to normal stools.
(why are they called stools?)
Enjoy your new puppy!!!
Jersey Shore
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: Puppy with Soft Stools

 Have a 8 week old puppy who has been with us one week today. He has soft
 stools at least once or twice a day. Had his stool sample checked last
 Thursday and all was fine. He is getting 3/4 cup Eukanuba for large breed
 puppy food 3 times and day and little pieces of treats as rewards for
 training. Any suggestions???

 Diane Van Pelt

Re: Gus ate a tree!

2003-01-17 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
I don't know what it is about the Azalea family, Nola ate a whole young
Rhododendron too. Luckily she didn't get sick. Once she ate 2oz of leather
conditioner. She wasn't feeling well for the day, but nothing serious.
Her worst reaction was to a single small slice of pepperoni! Her rear end
wasn't happy after that.
Try fencing the plants if not the dog?  We had to put a low cheap picket
fence around a small pine tree she wouldn't leave alone (our daughter's
first Christmas tree) We put it only about a foot away circling the tree and
the tree is safe, but now the fence is under threat from digging!
Jersey Shore

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: Gus ate a tree!

 Gus loves to be outside in very cold weather. Since I have an office in
the house, and an invisible, he can stay outside safely for an hour or two.
I noticed last night that our mischievous 19 month old berner boy has chewed
or eaten a very large (and woody) azalea bush down to the stump.  Any
suggestions that may save the lives of our other azaleas while still
allowing Gus to stay outside?
 Betsy Rich

Fw: potty training

2003-01-15 Thread Jim Mary Morgan

Hi! This is great, thanks for all your responses!
I have another questionis it normal for a year-old dog to *still*
(%$#!!) have accidents in the house? We were taking her out every 2 hours
or so, or after eating, etc. and we were able to avoid accidents. Finally,
about 2 months ago, she started asking to go out, and has been very
consistent. Yesterday, she decided to pee in the living room. ? !  Why
wouldn't she ask to go out? We were all going about our business, no one
actually witnessed it. My brother's Chihuahua was over, and they were having
a great time. (believe me, it wasn't him) Maybe she was distracted?
I was just beginning to trust her, and thinking she could sleep wherever she
wanted, but I am still waiting for the day when she can have free run of the
house at all times, not just after potty break. There must be hope, right?
Thanks !
Mary, Jim, Nola and the girls--Jersey

Re: Aeryn's foul deed

2003-01-12 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
Hi, I just wanted to send a few words of encouragement...my cat Olive, (we
called her Mush-Mush for being so affectionate) was the runt of her litter.
I went to see some kittens that a friend's cat had,  I noticed a tiny, tiny
one struggling to eat from the dish. The friend said that this kitten never
really ate, and thought she would die soon. Of course, I took her home.  We
bottle fed her, and loved her. One day,when she was still very small, maybe
6or 7 weeks old, my goofy, oblivious brother closed the refrigerator door on
her head. We all screamed when we realized what had happened. It was so
awful. there was no blood, but for hours she walked in circles, and it
seemed like she was blind. We were heartbroken, and we just held her and
prayed for her, expecting her to die. She slept, and when she woke up, she
was fine!! She wanted to eat, she walked straight, and responded to us
playing with her. She was indeed a special little tough kitten.
Then, unfortunately, 2 years later, got hit by a car(since then, all my cats
are indoor). When  I saw her, I ran screaming to the street. The way she
looked, I knew she wouldn't make it. At the hospital, she was treated for a
broken arm and dislocated hip, no  internal injuries! ( The vet said,
hopefully the swelling behind her eye will go down soon, she looks a bit
bug-eyed---I told him about the frige incident, and that she'd had the
bug-eye for a couple of years now.)
Anyway, my point is, the prayers worked! Mush made it through some really
tough times, and she was always a fun, silly, affectionate cat who made a
full physical recovery. (some of her antics and facial expressions made us
think that maybe she still had some marbles loose). but we loved her for a
long time, and I'm sure you and Jessyka will enjoy many years together as
well! Good Luck!
- Original Message -
From: Susan Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 7:15 PM
Subject: Aeryn's foul deed

 On Christmas eve. I brought home a tiny 4 wk. old kitten that had been
 turned in at the clinic by her rescuers after having spent 3 days and 2
 nights stuck down a well.  Any kitten who could survive that in the midst
 a Canadian winter deserved a home!  I named her Jessyka, after the little
 girl who'd been trapped down a well in Texas a number of years ago.  On
 admission she weighed a scant 260g, yesterday, 3 weeks later rehydrated
 well fed, she topped the scale at 900g!
 Baby Jessyka has recovered very well from her ordeal and injuries, is a
 member of the family, running  jumping around just like any normal

 Last night at bedtime (actually, it was early this a.m.) I had her out
 romping as usual while I got her bed tidied in her kennel.  I turned my
 for only about a minute when I heard Aeryn give a warning growl/bark.
 Investigating, I was horrified to find 'Ryn standing panic-faced over tiny
 Jessyka who was lying bent sideways in a puddle of blood.  Oh Aeryn, what
 have you done I gasped as I scooped the baby into my shaking arms. The
 blood was coming from inside her right ear, her head was tilted alarmingly
 to the right, her gums were white, she was non-responsive, her pupils were
 equal and responsive, but she was amazingly alive.  Now I was the one that
 was panicked.  It took my mother's calming words what would you do if
 was a patient and not a pet? to get me thinking straight.  I ran for the
 bottle of steroids, gave a whopping dose along with some antibiotics and
 sub-cutaneous fluids.  Got her wrapped up in a warm towel, and an oat bag.
 And prayed.

 It was a sleepless night for all of us as the tiny kitten hung tenaciously
 on to life, remarkably purring.  In the light of day her temperature was
 normal but she was very pale and severely affected neurologically --
 depressed, lateral recumbancy, no proprioception on the right side, and
 right head tilt.  I gave her another huge dose of steroids and hussled her
 into work with me.  X-rays showed a subtle divot in her skull on the left
 side (corresponding with the single wound I could find), but no displaced
 fracture.  She's mildly anemic from the blood lost.  Three hours after her
 2nd dose of steroids, Jess began to improve ~ she wanted to eat but lacked
 the co-ordination, and she could now struggle up to a sitting position.

 Right now I'm cautiously optimistic about her survival, but less sure
 her degree of recovery.  In her favour, she's young (only 7 weeks), and
 kittens are remarkably resilient.  In just 18 hours since the incident,
 she's shown amazing strength and recovery.  She now responds to her name
 a unfocussed, head shaking manner), and can eat a bit on her own if I hold
 the food right up to her face.  She even managed to get herself into the
 litter box unaided.  Hopefully, her mental status will continue to improve
 as the swelling and inflammation subside.

 I'm devastated that my 

guard dog?

2003-01-12 Thread Jim Mary Morgan
Hi, I am new to the list, and new to the breed. Our dog Nola (named for New
Orleans, LousianA) is so beautiful! She is so sweet and affectionate and
great with our two girls, 3 1/2 and 2 mos! So many Nola kisses for everyone!
I wouldn't recommend getting a puppy while pregnant, but it kind of happened
before we knew it! Nola just turned one year in Dec., party hat and all.
She is one big goof ball, and I think she would sooner hug and lick a
stranger than bark at one.
Does anyone have a Berner that ever acts as a guard dog? you know, not
viscious, of course, but warning barks? Is this something that might happen
as she matures and becomes more aware of  her territory? (I'm not hanging
any hopes on it, and it's not why we got her, of course. We're just
Thanks for any replies.
Mary, Jim and the girls.