Fundraiser question

2003-09-09 Thread Kelly . Sorochinski
Many thanks to everyone's hard work and donations for the fundraiser, it is
very much appreciated, a job well done!  I'm looking forward to the next

I love that Berner ornament "Angels are just Berners with wings" I want to
purchase one if possible, does anyone know where to get one or how to
contact Dot Duvel since she donated it?  It is a must have for me.  Any help
in finding one would be appreciated.

Kelly Sorochinski and Harley!
Glen Gardner, NJ

Berner? You be the judge!

2003-06-26 Thread Sarah Kelly
It seems to be some guy in New Brighton MN who likes
Dalmatians trying to me more than he is.  Most of the
links are dead.  And no, only the coloring resembles a
Berner, not much else.

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out this site?Doesn't look like a berner to me, more
of an aussie poofed up or a mix?Don't ya think, Beth


Re: 2 dogs in a suburu

2003-05-31 Thread Kelly M. Williamson
I have an 85lb Berner and 90lb Golden, not only do they both fit it the back
seat of my sedan, but they sit in the SAME SEAT!!! I could fit at least two
more dogs back there! Tell me again why I'm getting them an SUV???

Kelly and the backseat driver bunch (Cisco (GRT) and Berkley (BMD))
Leesburg, VA

On 5/30/03 10:54, "Beverly Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience fitting 2 berners in a Subaru? I am picking
> up a 7 year old girl tonight (125#) and Han is 89 and growing.  I have a
> outback sport (late model -paid for, thank goodness)  Until I find a job I
> can't move up price wise but might be able to trade for a forester.  I would
> appreciate anyone's experience/comments.  I haven't been able to access the
> archives lately and it seems that the CRV was the smallest car
> mentioned -was that one or two dogs?
> Beverly Arnold and Han (soon to welcome Liesl)
> Gainesville Fl

The Unicorn Factor.....

2003-03-27 Thread Sarah Kelly
Hey, Mary Kay

My Husband I had a similar experiance at one of the
local lakes.  You would have thought we had brought a
Unicorn out for a walk.  We got about 25 yards from
the car and 25 yards back an hour later.  We never got
our walk in.  Zoe was on her best behavior and loved
the attention.  It is magical.

Hello My name is Mary Kay and I have been lurking for
some time now, but I felt I had to share my
experience!   I have a five month old berner girl that
is everything I had ever hoped for.  So in keeping
with the plans I made for this puppy (confirmation,
obedience, carting and therapy work) we were on our
way to puppy class.  On the way I realized that the
slip lead I had been working her on did not meet the
requirments for class.  No problem, petsmart is on the
way!  I had planned a quick in and out and on to
class.  Boy was I wrong!  I of course had to take
Pyper in to look around and properly fit the collar. 
>From the time we walked into the store we were mobbed!
 I have had her at puppy matches, the training club
and petsmart before, but this was something else all
together!  We could not take more than 3 steps at a
time!  Pyper of course took all the attention as her
due and hammed it up for any one who even cast a
glance in her direction.  One little girl just
followed her around.  As her parents were leaving,
they mentioned that the she was generally afraid of
dogs and had never seen her so taken, especially by a
big dog (about 50lbs).  Needless to say it was half an
hour before we were back on the road!   So much for a
quick trip!  It made me feel so good to see this silly
puppy make everyone smile with a single look. Even at
class other owners were paying more attention to my
dog than their own!  I have not always been the most
outgoing person in the world, but now theres no other
option! It took me about 5 years from the time I
decided on the breed until I brought this bundle of
joy home, so I, of course, think she is very special,
but what is it about this breed that brings people out
of their own worlds and shells?  Whatever it is, its
addictive!Mary Kay in Dayton, OH withLariat the
"Dignified" Wheaten Terrier (Your not that fast Lily)
4.5yrLily the Super Basenji (Mom there's a squirrel in
that tree) 14 moPyper the BabyBerner(Neverfear Lily I
will chew the tree down)5mo


Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Kelly

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
In the suburbs as well as on Planet Berner (can we have two answers to this

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
On our bed of course!!!

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Squeaky fabric jack toy and kong with peanut butter inside.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is
Her ability to know exactly when I open the freezer door, even when sound

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
Passed all obedience classes and holds a CGC. Also counter surfs extremely

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
Absolutely nothing!! Seriously she has never done anything naughty since we
have had her. She has always been the perfect "child", never getting in the
trash, never digging up the yard, never removing my bushes and never
stealing dirty clothes.

Kelly Weir

Fwd: RE: for you dog lovers

2003-03-24 Thread Sarah Kelly
> There have been a lot of postings
> (unfortunately) about the Rainbow Bridge.  I
> intuitively knew what they
> meant, but I had never read the story.  I'm a little
> teary eyed.  Here it is for anyone else who was
wondering. Thanks, it is of some comfort.

> > 
> > This was given to me when Lexie died.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > The Rainbow Bridge
> > Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow
> Bridge.
> > 
> > When an animal dies that has been especially close
> to someone here, that
> > pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and
> hills for all of our
> > special friends so they can run and play together.
> There is plenty of food
> > and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm
> and comfortable. All the
> > animals who had been ill and old are restored to
> health and vigor; those
> > who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong
> again, just as we
> > remember them in our dreams of days and times gone
> by.
> > 
> > The animals are happy and content, except for one
> small thing: they all
> > miss someone very special to them who had to be
> left behind.
> > 
> > They all run and play together, but the day comes
> when one suddenly stops
> > and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are
> intent; the eager body
> > quivers. Suddenly she begins to break away from
> the group, flying over the
> > green grass, her legs carrying her faster and
> faster. YOU have been
> > spotted, and when you and your special friend
> finally meet, you cling
> > together in joyous reunion, never to be parted
> again. The happy kisses
> > rain upon your face; your hands again caress the
> beloved head, and you
> > look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
> so long gone from your
> > life but never absent from your heart.
> > 
> > And then you cross Rainbow Bridge together... 
> > 



2003-03-24 Thread Sarah Kelly

Thank you so much for asking!

Sarah and Zoe

Hi all,

I had so much fun recording the answers to my first
Fun Survey that I'm
doing another one. You can either copy the survey into
a new email and
record your answers or just send the answers. I'll be
recording data 
3 weeks and then I'll post my results.

Have fun!

1 --- Do you live in
a) city; Minneapolis, MN

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night? Bedroom rug

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy? lamb's wool
(synthetic)squeeky bone.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)She has an angel marking on her chest (2
brown wings, white halo and gown)

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

No, had an SUV already.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
g) training classes
h) digging to China

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
is. 3 monthes old, house broken except more than
occasionally she will let me know she does not like
being crated ;-p

Fwd: The Right Family SUV

2003-03-19 Thread Sarah Kelly
Hi Rahda,
I traded in my Corolla, for a RAV4. My lease is up
next year and my Berner Zoe will be all grown up by
then (10 weeks old now), I will trade up to a
Highlander.  Right now, my family (husband, son, dog
and me) can ride comfortably in the RAV, but not much
room for groceries.  Toyota has a great track record,
low maintenance, great ride.  Go for it!  (Oh what a
feeling ;-)



The Right Family SUV

2003-03-19 Thread Sarah Kelly
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Hope Update

2003-03-17 Thread Kelly
I know it has been a while since I have posted but, thought you would like
to know how Hope is doing.

On March 1st she had 21 episodes, the longest episode lasting 27 minutes and
the shortest lasting 11 minutes. Since then most of her days have been like
this. The days that aren't so bad still consist of at least 9 episodes in a
day. It has been hard on her and takes so much out of her. Most of her days
are spent sleeping more often than not. We do not take her anywhere anymore
because traveling causes her to have these episodes, so she sits at home
with us. When I have to work I have a family friend come in and check on her
frequently through out the day.

It is very hard to watch her go through this but, the only thing we can do
is try to calm her down and let them pass because there is nothing else we
can do for her. I know she was nominated Special Friend status and is now on
the BEHAF website. So if you want to read more about when this all started,
you can go to the BEHAF website and find her under Special Friends.

Hope just turned 3 on March 10th. Her birthday was a very quiet one (not at
all like I had hoped for it to be). I had so many special things planned for
her this year but none of them was put into play because of her condition.
Hopefully next year will be a better one and she can enjoy everything I plan
for her.

I don't have a chance to be on the computer much anymore but would like to
thank those who have sent encouraging emails to Hope and I. Give your babies
big hugs from us.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Pet Care Pet Insurance

2003-03-06 Thread Kelly
Does anyone on the list have Pet Care Pet Insurance? If so could you please
email me privately with details pertaining to how fast your claim was
handled, what did they cover (i.e.cancer, heart, digestive, injury), did
they reimburse 70%, 80% or 100%, were they personable to deal with and so

Thank you for any input.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: berner communication

2003-02-20 Thread Kelly

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Miss Kitty. I am sure you have
many wonderful memories that will fill your heart with joy instead of
sadness. Hugs to you and your family.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Back Online and Update On Hope

2003-02-17 Thread Kelly
Well after a little over two weeks of being offline, because I have been
computer less up until today, I am back. Both computers had to go out for
service (thank goodness for warranties), I got one back this evening and the
other is due to be back tomorrow. Since I have been computer less I will
fill you all in on Hope and what has been happening with her.

She has been having more frequent episodes in the past month with no relief
in sight for her. My vet originally diagnosed her with a collapsing trachea
and this diagnosis was based on putting pressure on her trachea in certain
spots until she went into an episode and coughed. However after seeing the
specialist this afternoon there may be other possibilities. They did x-rays
and said the trachea looked fine on the x-rays yet they are still not ruling
it out but (they have to watch it work while under anesthetic to rule this
out), they are also saying other possibilities are Laryngeal Paralysis
(sp?), Elongated Soft Palate, Nasal Problems (including the low possibility
of a benign tumor blocking the nasal passage), Stenotic Nares and Saccules.
I apologize if any of the things I listed above are the same as the
technical terms that I have at the bottom of that list. Not everything was
explained to me as to the technical terms and meaning of these words.
Apparently I am not the brightest of people right now, lack of sleep I

To make a long story short, Hope collapsed last Wednesday evening and we
have no idea why or what caused her to collapse. She was slightly stiff, no
drooling or shaking, didn't turn blue, did not have an episode before hand
and did not lose conciseness. They could not explain it to me either this
afternoon. So at this point we have no idea what caused it. She had been
sleeping on her Beasley Couch and got up to walk over to me and before she
reached me, collapsed. We got her up and moved her around and in about 5
minutes she was fine, acted just like nothing had happened to her at all. So
we are all baffled by this turn of events. They want to do testing on her to
find out what is wrong and to correct the problem. This entails a CTScan and
Rhinoscopy. Then from there I am not sure what other tests they will want to

I am in good spirits because other than what she is dealing with, Hope is
healthy and Dr. Jackson remarked that this works in her favor. He also told
me that her prognosis of coming through this with treatment is very good. I
could not believe the cost of everything when they gave me the estimate for
what they need to do. I was in utter shock! They gave me an estimate range
of 1800.00 - 3195.00 and that didn't even include going in to repair the
nasal cavity if that is the problem. Sometimes I think medical care for our
family members is a bit over priced :o( I mean anesthetic for 1-2 hours runs
anywhere from 168.00-336.00, how come so much to keep them under for so
long? Is the anesthetic that expensive? Yes I worked in a vet clinic for a
while but was never privy to the amount of what things cost the clinics.

Hug your berners tight!

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: call names

2003-02-17 Thread Kelly Williamson
Our Golden we had named "Cisco" when we got him. (Yes after the router company -
we're both computer geeks). When we got his registration papers from his breeder
after being neutered, I decided I wanted his registered name to be somehow
related to his call name. This actually was more difficult than I thought (Lost
in the World Wide Web was the best computer related name I could come up with).
So after a bunch of research on the World Wide Web, I found a list of names of
the Episodes of the TV series "The Cisco Kid." So that's how Cisco became
registered as:

GS Dakotas Secret Mission

GS is his Kennel abbreviation
Dakotas in in honor of our last Golden, Dakota that we lost at 2 1/2 to cancer
and "Secret Mission" is the name of an Episode of "The Cisco Kid." Other
finalists included "Fire in the Night", "Cisco Draws Last", and "Poker Chip
Draw" (all with the GS Dakotas in front of)

And to make all this Berner related, Berkley was named by his breeder Santera
Always Brio v. Crest (call name "Brio"). Having two dogs whose name ended in "o"
was getting confusing, so we now call him "Berkley" yes named after the version
of Linux FreeBSD with the spelling slightly altered.

Kelly, Cisco & Berkley
Leesburg, VA

Summary of list of tricks I got for my class.

2003-02-01 Thread Kelly M. Williamson
We have some really talented Berners out there! I've got so many tricks to
choose from. I think Berkley will have to learn more than one !

Here's a summary of the tricks I got. Hope I got everyone's in here. Thanks
to everyone who responded to my request!

Kelly Williamson
Berkley - BMD (what do you mean I have to learn more than one?!?)
Cisco _ Golden (you're not going to make me learn some too ???)
Leesburg, VA

Balance a large dry dog biscuit on his nose
Retrieve above biscuit (or even just hold and carry and release)

"shark" -- my Bean will flip his head back and snap up at the air

"say your prayers" (front paws on edge of chair and nose under paws)

turn around in place clockwise and counter clockwise, "spin" vs "wind" or

I taught my young berner boy to jump up on his grooming table & stand
there for me.  It was impressive to the others in the class 

IF your pup is strongly food motivated, teach him to follow your treat
through your legs - like doing a figure 8 around / through your legs
(you can lift one leg as he passes through)  FUN game to play - the dogs
seem to enjoy it - and it looks neat!
Besides - it helps your pup to follow the 'target' treat - helps in
other training!

"take a bow".  He stretched with his
butt up in the air, so I just started shaping this behavior.

is to teach your dog to hold a dog biscuit (like a milk bone) on his nose,
then flip it in the air and catch it in his mouth.

I've taught Boomer to bark in three volumes on command:  Bark, which is
LOUD, Woof which sounds just like woof and whisper which is hardly audible.
People love it and so does Boomer, he's such a show-off. (a lot of people
suggested this)

Answer the phone (pick up a childs toy phone when you say 'ring.' Add a bark
for more flash.)

Go harvesting (put toy food into a basket)

Tell a story (keep on barking)

a simple retrieve can be renamed -

retrieve stuffed sheep or cow - this is 'herding'. a friend of mine's
sheltie would retrieve 2 stuffed sheep & deposit them in a basket  - 'the

retrieve hidden toy - stuffed rat - this is the popular terrier game of
'hunt the rat'.

teach the names of more than one toy & teach to retrieve one particular one.

retrieve wad of paper to trash can - pick up the garbage or do the recycle.
we used to have a toy pedal operated garbage can & a brussels griffon would
retrieve a wad of paper & open the can & drop it in.

haven't done it...but the cutest trickster I've seen was a Sheltie.
When her owner sneezed, she raced across the room, grabbed a box of tissues,
and returned to offer them to her owner.  Very cute...

I've taught the Rottie to "wipe her feet" when she comes in the house.  Did
it with treats initially.  I would spin the treat in circles over the throw
rug while saying "wipe your feet" and now (at 8 years old) I tell her to
wipe her feet all the time and she does it.  The feet wiping one helps me
out ALOT!

2003-01-29 Thread Kelly M. Williamson
Hello Everyone,

Berkley and I started our Intermediate Obedience Class on Monday. One of the
things we will be doing in our 7 week class is teaching our dogs an extra
trick on our own. This is supposed to help us start thinking like a trainer,
so after the class is over we'll be able to continue training on our own.
They'll of course help us out during the class with our special tricks. Then
at the end of the 7 weeks at the end of our final we'll have a talent show
do show off all of our new tricks/behaviors.

I'm looking for ideas. Something more fun than rollover, or shake. People in
the past have taught their dogs to go to their crate, fetch their slippers,
and things like that.

I guess my real question to the list is what are some of the more
unusual/unique tricks that your Berners do?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Kelly Williamson
Berkley (hey mom, I already know how to go to my crate, can't that count?)
Cisco - Golden (I never learned my trick)
Leesburg, VA

Caruso Gets His CH

2003-01-19 Thread Kelly
Congrats to Nancy, Amy, Ruth and Caruso!!! I bet your so proud of your boy

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: Virus or Bad Bud Man

2003-01-12 Thread Kelly
I just got the same email as Mary Ann. It came from Maria and I assume it is
a virus as I know she wouldn't send out something like that! Be careful when
opening your emails and make sure those virus programs are updated.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Cabana Crate Sizing

2002-12-28 Thread Kelly M. Williamson
Hi Everyone! 

I've been basically a lurker on this list on and off for about 6 years. I
finally have my very own Berner boy, Berkley! We've had him for two months
now and he is wonderful. He's now 8 months old and 46 pounds. Needless to
say he's going to be on the small side.

I'm looking at getting a Cabana Crate (for those who are interested and
don't know what I'm talking about and was wondering if
anyone on the list uses one and what size you have. Especially those of you
with smaller Berners. The X-Large "may" fit in my trunk but it will be
really close and was thinking that for my small berner I may be able to use
a Large.

He won't be in it for really long periods at a time. I'm thinking about
taking my Golden to some agility show-n-go events and would like to take
Berkley along for socialization, but would need somewhere to put him when we
run through the course.

Thanks for the advice!

Kelly Williamson
Cisco (Golden) - Thanks for the awesome toy mom
Berkley - My bouncing, leaping, flying Berner Boy
Leesburg, VA

Willem's Paintings

2002-12-13 Thread Kelly
Willem did a wonderful job in capturing Dillon. If you haven't seen Willem's
paintings, please do go and look because they are wonderful. Dillon is not
alone at the Bridge anymore, my grandfather is now at the Bridge with him.

But please do visit the site with the paintings that Willem has done.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Berners and Snow

2002-12-02 Thread Kelly
Well it has finally happened. After all the cold weather we have had with no
snow in sight, the white stuff is finally here! Hope is having the time of
her life laying in it and shoveling it with her nose while walking calmly
through it. Geez it is so hard keeping her calm with this first real snow
fall, but she loves it just the same. However I am sure she would love to
run in it and do all the things that her berner friends do in the snow.

Enjoy the winter, stay warm and don't let your dogs eat yellow snow!!

Kelly Weir and Hope

Happy Thanksgiving!

2002-11-28 Thread Kelly
The turkey rush started at 4 am in my house with Hope watching me prepare
the turkey for the oven. She was licking her chops the entire time waiting
for something little morsel to fall on the floor. As I start to put the
turkey in the roasting pan I notice that Hope has helped me in more ways
than one. She has swept the floor with her tail, managed to finagle a morsel
here and there and has added a hairy seasoning to the turkey to boot in
which I start plucking off one by one!

Sure do hope my guests don't mind a little fiber in their diets today! Have
a Happy Turkey Day everyone and don't forget about our beloved berners when
you sit down to eat, it's their day too, so share some of that delicious
meal with them :o)

Kelly Weir and Hope

Berners and Cats

2002-11-26 Thread Kelly
Taking the initiative here from Jean. I have one cat who loves the dog.
Matter of fact he is mostly dog himself, he just doesn't know he has a cats
body and makes cat noises! My fondest memory is of when we first brought
Tuxedo (the cat of course) home. The first one to investigate the cat was
Dillon with Hope following a close second to see what this new fellow was
made of. Boy did he ever fit right in. The dogs and him got along perfectly.
He is one of the dogs (figuratively speaking), he begs, sits, sits pretty
and comes when called. He also runs to the door with Hope when people come
to visit.

In our book he definitely fits right in with our family.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: Berners and Horses - Correction

2002-11-25 Thread Kelly
>>Sure do
miss riding it.

I meant to say "I sure do miss riding though". 

Kelly Weir

Re: Berners and Horses

2002-11-25 Thread Kelly
Sadly in the past 3 Quarter Horses. I rode bare back and western. Sure do
miss riding it.

Kelly Weir

Re: Dog Food

2002-11-22 Thread Kelly
Here is the link to the Fox 2 News web site .

Kelly Weir 

Re: Dog Food

2002-11-22 Thread Kelly
>>My question would be is this added to the food or being added because they
are using euthanized pets in their food and it's getting into the food
through these pets.

No it is from euthanized cattle and horses that have been processed for the
food. It is not being added by hand.

Kelly Weir

Dog Food

2002-11-22 Thread Kelly
Here is a heads up for those of you who feed kibble. Go to the Fox 2 Detroit
web site and click on Problem Solver: Dog Food Websites. There is new found
information that pentobarbital is being used in making dog food. This is the
same drug that is used in euthanasia agents to put dogs and cats to sleep.
They have files that can be opened with Microsoft Word and it gives a
listing of the foods contaminated if you go to the Dog Food Samples portion
of this site.

We had many calls at the clinic today about this subject. However I know
many people that feed products such as Purina to their family dog.and
what a surprise (not!) tons of Purina products are listed as well as some of
Nutro and Nature's Recipe. Check it out to see if yours is on the list. They
are finding that dogs are coming up sick which has caused them to
investigate, dogs that are perfectly healthy are getting ill with no known
cause as to why they are sick. However they have found traces of this drug
in the dogs blood work (when given a specific test) and have been able to
link it to this drug. It is a long list so if you are running dial up, be
patient for it to load.

Kelly Weir

Thank You to All

2002-10-18 Thread Kelly
I would like to thank everyone who responded. We have found the puppy a way
to his new home. Thanks again for being so caring and generous in your
willingness to help :o)

Kelly Weir and Hope

Transportation Help Needed

2002-10-16 Thread Kelly

Knowing that all of us are spread out over the country I thought I would ask
for help here. I am looking for people who might be able to help with
transportation of a puppy from the west coast to the east coast. If anyone
can help please contact me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will be
glad to give you the details of what we are looking for. Thank you.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Re: Socialization

2002-10-13 Thread Kelly

I have always taken my puppies out of their own environment to experience
new things and sounds. We live on a main road, so one thing I do is to take
them with us when we go north and go to the gravel pits to sight in the
hunting rifles (no flames please). I keep them a safe distance away, out of
harms way, and let my husband go to work at sighting in his guns. The dogs
at first are startled but then relax and by the time the second day has
rolled around of this they are comfortable with the sound. The main reason
for this is we have a lot of trucks that go by and at least once a day we
have blow outs that occur, which obviously sound like a gun going off. I had
one dog I did not do this with and he freaked every time this would happen,
so I make it common practice now to get them used to this noise. I take them
everywhere with me to get them accustomed to strange people and
surroundings, noises they will eventually hear in life and to make sure they
are well adjusted all the way around.

I take them shopping when I go to get dog shampoos, treats, toys and just
for plain fun. I used to walk into our local drug store with Dillon (they
did allow me this courtesy) and pick up one of his diarrhea meds. There are
many places my dogs have been allowed into without problem and the
socialization has been great for them. I start this a day or two after they
come home, usually at 8 weeks of age or so. Also going to an obedience class
with other dogs helps as well. It does help to get them out into the world
to experience all of these things, what you will find is that after putting
so much effort into socializing your puppy, you will generally have a well
adjusted dog.

Just things I have experienced with my dogs. By the way Hope loves to go
hunting with dad and doesn't mind the sound of the rifles at all. Matter of
fact when she hears it, she is at the door waiting to go with dad into the

Kelly Weir and Hope (who said berner's couldn't hunt!)


2002-10-12 Thread Kelly Felty

I want to thank you for all the kind words and
thoughts - I really appreciate the support and
understanding during this wretched situation.

I also want to let you know that we have no leads -
not a single one.  She has completely vanished.

I have started researching the Tijuana rings for dogs
stolen from California - it is tough to get
information about them - all I know so far is that
most of the dogs are from San Diego, and Chows are
particularly popular for theft and smuggling to
Mexico.  Does anyone out there know anything about
My husband speaks fluent Spanish & we would go there
in a heartbeat if we knew where to go - are there
auctions?  Are there puppy mills in Mexico that anyone
knows of?  Does anyone know anything about Mexico's
kennel club?

Thank you again for your support - we are a wreck. 
Ursula's Missing Info:

Kelly Felty

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2002-10-09 Thread Kelly Felty

I post this message to you with a heavy heart.  Our
precious Bernese Mountain Dog, Ursula, has been
stolen.  Due to the circumstances of her
disappearance, we believe that this theft was not
random, but was well-planned and specifically
targetted Ursula (our spayed female was left behind). 
I have posted a copy of the poster that we have
circulated locally, it's at: - there is a photo
and contact information convenient for printing.

She is on the smaller side of the Berner standard,
weighing in at 85 pounds and stands 23.5 inches high. 
She has a thick, curly coat.  She is extremely agile
and fit - her athleticism is somehow apparent even at
a walk.  She carries her tail low (always wagging) and
her head high.  Her markings are typical berner,
except that she is missing the white tail tip.

Please help us find her.  She is a family pet and we
are beside ourselves with grief over her
disappearance.  She can be positively identified - if
you have any suspicions about any Berners you see or
have heard of, please contact us immediately.

Please cross-post to any list or agency that you feel
might be able to help locate her.

Thank you.

Kelly & Mike Felty
(562) 492-6585
Southern California

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Breed Question

2002-10-06 Thread Kelly

Kim Wrote:

>While I love my Berner and will always pay careful attention to
the breed, my concerns spread into the entire doggy kingdomPPO education
is for EVERYONE considering a dog/puppy, not just for Berner considerations.

I try to educate everyone. I help those that need it in finding collars,
leashes and so on. If someone asks a question about a specific breed I will
answer them if I know about that breed. However if it is something I can not
answer, I will recommend them to the local breed club or national club for
more information. I make sure to explain to them about how to find a breeder
and to research the breed they are interested in.

I do what I can for every breed out there because it is important to educate
not just about our breed, but others as well.

Kelly Weir and Hope

Celebrity Justice on UPN 50

2002-10-05 Thread Kelly

Tonight they aired a segment featuring Linda Blair and another gentleman on
Celebrity Justice. They were talking about getting the laws changed for lost
and stolen pets, however they mentioned Puppy mills and what they were doing
to try and change those laws as well. Did anyone else see this segment and
get more information? If so I would like to hear more about it because I
caught it on the tail end.

Kelly Weir and Hope