Our 5 month old berner Riley's coat has recently become longer, very shiny,
wavy and his tail is starting to get feathery. It seems like he has an adult
type coat now everywhere except the top of his head and behind his ears,
which is still that downy puppy type fuzz. I was wondering if any of you
could tell me how long before his coat will even out.  He also weighs about
60 lbs. already. My husband and I have always had dogs in the past, several
different breeds. We were without a dog for a few years before we got Riley.
He's our first berner and we researched the breed quite extensively before
getting him. We couldn't be happier with our choice -  My husband is home
with him everyday. We have no children, so of course it is as though he IS
our "first born" and is lavished upon every minute. It is comical, most of
our visitors these days apparantly come to visit "Him" not "US". He sure
makes us smile alot. I know you all know what I mean.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 1:03 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4204

                            BERNER-L Digest 4204

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Berner on "Lizzie McGuire"
        by "Joanne Gerow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: partial torn ACL
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) Re: Teeth question
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Addison's (ws: Re: partial torn ACL)
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) Re: BERNER-L digest        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) RE: Rimadyl
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) RE: raw meat bones question
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) RE: berners life expectancy: breeding versus spayed
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) RE: partial torn ACL
        by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) Happy Birthday Buck
        by "Sheila Dolan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) RE: Rimadyl
        by "Martha Hoverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Happy Birthday Stevie!!
        by "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) re: Rimadyl
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14) Dosing Glucosamine/Chondroitin
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 15) Re: 1st time doggie owner - (response Part 1 long)
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 16) Re: 1st time doggie owner - (response Part 2 long)
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 17) RE: Help on a partially torn cruciate ligament!
        by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Sadie 7/15/92-1/2/03
        by "Candy Roper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) Re: Partially Torn ACL
        by "Alan & Susan Kowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Re: Rimadyl
        by "Sharon Greenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 21) Rimadyl/Picturew
        by Sylvia Katvala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 22) Re: TV Berner sighting
        by "David Nowell and Susan Burnham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 23) RE: bathing--more tips
        by David Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) Post by Sherri re: breeding
        by "Matt & Julia Richert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 25) Re: bathing
        by "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 26) Bathing Berners
        by gayle gramstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 27) Drug question
        by Tracy Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-ID: <003a01c2b247$db68dd20$320814d0@me>
From: "Joanne Gerow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martha Hoverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: Berner on "Lizzie McGuire"
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 05:15:19 -0500
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That is so funny....I am sitting here, at 5:am, answering my e-mails.  I
have on the TV, but have not turned it from the Disney channel, which the
children were watching last night...I hear something about a Bernese
Mountain Dog and "I am never watching Westminster again".  I turn around to
see a Bernese Mountain Dog on the screen!  I quickly jumped up to see what
show it was and it was Lizzie McGuire, it is a 2002 episode entitled "Mom's
Best Friend".      I was just going to e-mail the list to see if anyone knew
anything about it!  Joanne Gerow
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martha Hoverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 2:23 PM
Subject: Berner on "Lizzie McGuire"

> This information comes from my daughter, Lucy, age 7:
> On "Lizzie McGuire" her father was yelling at the TV and saying that a
> Bernese Mountain Dog should have won something on a dog show, and I saw a
> picture of the Bernese Mountain Dog. And I thought it was cute.
> "Lizzie McGuire" is a series on the Disney Channel.  Lucy was thrilled to
> see a Berner making an appearance, even on a TV within the TV!
> Martha Hoverson and Molly (who feels much better today) and Lucy, too!
> Portland, Maine
> _________________________________________________________________
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Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 05:52:33 EST
Subject: Re: partial torn ACL
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In a message dated 1/1/2003 5:21:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> I would be interested in hearing from others that have dealt with a
>  partially torn ACL.....how many have had to have surgery?

My bitch did...she was 4-1/2 yrs old at the time.  She never went 3-legged,
just showed partial lameness.  Hip xrays done at the time were OFA Good so
with no diagnosis, we rested her for 6 weeks.  No help, she was still
favoring one hind leg.  Saw a specialist, ran diagnostics...still nothing
conclusive, no lateral drawer movement (the torn cruciate 'signature') even
under anesthesia.   Rested her another month.  No change.  Specialists take
was that if it's a large dog and the hips are good...it's the knee, go in
and find out.  We did, he found a partially torn ligament and a LOT of
inflamed tissue...was surprised she hadn't been showing more severe pain.  

This was before the TPLO existed, so it was the traditional surgery.  The
recovery was long and slow....close to a year before she was really moving
normally.  She did well for years and the other knee didn't go....but now in
old age, well... she could use knee replacement surgery for both if it

-Sherri Venditti
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 06:08:53 EST
Subject: Re: Teeth question
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In a message dated 1/1/2003 7:12:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> It seems like my berner girl has cavities, little brown holes, in her

Most likely this is tooth wear as cavaties are very uncommon in dogs.  The
enamel layer on dogs teeth is pretty thin and takes a lot of abuse so it's
not unusual for the dentin underneath to show...that's the brownish area you
see.  I wouldn't worry about it unless your dog is showing any sign of
discomfort or you see swelling along the jaw or under the eye.

The dental devil you DO want to avoid is plague and tarter.  Gingiveitis is
just as bad for dogs as it is for people, it can lead to problems ranging
from bad breathe to infection of the heart and kidneys.

-Sherri Venditti
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 06:49:15 EST
Subject: Addison's (ws: Re: partial torn ACL)
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Just an FYI for anyone dealing with Addison's...

There's an excellent support group email list, actually for all auto-immune
diseases but many of the list members own Addisonian beardies.  Contact the

-Sherri V.
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 08:30:11 EST
Subject: Re: BERNER-L digest To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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