Florida trip

2003-02-19 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi all!
Is anyone out there from Florida?  Cooper and I are coming home for a LONG
visit to see the grandparents!  I'd love to get together!
Lindsay and Cooper


Airline help

2003-02-01 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi everybody!
I know that in the past we've talked about certain airlines and which ones
were good about our babies!
Does anyone have any information on American Airlines?  We're flying home
for a long visit from Zurich to Miami.
Do any of you have any helpful hints on how to make Cooper as comfortable as
possible on an 8 hour flight?  I'm just a little worried!

Thank you for all the advice!
We love the letters!
Lindsay, Jamie and Super Cooper


2003-01-29 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi everyone!  I need HELP!!!
First of all, I have to thank everyone that commented on the website!  It
made our day!  I promise to keep updating it so that we can all share in the
unbelievably amazing growth of Cooper!
Secondly, but by far, first priority
This is really kind of gross but I need your help.  Cooper ate LOTS of moss
from one of artificial trees this past Sunday (the remaining moss was
discarded and replaced with lovely BIG inedible river stones!)
Well, this morning, you would have thought a land mine filled with
you-know-what had exploded all over the house (thank GOD for wood floors and
Swifer Wets!)
The problem is that he has massive, explosive diarrhea.  My bet is that the
plant moss is stuck and/or working its way out.  Other than having to go out
about every 30 minutes, he acts completely normal.  I fed him his breakfast
this morning and made sure that he had LOTS of water.  Is there anything
else I can do to speed up the process or do I have to just wait it out (HA!
Any advice would GREATLY appreciated.
Lindsay and not Super Cooper, but POOPER Cooper!

Website updated!

2003-01-16 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi all!
The website has been updated!!!


Lindsay, Jamie and Cooper

Car sick Cooper

2003-01-04 Thread Lindsay Cox
Boy, do we have a problem!
My husband and I took Cooper, now 4 months old on a car ride to go see snow
in the mountains.  I don't know if we were just stupid or if he has MAJOR
car sickness!  He threw up 4 times in 2 hours, poor little guy.  It was
Is this motion sickness or car sickness something they will outgrow or am I
going to have to have a Berner confined to the house?
Desperately looking for advice
Lindsay and Super Puker Cooper

Talking berners

2002-12-12 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi everyone!
Greetings from Switzerland again!
Cooper is DEFINITELY a talker.  At night we have to tell him no noise so
that we can go to sleep!  He's just like a little kid talking to himself all
the time!  
We think it's Swiss-German though because we don't understand him!  Ha! Ha!
Happy holidays!
Lindsay, Jamie and Super Cooper

More from Super Cooper!

2002-11-24 Thread Lindsay Cox
Hi folks!
Greetings again from Switzerland!
I am sure that you all will be quite proud...
I have been working on a website and although it is definitely not
super-star-website-geek material : )  it'll give you a week by week look at
our Little Man! 
He's hit the 13th week now, has learned to sit, shake, stay and come (kind
of!).  I'm still working on the potty trainingI can't WAIT until he
masters that one!  I'm still taking him out about every 2 hours or so.  Get
this, though...he actually sleeps through the entire night now and doesn't
wake up until 7:00!  Whoo Hoo!!!
I can't believe what an absolute sweetheart he is!  He is growing up so
I do have a couple of questions for the experts out there...
*  I don't know if it just a puppy thing, but when we go outside he
wants to eat EVERYTHING and I mean everything!  He stops every 3 inches and
puts something new in his mouth.  Does this behavior pass with time?  I
don't want to drag him down the sidewalk (neighbors leering) when I just got
him used to the leash.
*  How do I discourage begging?  I'd like to eat without him barking at
us constantly and I really don't want to kennel him either.  I think that he
needs to learn, right?  We have just been ignoring him and this annoying
behavior, however...it seems that when he doesn't get any of OUR food, he
gets mad or something and goes to the bathroom on (of course) the prized
rug in the house.  It's happened 3 times now.  What's the deal?
*  Last one...the poor little guy is SO scared of the neighborhood
German Shepherd that barks when he sees another dog.  Cooper has made lots
of friends with other dogs, but he hides when Police Dog Central rounds
the corner and lets out a big bark.  (I try to ignore this 'hiding thing',
tooMy heart goes out to him, though. He gets so scared!)

So anyway...Other than those couple of concerns, he is adjusting wonderfully
and is just an absolute angel.  We can not imagine our lives without him,

Here's the website...


Please check it out when you get a chance.  I'm just so proud of myself and
my new-found (or should I say Newfie) creative abilities!  It shows the
little goofball up to 12 weeks.  Week 13 is coming soon!

Thanks for all your help and advice and everything!

Lindsay, Jamie and Super Cooper

PS  A couple of people wrote and asked for the name of our breeder...Would
you mind writing again?  I had a mail-purge happen before I got to reply.
Thanks!  : )