March of Dimes Walk - Meisje and her Cart

2003-04-02 Thread RJacq16804
Hi All,

The March of Dimes Walk  -- WalkAmerica 2003 is happening here in Houston on April 27, 
2003. We will be walking to raise money for Premature Babies. Our 3 year old Berner, 
Meisje will be doing the walk this year (a shorter course) pulling her cart. 

Fifteen years ago I gave birth to a premature baby (8 weeks early - 4 pounds). Very 
scary but we were so very lucky to have a great team of doctors and nurses. Today she 
is a healthy fifteen year old. (Her picture is on the Longlease Histio Roll Call with 
a picture of our Bear).

I received such great support from everyone when I had to put Bear down a couple of 
weeks ago that I thought I would ask you all to help me with this great cause for 
premature babies.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated by Meisje and I as we do the March of Dimes 
Walk. All donations are tax deductible. If you can help - please send a check (payable 
to March of Dimes) to me at the following address:

Renee Jacquier
21415 Bentgrass Court
Katy, Tx 77450


Renee and Meisje


2003-03-21 Thread RJacq16804
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the love and prayers sent following 
Bear's diagnosis of Malignant Histiocytosis.  He was sent to the Bridge one week ago 
today.  I received his ashes back yesterday. So, so strange having him gone. The 
mornings are the hardest.  I know it was right to send him to the bridge when I did -- 
but miss him terribly.  I pray they find a cause and cure for this dreadful disease 
that can take our berners at such a young age.

I have contacted the Great Britain Club with all Bear's health info for their records. 
 Will also do the same with Berner Garde.

Thank you to all that sent notes.  Sorry if I didn't answer back - just hard to do so 
right now. Pat Long - special thanks through all this...your words, help with the 
research blood kit.  Also received a Berner Angel Pin on Monday -- Thank you so much 
Karen (what a beautiful pin). 

PLEASE, PLEASE support the current raffle going on for Histio.  Too many Berners are 
being lost to Histio and at such young ages.

Love and Hugs to you all and your Berners,

Renee Jacquier
Katy, TX

Bear - Malignant Histiocytosis

2003-03-14 Thread RJacq16804

Here is how our visit went to the oncologist. It was a long day, especially waiting 
for the last pathology report but it needed to be done - Malignant Histiocytosis. I 
already knew in my heart that I would hear those words. All the symptoms - so quick 
-so fast!!!  It's just not right to lose my boy at the age of 5 who less than a 
week ago was running, barking and being a silly boy.

Talked to my vet and the oncologist and the treatment options (lack of) and decided to 
have my boy put down this morning.  I went by he vet last night and they gave me some 
medication so that he wouldn't be in pain last night. He had a good night - ate some 
dinner, went for a short walk, and laid in his favorite place with head on windowsill 
with window opened. Even barked like crazy when people walked by in front of the 

Going to have the vet draw some blood this morning and refrigerate it so that I can 
submit it for the Malignant Histiocytosis Research Project.  Pat Long is sending me 
the collection kit. Hopefully this study will be able to help our fight against 
Malignant Histiocytosis. PLEASE, PLEASE help Joye Neff with her current raffle (AKC 
CHF Malignant Histicytosis Fundraiser)- -

I will finish this e-mail later today. Right now I have about 2 1/2 hours left with my 
boy and want to cherish every minute with him. What a wonderful first Berner - he sold 
my heart to this breed.

Even though I only got to have Bear in my life for 5 short  years and if I had known 
that when I got him as a 7 week old puppy - I would not have changed a thing. 5 years 
with this sweetheart is worth everything to me. My children are having a hard time 
with the sudden illness to having to put him down all within a 6 day period. I have a 
hard time understanding so I can just imagine how hard this is for them. Some kids at 
school yesterday just said Oh, just get another dog. My daughter was shocked - our 
dogs are not just dogs - they are so tightly intertwined in this family - that it is 
like losing part of yourself. I just told her that some people don't give and receive 
love from their pet like we do!!

Will write more later - thanks so much for all the love and prayers that were sent our 
way. I will need them when I leave in a little while. 

Trying to be strong but oh so, so hard.

Renee Jacquier
Katy, TX 

Help Needed ASAP of how to send tumors

2003-03-13 Thread RJacq16804
Hi all,

My 5 year old male Berner, Bear starting feeling ill last Sunday. Uncomfortable, 
couldn't settle down, loss of appetite, and yelping in pain.  No obvious outward signs 
except something just wasn't right. Saw my Vet on Monday - thought maybe had a acidy 
type stomach(had one scare of possible bloat a few years ago)- gave him a tagament and 
ascripton.  Went back to the Vet yesterday and did an x-ray. Found a growth around his 
heart. Then had an Ultrasound done and a needle biopsy done. Was given bad news and 
good news. My boy was diagnosed with Histiocytosis but the good news was that it was 
contained in one lung and had not spread. The way the Vet explained it to me was that 
on each side of the chest are three lungs (front, middle and back). Bear's tumor is in 
the middle lung on his right side. It is quite Large (ultrasound pictures make it look 
huge). Needle biopsy confirmed histio.

I am going to Gulf Coast Vet Clinic this morning at 11. Have great Oncologist's there. 
The Vet says I will get much more info from them about Bear's condition. She said that 
it is possible to remove that lung and maybe he will have a chance since it hasn't 
spread. We'll see what the specialist's say.

My question to anyone who can help is the following:

I've seen the forms and directions for sending off tumors to UC Davis.  But with the 
limited time that I have been home since his diagnosis I can't locate them.  Can 
anyone please HELP me find the info so I can have them send this tumor off???

Appreciate any help you can give me.  I am going to the vet with a lot of hope this 
morning but also have never felt so scared.  Bear is my first Berner. I was living 
overseas and got him in Scotland. He is such a sweetheart. Just the joy he has given 
me (even if I have to possibly lose him at 5 years old)is overwhelming. 

My 3 year old female Berner, Meisje is aware something is not quite right. She gets so 
scared when he lets out a yelp of pain. Thanks for any help you can give about how to 
send this tumor off. I want to bring the paperwork with me to the vet this morning 
just in case.

Renee Jacquier
Katy, TX 

Atlanta Draft Test on March 15, 2003

2003-02-13 Thread RJacq16804
Who else is going to the draft test in Atlanta?? Texas has 3 entries!!!  We have a 
long drive to get there but really appreciate the Chattahoocee Valley Bernese Mountain 
Dog Club putting on this draft test. I hope a lot of peole will show up for this event.

Entries must be received by March 1st and the premium list can be downloaded on the 
their website:

Looking forward to meeting some new people.

Renee Jacquier
Katy, TX