team obedience brags

2003-08-17 Thread Ravhall
Haven't seen any brags on the L for awhile, and I haven't bought any raffle 
tickets yet.  Not that I need an excuse to buy raffle tickets from Joye.
One of our local obedience trials (Did I say local??  It is 210 miles away 
and in another state) offered non-regular classes so we put together a team 
entry.  We had 3 Berners and a Rottie, with a Corgi for alternate.  We competed 
against 4 other teams and managed a respectable score of 733 and took first 
place.  The judge said that the recall for our team was the best he's ever seen, 
so that made us feel pretty good.
One more brag--my Berner brace with Raven and Wylie beat 3 other brace 
entries for 1st place.  We had a lot of fun doing the non-regular classes and would 
like to see them at more trials.  They also offered Rally but I didn't stay so 
don't know how the 3 Berner entries finished.
Interesting occurrence in the Novice B class.  There was a double run-off.  
Not sure what you call it, but there was a run-off for first and the judge said 
the dogs still tied so he called for another run-off, and that one was 
decisive.  First time I had seen that happen.
Vicky Hall in Utah
Pat and Joye, the check will soon be in the mail.  I haven't seen many posts 
about the raffle--I haven't missed the deadline, have I?

RE: bring me . . . a sock

2003-07-30 Thread Ravhall
Wylie doesn't bother with socks or shoes, but does take stuffed toys out 
every time he goes outside.  He often will collect as many as he can cram in his 
mouth, maybe 3 fairly large toys.  If he drops one he works diligently to pick 
it up before he will go outside.  He carries them to the back yard and drops 
them when he pees.  The toys don't get played with much, just carried out to 
the yard so I can carry them back in.
Vicky Hall in Utah

Happy 12th Birthday Haley and Winslow!

2003-07-09 Thread Ravhall
Big hugs to the birthday pups!  I get to take care of Winslow every once in 
awhile and he's a sweetie.  He is still taking road trips and travels like a 
trooper.  He's been out camping with his people this summer and moves pretty 
well for a 12 year old.
You all are so lucky to have these dogs in your lives--guess it's a mutual 
Best birthday wishes,
Vicky Hall in Utah

The I Did It My Way Award

2003-06-26 Thread Ravhall
OK, I'll bite on this one.  This entry comes from my darling Raven's 
performance in Utility B at the Long Beach Specialty.
I really don't think it was totally her fault, there must have been some 
dognip sprinkled in that obedience ring.
We were doing articles.  Raven watched disinterestedly while the steward 
placed the articles, then we turned our backs so the judge could put the scented 
article out.  At the command, we turned and I sent her to the articles pile.  
Raven's nose went to work just a little too early.  She stopped about five feet 
in front of the articles, sniffed and dug at something in the grass (the 
Dognip!), and had a huge roll in the grass.  I know it was dognip because she sat 
up with this stupefied look on her face.  She glanced at the articles without 
the slightest hint of recognition and never did go sniff for the right article.
At least she had some fun out there!
Vicky Hall in Utah

Stuffed therapy Berner?

2003-06-19 Thread Ravhall
Both my live Berners are certified Delta Pet Partners, but I learned that my 
huge stuffed Costco Berner is a therapy dog as well.
One of my co-workers had an elderly mixed-breed dog that was her daughter's 
best buddy.  Daughter Amy was 14 and the dog must have been 13 1/2 because Amy 
had always had this dog in her life.  Every day when she came home from school 
Amy would go to look for Shelby.  The family knew Shelby's days were numbered 
because of her bad heart.  One day when Amy came home she found Shelby's body 
on the kitchen floor, apparently dead from a heart attack some time that day.
Amy was devastated.  She went to sleep every night with her arms around her 
dog Shelby.
When her mom told us at work, I offered to bring in this large stuffed dog 
that looked just like Raven (every one knows Raven because I bring her to work 
every Tuesday).  She took the borrowed Costco Berner home to her daughter, and 
she said Amy carried it everywhere and took it to bed with her at night.  In 
fact, her mom said a few nights she woke up with this huge dog on top of her so 
she knew Amy had crawled into her bed in the middle of the night.
After about a week Amy returned the Berner with a nice thank-you note.  The 
stuffed Berner helped her get through the pain of losing a beloved pet that had 
always been a part of her life.  So it does seem that I really have 3 therapy 
Berners in the house and not just two.

Pat--do I have to pay for bragging up the good works of my stuffed Berner? 
Vicky Hall in Utah, with Raven, Wylie and Costco-dog

Berner family farewell party

2003-06-08 Thread Ravhall
I am sad to announce that one of our Berner friends is moving from West to 
East:  Salt Lake City to Pittsburgh!  We are sad to see Watson and his human 
family Bridget and Chris leave their Berner community here, and hope they will be 
warmly welcomed by the Pittsburgh area Berner community.
This morning--before the day heated up too much--we had a dog party in my 
yard.  I have a larger than typical city yard, all fenced.  We had 20+ Berners, 
from 10 weeks to 9 years, males and females, spayed/neutered/intact, along with 
their human companions.  It's a privilege for me to host these gatherings and 
see so many Berners playing together without any squabbling unless you count 
the minor grumbles from some of the adolescents.  We even harnessed and 
hitched Watson for his first attempt at carting, and it went very well.
Leaving behind well-loved human and canine friends, as well as a trusted vet, 
is hard so please warmly welcome the newcomers to your area!

Vicky Hall in Utah
with Raven and Wylie, who will really miss his littermate Watson

Ottawa Specialty pics

2003-06-08 Thread Ravhall
Robin, thanks for reminding us all to check out the Specialty pics.  When you 
can't be there it is nice to look at photos from Sieger, obedience and draft 
as well as the conformation pics.
Thanks again,
Vicky Hall in Utah USA


2003-06-05 Thread Ravhall

Here's another perspective:  I always try to educate people about the breed 
if they ask, but why is it so terrible if they think your dog is a mixed breed? 
 Maybe they won't want one!
In my experience, most people's comments and questions about the dogs are not 
said with malicious intent.  Patiently supplying information about the breed, 
while maybe sneaking in another piece of education such as why not to buy 
puppies at pet stores, works for me.
Vicky Hall in Utah

2 Berners in a Subaru

2003-06-01 Thread Ravhall
Hi Beverly, is your car a wagon or sedan?  I have a 15 year old Toyota 
all-trac wagon, which I think is a little smaller than a Legacy wagon.  As someone 
else said, it is a permanent 2-seater but my two--and sometimes their Berner 
friends--ride very comfortably in the back.
I drove this car from Salt Lake to the Spokane specialty a couple years back. 
 There were two adults plus all our luggage for a week, two Berners, a draft 
cart, and dog food plus treats and other doggie gear inside the car.  Both 
dogs and people rode quite comfortably, so if your car is a wagon it shouldn't be 
a problem.  If it's a sedan you may just have to pack stuff more creatively!
Vicky Hall in Utah

pet therapy

2003-03-24 Thread Ravhall
Kenny, good for you for wanting to do pet therapy with your future Berner!
How to start:
First, when you contact breeders tell them what you plan to do with the dog.  
They can better select for temperament by choosing a puppy who is very 
Second, when you get the pup make sure you offer lots of opportunities for 
socialization.  The more unusual things you can gradually expose the pup to, 
the more likely they are to be comfortable in a variety of situations.
Third, sign up for obedience classes.  Your dog needs a basic understanding 
of obedience commands to pass the therapy test, and you will want your fairly 
large grown up dog to be manageable.  Don't forget to include some tricks 
when you train, like shake hands or something just for fun.
Good luck with that future puppy! 
Vicky Hall in Utah

Histio raffle

2003-03-24 Thread Ravhall
Joye, put me down for $60 and split the tickets between the two paintings.
Thank you for these reminders on the L--sometimes I forget and I know this 
raffle won't be running too much longer!

Vicky Hall in Utah

By the way, could the raffle in Long Beach use one of those Sam's club Berner 
plush costumes, sized for children age 2-4?  Let me know and I will pack it 
with me!

Obedience brags

2003-03-11 Thread Ravhall
Congratulations, Vilma and crew--and thanks for posting!  I always look to 
see if HIT is posted along with results from the breed ring.  Being in a 
run-off against yourself would feel pretty weird!
Vicky Hall in Utah

Faith acheives her U-CD

2003-03-03 Thread Ravhall
Congratulations on your first ever obedience title, and especially for doing 
it in such style!  There is nothing quite like that very first title and the 
special feeling you get from working together as a team.  Keep up the good 
Vicky Hall in Utah

RE: Canine blood donors...

2003-02-17 Thread Ravhall
This has been several years ago, but my first Berner, Rosie, was asked by her 
vet to be a blood donor and she donated on a couple of occasions.  Rosie was 
about 75#, which was sizeable enough to be of value as a donor without 
compromising her health.  I would have no problem agreeing to one of my dogs 
being used as a donor.
Vicky Hall in Utah

Vet education on OFA films

2003-01-21 Thread Ravhall
I have a large young male Berner with an elbow problem and yesterday I took 
him in for a recheck and ideas on medical management for the problem.  His 
movement is a bit odd aside from his limp, so we decided it would be good to 
re-Xray the elbow and get a shoulder film as well just to make sure we 
weren't missing anything.  Instead of waiting to do OFA films, she said while 
he was sedated it might be good to Xray his pelvis and if the hips didn't 
look good I wouldn't even have to do OFA films when he turns 2.  From what 
she said, this was standard in this practice and they even advised clients 
not to send films in if it didn't look like they would pass.
I respect this Vet and was quite surprised at her response.  I told her I 
would do films and submit to OFA anyway, because I thought it was important 
for people to know the full story on what orthopedic problems were being 
produced.  I told her the responsible Berner breeders I knew wanted 
information on all their puppies.
She seemed genuinely surprised and said she just never thought of it that 
way.  When I returned later in the day to pick up my boy, she thanked me for 
presenting a different view and said she had shared what I told her with the 
rest of the staff.  She also said she plans to actively begin educating her 
clientele on the value of getting Xrays and submitting to OFA.
Moral of the story: sometimes helping change one person's view can have an 

Vicky Hall in Utah

Berners as therapy dogs

2003-01-08 Thread Ravhall
If your Berner is genuinely interested in meeting new people, and adapts well 
to situations that may be out of the ordinary, therapy work can be very 
rewarding.  I take Raven to work with me one day a week and she visits on the 
inpatient mental health unit.  Often these folks cannot have dogs because of 
limited personal resources or because they are in housing that does not allow 
dogs, and even brief dog visits are a hit with them.  I also use her carting 
skills and we sometimes give cart rides to the children at the local Shriners 
I don't know what your birds are like, but you may want to look into getting 
one or both of them certified as therapy animals as well.  Raven and I belong 
to Intermountain Therapy Animals and I know we have at least one member who 
uses her large birds--I think a Macaw and a Cockatoo--for therapy work.  You 
might want to check the website for info:
Thanks for wanting to share the blessings of your dog with others.
Vicky Hall in Utah

Re: Lap Sitting!!

2003-01-08 Thread Ravhall
Luther doesn't refer to it as a lap.

It's His Throne and his right.

Pat, when I was a kid the expression Sitting on the Throne meant one thing--I 
hope yours is different!  VBG

Vicky in Utah

BMD ad in Salt Lake paper

2002-11-09 Thread Ravhall
Hi, I think Mary-Ann Sontag-Bowman just posted about this ad.
I talked to the person for quite awhile.  The GOOD news is that he said he is 
taking the entire litter for early spay/neuter this Monday.  He has one dog 
placed locally, still has 7 pups available.
The parents have no clearances.  Period.  They think because they have 
European stock, sire from Hungary and dam from Russia, that they have avoided 
the health issues prevalent in U.S. breeding stock.  I talked to him about 
the importance of at least getting OFA hips and elbows on his breeding stock, 
and he seemed receptive to the idea.  His wife was not there, and she 
apparently is the one who manages the dog business.
They don't belong to any BMD organizations because we run a kennel and they 
don't like that.  I was glad to hear about early s/n in this litter and it 
does sound like they are open to education.  Any local folks want to reach 
out to them?
Vicky in Utah

dog poem

2002-11-05 Thread Ravhall
Hi, I thought you all might enjoy this poem.  I don't know who wrote it so I 
can't give credit--sorry!  I take Raven to work every Tuesday and she does 
her magic on the inpatient mental health unit.  One of the interns looks for 
her every Tuesday and gave me a copy of this today, along with his thanks for 
her staff and patient therapy sessions.

I can't make
any story
about my life

tonight. The house
is like an overturned

the radio
is predicting
more rain.

I asked my dog
to tell me
a story, and she

never hesitates,
Once upon 
a time, she says,

a woman lived 
with a simply
wonderful dog ... and

she stops talking.
Is that all?
I ask her.

Yes, she says,
Why do you ask?
Isn't it enough?

smile and hug your fur babies! Vicky in Utah

Berner Bash #10

2002-10-06 Thread Ravhall

Every one of you Berner folk are invited to join us for the tenth annual 
Berner Bash!

This social event will be held Sunday, October 13, at 10 a.m.
Location: Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City, Utah

This is our annual get-together to let the dogs run and play together, and 
let the people visit and catch up on news.  Last year we had about 40 Berners 
in attendance, which is a large gathering for this part of the country.
If you plan on being in the area next weekend, come on down.  Email me and I 
can give you directions to the park.  It is very easy access from I-80.

Vicky in Utah