
2003-06-06 Thread Raymond Burgett
We have more BABY gates now than we did when the kids were little. We like
the large wooden ones that slide to increase the size. We have two lower
ones ( 22")that are easy to step over and one that is 32".
What is really funny is our 5 year old and the 1 1/2 year old we have clear
the tall one with ease. If we want to confine them to the laundry room , it
requires two gates.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Re: Puppies

2003-06-05 Thread Raymond Burgett
Just had the ultra sound done and saw a minimum of 6 but our Vet felt there
was more as he did not clip her all the way so he could get clear to the
ends of each horn. He palpated her good after the ultra sound and was sure
he felt at least 7 or 8.
We are very pleased as this will be our first litter from an A-I. We have
tried several times over the years but now using the Dramanski Ovulation
Detector we were able to pin point the time of ovulation and got the job

Due on the 4th of July.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Re:Do Berners Die of Old Age

2003-05-31 Thread Raymond Burgett
This thread reminds of my post to the L  years ago when we lost our first
Berner " Boomer" our stud dog at 10 years and 6 days of age.

I wrote the L with the story of how he had gone under the shrubs next to his
daughters kennel and went to sleep. We said he passed away of old age and in
no uncertain terms we were told no dog dies of old age!!! there is a cause
of death. At the time not every one had a necropsy done when we lost our
Berners. We do & most owners do now.

We always assumed it was his heart as up to one hour before we found him he
had been playing with all the rest of the gang, and never having been sick a
day in his life.

Needless to say he was the first of our Berners to be buried on our place.

Our current oldie is "Talee"at 10 years and 7 months and is doing great,
knocking on wood as I type this about her. One thing we know for sure is she
has the best hearing of any Berner we have every owned. She can be in the
bedroom sound asleep and if a cabinet door is opened she is there by your
leg in a heart beat to see if there is anything for her to eat.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Re: Fruits and Vegetables

2003-04-06 Thread Raymond Burgett

We never intentionally fed corn on the cob, BUT have often had the dogs pick
there own from the garden along with getting potatoes,peas, green beans and
carrots. They have always just ate the soft sweet kernels and not the cobs.
In fact the raiding of the garden got so bad we finally had to fence it off.
Now the dogs set outside the fence and frown.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

RE:taking pills

2003-04-05 Thread Raymond Burgett
We find liverwurst is a sure fire way to get the dogs to love taking pills.
We take a small spoon of liverwurst and sort of wrap it around the pill and
down the hatch it goes.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Re: Raffle/check as payment

2003-04-04 Thread Raymond Burgett
We use PayPal for our online business and it is now set up to except
payments by credit card from outside the U.S. Funds can be sent to anyone
with an email address.

If any one is interested we can send PayPal information to you.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Re: Saint Sitting

2003-04-03 Thread Raymond Burgett
Well now, we are boarding or dog sitting the biggest most loveable 140 pound
2 year old female spayed Saint. Now she is a foot sitter, leaner on the legs
of great talent.
One does not move with this loveable gal on your foot. It takes two sets of
hands to get the job done when she rolls over for belly rubs.
Her call name is or was Blue but she comes lumbering towards you when she is
called anything that sounds close to Blue, ( Bloomer, Blooper and such).

She has found out that road apples are tasty item also.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max