Re: Gelli Reverse Brag

2003-07-18 Thread HenochNJ
Ah...the beginning of the 'tween years! My Maddie at 17 weeks ate the entire front of 
an old sofa in just the few minutes her dad was ignoring her while eating his own 
dinner. Three feet of fabric and the sofa had originally been in my 
in-laws' kitchen/family room, we figured it had absorbed years of pot roast scent and 
was irresistible. $175 at the emergency night vet and she disgorged about 50% of the 
sofa...the rest appeared in the backyard over the next 3 days! 

with Maddie and Titan
Cranford, NJ

Gelli Reverse Brag

2003-07-17 Thread P. Buickerood
Well friends, Gelli's 17th week of life has not been an
outstanding success from his family's point of view.  After four
puppy kindergarten classes he seems to have completely forgotten
SIT, Stand, Stay, come. When given his commands he looks at me
as if I were from the moon (and NOT made of cheese). Even with
treat in hand it takes some firm encouragement to get a
response. He just looks at me with a blank stare. Training
sessions have to be very short because his attention span seems
to have suddenly halved. Yesterday, Gelli successfully leaped
onto the bed and has determined that atop the bed is the best
place to be. Not good because getting off the bed also requires
a leap and we do not want to subject his shoulders to that kind
of stress. (Not to mention the challenges of sleeping with a BMD
puppy in the bed.) We are running out of puppy gates.
Today, Gelli decided to sample the other edge of the antique
killim he'd successfully remodelled a few weeks ago. This
afternoon he chewed off 6 inches of fringe in a scant 15
minutes. And he has chewed the squeakers out of two toys in two
days. Those new teeth are very effective - He's teething - lost
three teeth in the past six days. Maybe thats it. Or maybe now
that he has grown in size he is once again testing the
boundaries. Whatever the reasons we seem to be going through
some terrible two's. 

Add to his purchase price, the vet bills, training classes,
crate, two beds, leashes, bowls, toys, dry cleaning bills,
x-pen(that did not work at all), ruined carpet, three antique
rugs, ... This dog's debt is mounting up. Gelli says, MA! You
are embarrassing me again! Think of all the good things I do!
After all, I go into that blasted crate w/o a fuss, and I
enthusiastically greet all sorts of strangers, I play with
strange puppies and dogs, and any new adventure you decide I
should have is okay by me. I put up with ear cleaning, toe nail
clipping, tooth brushing and any other indignity you might wish
to subject me to. I shower you with kisses and when I see you I
wag my tail so hard I fall down. And everybody thinks I'm so
cute. What's a few rugs here and there?!  ARRRGH! (He's right
-- he is cute.)

Patricia Buickerood

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