RE: Heel Nipping

2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Radha,
If the dog's body is relaxed and facial expression friendly then the
wagging tail and desire for contact is good, the bowing down of the the
front end with ears relaxed and tail wagging is an invitation for play. I
would interpret Smokey's attempt at heel nipping in this instance as a
friendly over familiarity, sounds like he liked this man and wanted more
contact. You should have laughed, praised and offered a happy distraction.
Dog body language is very powerful and if the body is rigid and the ears
and expression alert with the mouth closed only opening to emit gruff
noises and the tail waving in short abrupt stiff motions then you have a
guardy dog (this will escalate if unchecked) and you need to block the eye
contact or change direction or command to settle (latter only works if you
are a true leader) If you know your dog is unhappy in certain situations
then it is best to avoid them where possible or pick up the attention focus
on yourself and do some about turns and changes of pace and keep things
positive. If you are cautious about someone's approach either on their own
or with another dog it is perfectly okay to call out and warn them. If you
are not comfortable with a stranger your dog will pick that up immediately
and if confident will move to protect you or if lacking in confidence will
want to bolt. Just remember that while eye contact and big toothy smiles
are human social they are not so to a dog and strangers looking like this
can be misinterpreted as threatening, couple that with the stranger leaning
over to pet the dog and the dog has got some very strong signals of
dog-interpreted aggression and will likely react according to his strength
of character. Socialisation continues to be important throughout a dog's
life and they learn to accept our weird behaviour:-)
Young dogs will go through stages where they are not quite sure what their
job is so it is important you continue with your obedience classes so he
learns that you make the decisions in his life and he doesn't need too. He
will gain confidence as he ages just take things nice and steady:-)

Play-bowing is good, find Smokey some dog friends and a safe place to
interact and you'll see this familiarity and invitation to play happen more
often the next few times they meet. Sounds to me like he liked this man.


Heel Nipping

2003-08-14 Thread Radha Iyengar
Dear L'ers,
I am having a bit of an issue with my dog Smokey.
Background: Smokey is an 18mo old neutered male. I
had him since he was 8 weeks and got him from a
breeder. He has done basic training and has passed the
Canine Good Citizen test.
Problem: Smokey tends to be nervous around new people.
 Usually this is not a problem as he just keeps to
himself, occasionally stopping to smell people. But he
does sometimes, on walks, bark at people who come too
close and sometimes tries to chase runners.  A quick
correction usually does the trick. Yesterday a man
stopped to say hello. Smokey had his tail up and was
wagging and sniffed the man and let him scratch his
chin. Then as the man turned to go, Smokey crouched
down in the front (but and tail in the air), tail
still up and wagging but ears down and started to
bark. Then he sort of hopped/jumped forward to try to
nip the man's heel. I had him on a leash and quickly
returned him to a sit position but the whole thing had
me startled.  He has never done anything like this and
I am not sure if he was playing or what.  Does anyone
have any thoughts about what this means?  Suggestions
on how to make sure this doesn't happen again?

Thanks a lot for any help,
Radha and Smokey 

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