Kelly and Hope need help

2003-02-14 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Not sure how many of you remember Kelly, Hope and Dillon. If memory serves
right, Hope was one of the first ones that came to the auctions. BARC was
able to get her out, and Kelly opened her heart to her. Later on she also
adopted Dillon, who unfortunately had so many health problems and even with
all the money and time Kelly spent, she had to put him down.
Now, Hope has a collapsed Trachea and needs surgery. Unfortunately with
Dillon being sick for so long, plus now helping her grandma. Her grandpa who
was like a father to her died(:

I know we have already two special friends right now, but was hoping that
BEHAF is able to set up a Special Friends account for her also. Remember the
old saying Everything bad comes in three's or something similar like this.
Trying to translate from German.

Just think if Hope would of been allowed to reproduce. We would of had a
mess on our hands. I'm very grateful for Kelly to give Hope the love she
What a bad timing for Kelly(:

If folks want to help I am sure BEHAF will be willing to collect the funds
for her and maybe make Hope a special friend.

Hope Hope can get her operation very soon. She is only 3 years old. To
think of loosing 2 dogs in a short time, would be just devastating.
Especially after all she did for them.

Sylvia Katvala and Neala
Tucson, AZ

Kelly and Hope need help Update

2003-02-14 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Found out more information.
Hope should have the operation within 2 weeks and the prognosis is good. If
she cannot get the operation, than she could collapse one time too much and
this would be the end(: She is only 3 years old.

Please if you can help, contact BEHAF.

25421 Wagner Rd 
Caldewell ID 83607 
and mark it for hope's surgery.

I would just hate for her to loose another young dog within such a short
time. Especially if it's something that can be fixed.


Sylvia Katvala and Neala
Tucson, AZ