Re: Lyme Vaccines

2003-03-05 Thread Maria Crifasi
Daisy, Buddy and I also live in the woods with tons of deer ticks. Daisy had
gotten the Lyme vaccine and gets Frontline -- she has never gotten Lyme
disease (she will be 4 in June).  Buddy (this is last year) got only
Frontline and contracted Lyme disease.  since getting the vaccine, he has
been clear.  For where I am located, my vet recommends the vaccine.  Finding
a tiny deer tick on a Berner is ... impossible unless you catch the darn
thing crawling across their white blaze -- and I have caught many a tick
that way.  I also test them in the Spring and at the end of summer.

hope this helps.

Maria Crifasi
Home of Daisy and Buddy
Catoctin Mountains, Maryland

Re: Lyme Vaccines

2003-03-05 Thread T Thompson
Hi David, Paula  all:

Please reconsider this vaccination - it didn't work the first 
time, which is no surprise - the company who makes it knows that it is not 
a very good vaccine.  The canine specialists so aknow that is it not a good 
vaccine. (go to and sign in and search under Ron Schultz).

Dr. Schultz has found that the lyme vaccine is effective for only 
25% the animals vaccinated.  So of those vaccinated, 75% are put to risk 
but gain nothing.  If it doesn't protect dogs, why is it for sale?  Well, 
lousy products are sold every day.  Vets often do not know if the product 
isn't that great or they want you to keep trying it, hoping that your dog 
will get lucky.

 But at the IVIS site, Schultz cautions that the lyme vaccine has 
been known to cause chronic arthritis in humans, and he cautions that pet 
guardians should consider that fact when they are deciding whether or not 
to use the vaccine.

Please read the Hayward Study, (internet search - key words, 
Hayward Purdue LaRosa), to get an idea of what harm a vaccine might do - 
then consider only vaccinating with vaccines that work - and only for 
illnesses that can't be treated.  May be the other stuff isn't worth the risk.

terry thompson
missoula, montana
At 07:21 AM 03/05/03 -0500, you wrote:
Hello everyone.  Despite our Charisma getting the latest vaccine, along with
topical tick/flea preventative, she still got Lyme disease last summer.  It
was caught early and a 3-wk course of antibiotics did the trick.  We do hike
nearly everyday in the woods and fields, but we religiously do a tick check
on ourselves and the dog every night (she thinks its just extra attention
until we pull one out!).  Our vet still suggests the vaccine since our
chances of exposure are so much greater than the average dog.
David and Paula Sandler  Charisma (time for a tick check yet?)