team obedience brags

2003-08-17 Thread Ravhall
Haven't seen any brags on the L for awhile, and I haven't bought any raffle 
tickets yet.  Not that I need an excuse to buy raffle tickets from Joye.
One of our local obedience trials (Did I say local??  It is 210 miles away 
and in another state) offered non-regular classes so we put together a team 
entry.  We had 3 Berners and a Rottie, with a Corgi for alternate.  We competed 
against 4 other teams and managed a respectable score of 733 and took first 
place.  The judge said that the recall for our team was the best he's ever seen, 
so that made us feel pretty good.
One more brag--my Berner brace with Raven and Wylie beat 3 other brace 
entries for 1st place.  We had a lot of fun doing the non-regular classes and would 
like to see them at more trials.  They also offered Rally but I didn't stay so 
don't know how the 3 Berner entries finished.
Interesting occurrence in the Novice B class.  There was a double run-off.  
Not sure what you call it, but there was a run-off for first and the judge said 
the dogs still tied so he called for another run-off, and that one was 
decisive.  First time I had seen that happen.
Vicky Hall in Utah
Pat and Joye, the check will soon be in the mail.  I haven't seen many posts 
about the raffle--I haven't missed the deadline, have I?

Obedience brags

2003-03-11 Thread Ravhall
Congratulations, Vilma and crew--and thanks for posting!  I always look to 
see if HIT is posted along with results from the breed ring.  Being in a 
run-off against yourself would feel pretty weird!
Vicky Hall in Utah