Thank you!

2003-09-05 Thread BernerFolk
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Thank you on nipping advice

2003-09-02 Thread Nancy Plain
I just wanted to thank all the wonderful Berner owners who took the time to
respond to my question on nipping. You are all so kind  caring.

Pudge is slowly learning not to nip so hard  we are slowly learning to yell
Ouch at the top of our lungs  walk away.  We are quite the sight some
days ;-)

Will continue to read  learn  be back with more questions.


Re: Carpet Odors/Thank You!

2003-08-17 Thread Sara Steele
Hi All, with special attention to those of you who sent me tips on getting
excrement and regurg odors out of my carpets.
Unfortunately, I am not able to reply to the five of you who posted
privately, as I my computer is crashing and I have
been deleting everything, in a futile effort to spare the computer the
burden of having too much on its memory. At first I thought
it was a problem of having too much stuff stored in the computer, but I have
tons of ram to cover for my music programs. I
know that my Word 2000 is definitely on the way out, so I have spent the
last few days, day and night, in a panic,stripping all the Word
files and folders out to discs. Today, I learned that it is not only Word,
but the computer itself that is getting ready to deep six.
So, when I get all of this computer business settled, I will re-ask the odor
question, and I hope that you will once again
indulge me with the answers.  Thank you all so much!  sara steele

RE: Collar Input-Thank you!!

2003-05-30 Thread Andrea Brin
woofit pants a lot. he pants when he is hot, nervous, excited. he sometimes
pants like he has a breathing problem. my mother once called him heavy
breather! chi on the other had does not pant as much. if i stroke woofit
gently and take deep breaths it relaxes him and he stops panting.
andrea, woofit and chi

shavertown, pa

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Karen
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:03 AM
To: Berner List
Subject: Collar Input-Thank you!!

Dear Listers,
Just wanted to extend a warm thank you for all the input I have received
concerning my question about pinch collars. I have tried to respond to as
many as I could personally, but if I missed anyone please accept my
apologies. Your information, links, and insight are so appreciated, as
Now I have another question. Do any of your beloved Berners constantly pant.
I have been kind of concerned over Stevie's constant panting. He pants
whether it is cool or not, whether he is being exercised or not. It is
almost all the time. I have asked the vet about it, but she doesn't think
that it is anything to worry about. But of course I WORRY about my gentle
giant and just need some reassurance. Maybe I need to get a second opinion,
or maybe I am just being paranoid!! Any thoughts or input would be
appreciated, Again!!
Big Berner Hugs and Kisses
Karen and Stevie

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Re: Collar Input-Thank you!!

2003-05-30 Thread Hugh Hayes

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:02 AM
Subject: Collar Input-Thank you!!

 Dear Listers,
 Just wanted to extend a warm thank you for all the input I have received
 concerning my question about pinch collars. I have tried to respond to
 many as I could personally, but if I missed anyone please accept my
 apologies. Your information, links, and insight are so appreciated, as
 Now I have another question. Do any of your beloved Berners constantly
 I have been kind of concerned over Stevie's constant panting. He pants
 whether it is cool or not, whether he is being exercised or not. It is
 almost all the time. I have asked the vet about it, but she doesn't think
 that it is anything to worry about. But of course I WORRY about my gentle
 giant and just need some reassurance. Maybe I need to get a second
 or maybe I am just being paranoid!! Any thoughts or input would be
 appreciated, Again!!
 Big Berner Hugs and Kisses
 Karen and Stevie

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.484 / Virus Database: 282 - Release Date: 27/05/2003

Just a Thank You

2003-05-29 Thread Bernesemoutain2
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2003-03-21 Thread RJacq16804
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the love and prayers sent following 
Bear's diagnosis of Malignant Histiocytosis.  He was sent to the Bridge one week ago 
today.  I received his ashes back yesterday. So, so strange having him gone. The 
mornings are the hardest.  I know it was right to send him to the bridge when I did -- 
but miss him terribly.  I pray they find a cause and cure for this dreadful disease 
that can take our berners at such a young age.

I have contacted the Great Britain Club with all Bear's health info for their records. 
 Will also do the same with Berner Garde.

Thank you to all that sent notes.  Sorry if I didn't answer back - just hard to do so 
right now. Pat Long - special thanks through all this...your words, help with the 
research blood kit.  Also received a Berner Angel Pin on Monday -- Thank you so much 
Karen (what a beautiful pin). 

PLEASE, PLEASE support the current raffle going on for Histio.  Too many Berners are 
being lost to Histio and at such young ages.

Love and Hugs to you all and your Berners,

Renee Jacquier
Katy, TX

Thank you everyone

2003-03-18 Thread Louise Wetzel
Thank you everyone for your sympathetic messages and cards.

Sophie's passing was hard and still is.  However I know that I gave her the
most peaceful and dignified way to go.  She deserved that from me, after all
that in her 12 years she did for me.  She was not only a wonderful Bernese
representative, she was a wonderful friend and child.

Thanks again, give your Berners a hug from me and Sophie.

Berners still rule other dogs drool!  (do not tell the BC and the Paps that
I said that!)

Louise in Queens NY
Devin blue merle BC and 2
Papillons, Carmen  Riki

Thank you

2003-03-15 Thread SLTALT
Hi Everyone,

I posted a question a week or so ago about everyone's favorite books on puppies and/or 
training.  Thanks to everyone who responded to me - I have some wonderful ideas and 
have been keeping busy reading them.  Two more weeks until our baby boy comes home!  

I also asked you about sleeping arrangements, and any advice/comments you had - thanks 
also to everyone who replied to me - all of your thoughts were helpful!

I am confused though as to why my post didn't actually show up on the digest, but yet 
some of you wrote to me.  I do have AOL 8.0 - is that the problem?  How can I fix it?  
I have gone to now, and will send this from there, thinking that might 
help...?  I hope so.

Thank you all again.  I'll be in touch as I have more questions - I'm sure I'll have 
MANY in a few weeks!  We're S excited

in Maine

thank you

2003-03-01 Thread James and Karen Gross
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Thank you.

2003-02-19 Thread Dino Candelaria
A fellow BARC mommy has sent a donation for Hope. (So we at BEHAF are happy to collect
for Hope even though we don't have her up on our site as a Special Friend yet.

And to extend Thanks on behalf of Kelly and Hope, wishing them the best too.


Bo says Thank You!

2003-02-13 Thread jean cheesman
Biggest Berner Hugs and Thank You from Bo!

Further biopsy has been done on lymph node tissue to discover exactly which
type of lymphosarcoma it is!

Kelvin and Royce have asked me to give you special thanks here for all your
mails! We are very hopeful that will be a milder lymphoma and treatable with

Will let you know as soon as latest biopsy reports come in but Bo is doing
fine on the Prednisone and we are hopeful!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Thank You

2003-02-07 Thread James and Karen Gross
Just wanted to post a quick note to say thank you to all  that replied to my
questions regarding trying to get information on our boy
Again a huge thanks to all of you
Thor sends berner hugs and kisses to everyone
Karen and Thor

Thank You

2003-01-09 Thread James and Karen Gross
I just wanted to say thank you to all of those that replied to my post
regarding pet insurance
It has (and will continue) to be such a comfort to know that there are all
these people out there that are so committed to helping others. 
It is wonderful to know that I have this wealth of information and help and
all I have to do is ask.  
God bless all of you
Karen and Thor 

Thank you re Zac

2002-12-15 Thread Liz Rilstone
I just wanted to thank all those who sent me notes, poems and cards. It
helps more than you can know to know that I am not alone in these times. I
sincerely appreciate each and every person who wrote to me. I am sorry that
I haven't answered you all individually but there are so many and right now
I just haven't the heart to sit and write.

I am doing ok. The mornings are the hardest for me. I am so used to opening
the door and him being there  he isn't. I keep myself busy during the
day and I can cope. But it's the quiet times when I sit and think that are
the hardest. The girls are very sooky ... more than usual. All in all, we're
doing ok  sad  but ok.

Thanks again for all your kind words. Hug your Berners tight cos you just
never know how long they're going to stay.

Take care,
Liz Rilstone
Bakkabyond BMD's:
Bernerped Database:

could you please send BERNER-L Digest 4174 and BERNER-L digest 4168 to me again - thank you

2002-12-10 Thread Carol Burke
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Thank you

2002-12-06 Thread Karen McFarlane
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Fw: Thank You

2002-11-27 Thread Joanne Gerow

- Original Message -
From: Christianna Lee Stang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jessica Hessinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jesikiwi
Stang [EMAIL PROTECTED]; David and Erica (and Kaila) Stang
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: Fw: Thank You

 If you are so inclined, visit the Department of Defense web page
 below and sign a brief message thanking the men and women of the
 military services for defending our freedom. The compiled list of
 names will be sent out to our soldiers at the end of the month. So
 there are only about 1,578,531 names. What a shame. National
 Appreciation Month (please pass it on to your email friends

   It takes 10 seconds...literally


Thank you for your kind support

2002-11-27 Thread K2zo
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In need of a berner fix - thank you!

2002-11-26 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers from MI,

Thank you so very much for your offers to have my Dad visit your furballs.  I 
have forwarded the several responses I received to him.  Hopefully, he does 
not have any critical plans this coming weekend because I know he would enjoy 
all the activities that have been scheduled.

So, if a 65 year old man that looks like Bill Clinton with a beard and 'tashe 
introduces himself to you, that's my Dad!!!  He'll be smiling the entire 

Thank you for your emails.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

thank you to all

2002-11-26 Thread brandy marazzi
Hello all,
 I just wanted to thank everyone for emailing me regarding the big berners 
at Costcos. A local lister informed me they got a shipment in and I am now 
the owner of a giant stuffed berner.  My boy sniffs at it alot and even 
posed for a picture together.
Thank you to all who were so nice to write me and help me get one of these 
big guys!! I'm sure there are others who are looking for them!!
Thanks again,
Brandy and Bucca

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