i came downstairs this morning to find my almost 3 year old baka unable to stand. we rushed off to the vet. baka did stand and walk a few steps at the vet, after being carried in on a stretcher. her back was all arched & her rear end looked weak.

i told the vet about a diarrhea problem we've been home treating (fasting, boiled beef & rice, the usual). it started up a couple days ago, after a little too much recreational bone. but other than that, baka has seemed healthy and happy.

the vet couldn't find anything that felt strange, baka's temp was at the high end of normal, but still normal, and the vet couldn't identify any specific places that hurt from her exam. she did notice baka seemed to be a little more full of gas than she'd normally be.

they did two sets of xrays. the first showed baka's hips & back looked fine, but the vet said baka's intestine wall was strangely thick. it also didn't appear to be doing anything (though i'm not sure how you could see that in an xray). the second showed baka's stomach which the all the vets at the clinic agreed "didn't look normal"- there might be something in there causing problems, they're just not sure.

so they took some blood, gave baka some sub-q fluids, a shot of pain killer, a shot of anti-vomiting meds, and sent us home with anti-diarrhea pills. they think baka's rear end weakness is a general weakness from the diarrhea.

tomorrow morning i'm to call the vet & tell her how baka did overnight & if she's getting up at all. then we'll have the test results & most likely re-xray to see how baka's stomach looks & see if they can get a better look at the part that doesn't look normal.

baka is home, crashed out on her bed next to my computer & while she did walk down the ramp & into the house on her own, she hasn't moved since. i guess i'll be sleeping in the office tonight.

laura & baka
chapel hill, nc

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