Re: [bess] WGLC, IPR and implementation poll for draft-ietf-bess-mvpn-fast-failover

2018-11-30 Thread Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang

I have the following questions/comments:

   The procedure described here is an OPTIONAL procedure that consists
   of having a downstream PE take into account the status of P-tunnels
   rooted at each possible upstream PEs, for including or not including
   each given PE in the list of candidate UMHs for a given (C-S,C-G)
   state.  The result is that, if a P-tunnel is "down" (see
   Section 3.1), the PE that is the root of the P-tunnel will not be
   considered for UMH selection, which will result in the downstream PE
   to failover to the upstream PE which is next in the list of

Is it possible that a p2mp tunnel is considered up by some leaves but down by 
some other leaves, leaving to them choosing different UMH? In that case, 
procedures described in Section 9.1.1 ("Discarding Packets from Wrong PE") of 
RFC 6513 must be used. I see that this is actually pointed out later in section 
6 - good to have a pointer to it right here.

Additionally, the text in section 3 seems to be more biased on Single Forwarder 
Election choosing the UMH with the highest IP address. Section 5 of RFC6513 
also describes two other options, hashing or based on "installed UMH route" 
(aka unicast-based). It is not clear how the text in this document applies to 
hashing based selection, and I don't see how the text applies to unicast-based 
selection. Some rewording/clarification are needed here.

   For P-tunnels of type P2MP MPLS-TE, the status of the P-tunnel is
   considered up if one or more of the P2MP RSVP-TE LSPs, identified by
   the P-tunnel Attribute, are in Up state.

Why is "one or more of ..." used in the above text?

There are several occurrences of ((S, G)). I assume they should be changed to 
(C-S, C-G).

   A PE can be removed from the UMH candidate list for a given ((S, G))
   if the P-tunnel for this (S, G) (I or S , depending) is leaf
   triggered (PIM, mLDP)

Perhaps either remove the (I or S , depending)or move it to before the "for".

   This document defines the format and ways of usingr a new BGP
   attribute called the "BGP- BFD attribute".


   o  MUST use [Ed.note] address as destination IP address when
  transmitting BFD control packets;


   If tracking of the P-tunnel by using a p2mp BFD session is to be
   enabled after the P-tunnel has been already signaled, the the
   procedure described above MUST be followed.

What if the tracking is to be enabled before the P-tunnel has been signaled? 
The text implies different behavior?
s/the the/then the/

   ... The dedicated p2mp BFD session MAY monitor the state of
   the Standby Upstream PE.

What does the above text mean? Do you mean "A different p2mp BFD session "?

   When such a procedure is used, in the context where fast restoration
   mechanisms are used for the P-tunnels, leaf PEs should be configured
   to wait before updating the UMH, to let the P-tunnel restoration
   mechanism happen.  A configurable timer MUST be provided for this
   purpose, and it is recommended to provide a reasonable default value
   for this timer.

What does "such a procedure" refers to?

3.1.7.  Per PE-CE link BFD Discriminator

   The following approach is defined for the fast failover in response
   to the detection of PE-CE link failures, in which UMH selection for a
   given C-multicast route takes into account the state of the BFD
   session associated with the state of the upstream PE-CE link.  Upstream PE Procedures

   For each protected PE-CE link, the upstream PE initiates a multipoint
   BFD session [I-D.ietf-bfd-multipoint] as MultipointHead toward
   downstream PEs.  A downstream PE monitors the state of the p2mp
   session as MultipointTail and MAY interpret transition of the BFD
   session into Down state as the indication of the associated PE-CE
   link being down.

Since the BFD packets are sent over the P2MP tunnel not the PE-CE link, my 
understanding is that the BFD discriminator is still for the tunnel and not 
tied to the PE-CE link; but different from the previous case, the root will 
stop sending BFD messages when it detects the PE-CE link failure. As far as the 
egress PEs are concerned, they don't know if it is the tunnel failure or PE-CE 
link failure.

If my understanding is correct, the wording should be changed.

   ...  If the route to the
   src/RP changes such that the RPF interface is changed to be a new PE-
   CE interface, then the upstream PE will update the S-PMSI A-D route
   with included BGP-BFD Attribute so that value of the BFD
   Discriminator is associated with the new RPF link.

If the RPF interface changes on the upstream PE, why should it update the route 
to send a new discriminator? As long as there is a new RPF interface couldn't 
the upstream PE do nothing but start tracking the new RPF interface?

Regardless which way (the currently described way and my imagined way), some 
text should be added to discuss how the downs

Re: [bess] Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on draft-ietf-bess-mvpn-expl-track-13: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

2018-11-30 Thread Eric Rosen
On 11/29/2018 5:05 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> The updates in the -13 include new Updates headers for RFCs 7582 and 7900,
> which may or may not call for additional IESG eyes on the changes.  Just from
> looking at the diff, it's not entirely clear to me what about those documents 
> is
> being updated.

In Alvaro's comments, he explicitly asked me to put 7582 and 7900 in the 
"Updates" header.

His reasoning was based on the the following text (which is unchanged 
from the previous version) from Section 3:

    The rules for finding a "match for reception" in [RFC6625] are hereby
    modified as follows:

   When applying the rules of Section 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 of [RFC6625], it
   is REQUIRED to ignore any S-PMSI A-D route that has no PTA, or
   whose PTA specifies "no tunnel information present".

    There are other RFCs that update [RFC6625] and that modify the rules
    for finding a "match for reception".  See, e.g., [RFC7582] and
    [RFC7900].  When applying those modified rules, it is REQUIRED to
    ignore any S-PMSI A-D route that has no PTA, or whose PTA specifies
    "no tunnel information present".

Alvaro's comment was:

"This text is also Updating rfc7582 and rfc7900 (and others?) that Updated
rfc6625.  This document should then be marked to Update those other RFCs

This comment seems reasonable to me, but if you two would like to fight 
it out, just let me know the resolution ;-)
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