A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
directories. This Internet-Draft is a work item of the BGP Enabled ServiceS
(BESS) WG of the IETF.

   Title           : Per multicast flow Designated Forwarder Election for EVPN
   Authors         : Ali Sajassi
                     Mankamana Mishra
                     Samir Thoria
                     Jorge Rabadan
                     John Drake
   Filename        : draft-ietf-bess-evpn-per-mcast-flow-df-election-09.txt
   Pages           : 11
   Date            : 2023-07-10

   [RFC7432] describes mechanism to elect designated forwarder (DF) at
   the granularity of (ESI, EVI) which is per VLAN (or per group of
   VLANs in case of VLAN bundle or VLAN-aware bundle service).  However,
   the current level of granularity of per-VLAN is not adequate for some
   applications.[RFC8584] improves base line DF election by introducing
   HRW DF election.  [RFC9251] introduces applicability of EVPN to
   Multicast flows, routes to sync them and a default DF election.  This
   document is an extension to HRW base draft [RFC8584] and further
   enhances HRW algorithm for the Multicast flows to do DF election at
   the granularity of (ESI, VLAN, Mcast flow).

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