Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] SoftSqueeze 3.5

2008-03-11 Thread Zach Anthony

I've just upgraded to SC7 and installed the 3.6 version of Softsqueeze
that comes with it. I'm running this on OSX 10.5.2 and  am getting the
same distorted sound as reported by others - has anyone got this
working on OSX/Leopard yet?



Zach Anthony

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] SoftSqueeze 3.5

2008-03-12 Thread Zach Anthony

Hi subagon, thanks for replying.

Although I'm on a MacBook Pro I've got external speakers hooked up, and
everything else sounds fine. Softsqueeze does sound "buzzy" as described
by others.

The server is running OSX 10.5.2 as well.

I've tried completely unintalling Softsqueeze, and I've tried going
back to version 3.4 (which someone else had reported as working OK),
but everything sounds the same. Everything was fine before I went to



Zach Anthony

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Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] SoftSqueeze 3.5

2008-03-12 Thread Zach Anthony

I got it by installing from within SC7:

SqueezeCenter > Extras > SoftSqueeze

The latest version on Sourceforge seems to be 3.5.

Zach Anthony

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[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.1b2 Track count bug

2005-07-18 Thread Zach Anthony

Since upgrading to 6.1b2 I've also had numerous duplications pop-up in
my music list too.  Sometimes its whole albums, sometimes its simply
all (or most) of the songs within an album.  I've got the July 17
nightly build running now and have seen no change in the problem.  None
of the tracks appear to be duplicated in iTunes.  
Something similar happened when I first upgraded to 6.0 but after
deleting .m3u files in the music root it went away.

oreillymj, how did you import the db into Access? I'd like to have a
poke around in mine too to see if its the same problem you've reported.

Zach Anthony
beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.1b2 Track count bug

2005-07-23 Thread Zach Anthony

oreillymj - thanks for the info on setting up a DSN, hadn't thought of
that. Like Patrick I found that the file you linked to didn't install a
SQLLite3 driver, but this older driver set does: 

I'm using MSSQL and though I should be able to either setup the DSN or
directly import using the supplied drivers, I keep getting a
username/password error, even on a local copy of slimserversql.db. Prob
an issue on my system, so I've given up for now - but at least I've got
this far should I want to try again in future.

Meanwhile I've done a complete reinstall of 6.1b2. Duplication seems to
be at a minimum, but I might try one of the nightly builds based on what
Patrick said.

Thanks again.

Zach Anthony
beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Deleting favorites?

2005-07-25 Thread Zach Anthony

Is there a way to delete favorites other than returning to the
playlist/item and using the right arrow to delete? 

All of my favorites which are based on playlists (all streams in this
case) have become confused somehow: all show the same source and none
of them that actually are favorites will let me delete using the method
described above. I've rescanned the playlists numerous times but it
hasn't fixed the problem. Favorites which are based on items under
Internet Radio (e.g. a stream) are note effected.

I'm using the 6.2 nightly build from July 23.

Also, a couple of feature suggestions: it would be nice to have some
access to favorites in a menu (either in the web gui or the remote) so
you could clear them, change their numbers, etc. It would also be good
if when deleting favorites all subsequent favorites didn't shift up one
number (e.g. delete fave 1 and fave 2 becomes fave 1, fave 3 becomes
fave 2, etc.). And finally I'm not quite sure why you can add favorites
beyond 9 - how do you press and hold '10'?

Zach Anthony
beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: Deleting favorites?

2005-07-28 Thread Zach Anthony

Thanks for the help Dean. I've deleted all my faves and re-added, and
they all work correctly now.

With regard to favorites numbering and editing, perhaps the simplest
change (from a UI perspective, anyway) would be to simply let the user
select the fave number when adding a new item? If fave #1 had been
previously deleted, the fave numbers for other items could just be
retained, and when adding a new one, the user could choose from all
empty faves, which would include 1.

I suppose that in practice not many people would have more than 10
faves anyway, so maybe my last point is effectively a non-issue.



Zach Anthony
beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Problem scanning iTunes playlists

2005-09-01 Thread Zach Anthony

I've just installed the latest nightly build (9/1) in the hopes that it
would solve a problem I've had for some time - my iTunes playlists are
not showing up - but the problem persists. No matter how many times I
rescan (normal and playlists only), clear the db cache, reinstall, etc.
my iTunes playlists just won't appear - with one exception.

I've done some testing today and at one point my iTunes playlists DID
finally show up. The steps I followed were as follows:

1) Manually delete the .db file.
2) Start the server and allow it to start indexing.
3) Stop the server.
4) Start the server from the command line (with --d_itunes so I could
5) Start a playlists only rescan from the web UI.

As I said above, this did result in my iTunes playlists - plus all
other non-iTunes playlists - being shown. HOWEVER as soon as I
initiated a rescan of new and changed form the web UI, the iTunes
playlists disappeared again. (I've tested the playlists from my
Squeezebox and they do work, though most are full of empty tracks.)

Somes of my iTunes playlists are quite large, on the order of 15,000
songs, but why would the above steps work and not a regular rescan?

Some further details: 
-My music is contained in a directory that is outside the standard
Windows location for the iTunes library (i.e. not in My Music).
-I have a separate playlists folder containing playlists I've created
manually; this is in addition to the iTunes playlists which are found
in the normal place (i.e. in the same place as iTunes Music

Debug extract:
When I load the server with --d_itunes enabled it simply repeats the
2005-09-01 14:21:34.9432 iTunes: attempting to locate iTunes Music
2005-09-01 14:21:47.0141 iTunes: found My Music here: D:\Data\Zach\My
Music for
D:\Data\Zach\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml
2005-09-01 14:21:47.0297 iTunes: found path via Windows registry at:
h\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml

Hope that's enough to start the ball rolling, please let me know what
other info I can send. I'm not too familiar with the full set of debug
options, so if further logs are needed please specify the exact syntax
for the command line.

Many thanks,


Zach Anthony
beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: Problem scanning iTunes playlists

2005-10-28 Thread Zach Anthony


After some research here in the forums I discovered my actual problems:
1) the 'Use iTunes' setting wasn't enabled (first page of Server
Settings) and 2) the setting wasn't even available to enable/disable
due to some sort of confusion in the Server (I think related to invalid
settings in the iTunes Music Folder and .XML location settings at some

I've just been searching for the exact post that helped me to resolve
my problem, but I can't seem to find it. I *think* the solution was
basically to set the 'Find iTunes Library Automatically' to 'Specify
iTunes Library Locations' (and then set the locations accordingly),
then stop the server, clear the .db file out of the cache folder, and
restart. Once I restarted I  saw the 'Use iTunes' setting and was able
to enable it. A subsequent rescan picked up my iTunes settings.

If the above doesn't work, have a search through the forums to look for
the definitive answer.

Zach Anthony
beta mailing list