[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.5b + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP

2006-09-03 Thread EnochLight

kyleki;133201 Wrote: 
> Isn't that equation supposed to be:
> anything + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP
> (sorry, I couldn't help myself) ;-)

Yeah it's been a long and winding road, that's for sure.  That said,
most of my applications and drivers work fine in Vista, even in the
pre-RC1 (build 5536) version - and I use my computer as a digital audio
workstation and gaming machine on top of being a media server.  The only
items I am having trouble with right now is Slim Server 6.5b1 (really
missing the 770 skin!) and my m-audio Firewire 410 soundcard (no
available drivers from m-audio).

I'm liking Vista a lot, and expect to be using the release candidates
as my primary OS until it's official release.  I'm surprised at how
snappy even 5536 feels.

|Filename: Vista_Reason_1.jpg   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1630|


EnochLight's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3392
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26958

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[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.5b + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP

2006-09-03 Thread kyleki

EnochLight;132970 Wrote: 
> Tried to get 6.5b to run on the latest pre-RCI of Vista (build 5536) but
> no luck.  It just sits on my task bar and stalls while trying to start.
> Hope we can get it working on Vista soon; I'd love to be able to
> upgrade in a few months...Isn't that equation supposed to be:
anything + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP

(sorry, I couldn't help myself) ;-)


kyleki's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2510
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26958

beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.5b + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP

2006-09-02 Thread EnochLight

Jungle;132978 Wrote: 
> I have no doubt that SlimServer will work under Vista but this does seem
> a little premature and I, for one, would prefer development resources to
> remain focused on the here and now. Just my personal view  :-)

I digress; 6.5 has been in alpha/pre-beta for an eternity it seems and
with the impending release of Vista to the masses very soon, it only
makes sense to start testing the two together now.

There's a good number of users of Slim Devices products that are early
adopters - I think most of us who beta/alpha test are clear examples. 
It's not unreasonable to push for compatibility between the two at this
stage in the game.

6.3.1 works fine on Vista, so it's reasonable to assume that it
shouldn't be too difficult to kickstart 6.5 - which is scheduled for
release around the time that the Transporter comes out.

For any/all Slim Devices peeps out there, Vista will be on my machine
at this point so if you need me to test any Slim Server builds geared
towards it, let me know!



EnochLight's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3392
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26958

beta mailing list

[SlimDevices: Beta] Re: 6.5b + Windows VISTA pre-RC1 = CRAP

2006-09-02 Thread Jungle

EnochLight;132970 Wrote: 
> Tried to get 6.5b to run on the latest pre-RCI of Vista (build 5536) but
> no luck.  It just sits on my task bar and stalls while trying to start.
> Hope we can get it working on Vista soon; I'd love to be able to
> upgrade in a few months...

Sheesh - I take the point but how much pain do you really need in one
life? You take a beta release of one product and run it on a beta of an
OS from Microsoft (which most sane manufacturers would term an alpha)
and, surprisingly enough, it doesn't work! Vista probably won't hit the
streets until January by which time 6.5 will be a full, stable release
with (most likely) a whole slew of bug fixes already under its belt.
That's probably the point to start running SlimServer on Vista.

I have no doubt that SlimServer will work under Vista but this does
seem a little premature and I, for one, would prefer development
resources to remain focused on the here and now. Just my personal
view  :-)


They say that laughter is the best medicine but, if you're an asthmatic,
ventolin is probably a better bet.

Jungle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1998
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26958

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