Re: Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics

2011-09-17 Thread Narayan M Subramaniam
My boss(Mr. Sharvil Shah) is interested in buying an Ergo Duo for the
office. he wants a demo for him_Mrsanjay shah, mr. ayay shah, mr pankaj shah
etc. give me a date n time via sms,please!

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 11:46 AM, better_personality@googlegroups.comwrote:

   Today's Topic Summary


- 9 Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative 
 People#1327607b3aa33b1b_group_thread_0[1 Update]
- FW: FW: customer is always right #1327607b3aa33b1b_group_thread_1[1 

   Topic: 9 Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative 

icwastudymaterialandjobs Sep 16
03:58PM +0530 ^ #1327607b3aa33b1b_digest_top

9 Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative People
Do you have any friends or colleagues who are negative? If so, you’ll
they aren’t the most enjoyable people to be around. Negative people can
real downers in any conversation. No matter what you say, they have a
way of
spinning things in a negative direction. Some negative people can be so
negative that it feels draining just being around them.

I’ve dealt with a fair share of negative people in my life in network
basically surrounded by unknown people whose feedback is not relevant
to me, and who do not professionalism in their feedbacks. I was
initially taken aback by negativity of the people, I eventually learned
manage it and channel it into conscious action.

Today, I deal with negativity on-and-off in my personal development
especially if there are readers or coaching clients in distress. Rather
be affected by others’ negative energy, I’m now able to consciously
with it. Here, I’ll share with you 9 tips to deal with negative people
your life (specially in your blogs and work place)

*1) Don’t get into an argument*

*2) Empathize with them*

*3) Lend a helping hand*

*4) Stick to light topics*

*5) Ignore the negative comments*

*6) Praise the person for the positive things*

*7) Hang out in 3′s or more people*

*8) Be responsible for your reaction*

*9) Reduce contact with them / Avoid them*

*1) Don’t get into an argument*

One of the most important things I learned is not to debate with a
person. A negative person likely has very staunch views and isn’t going
change that just because of what you said. Whatever you say, he/she can
10 different reasons to back up his/her viewpoint. The discussion will
swirl into more negativity, and you pull yourself down in the process.
can give constructive comments, and if the person rebutts with no signs
backing down, don’t engage further.

*2) Empathize with them*

Have you ever been annoyed by something before, then have someone tell
to “relax”? How did you feel? Did you relax as the person suggested or
you feel even more worked up?

From my experience, people who are negative (or upset for that matter)
benefit more from an empathetic ear than suggestions/solutions on what
he/she should do. By helping them to address their emotions, the
will automatically come to them (it’s always been inside them anyway).

*3) Lend a helping hand*

Some people complain as a way of crying for help. They may not be
of it though, so their comments come across as complaints rather than
requests. Take the onus to lend a helping hand. Just a simple “Are you
okay?” or “Is there anything I can do to help you?” can do wonders.

*4) Stick to light topics*

Some negative people are triggered by certain topics. Take for example:
of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode whenever we talk about
work. No matter what I say (or don’t say), he’ll keep complaining once
talk about work.

Our 1st instinct with negative people should be to help bring them to a
positive place (i.e. steps #2 and #3). But if it’s apparent the person
stuck in his/her negativity, the unhappiness may be too deeply rooted
address in a one-off conversation, or for you to help him/her unravel
Bring in a new topic to lighten the mood. Simple things like new
daily occurrences, common friends, make for light conversation. Keep it
areas the person feels positive towards.

*5) Ignore the negative comments*

One way to help the negative person “get it” is to ignore the negative
comments. If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple
see” or “Ok” reply. On the other hand, when he/she is being positive,
in affirmation and 

Realizing Your Purpose Success Quotes

2011-09-17 Thread icwastudymaterialandjobs
*Message for the day 17-09-2011*

 The one who has a clear aim, is able to win the cooperation from others

*Realizing Your Purpose** *

 You are a source of the most powerful energy on the planet because you have
a mind and an intellect, which has the capacity to create thoughts, ideas
and actions.

If however, there is no purpose (aim and objective) to your creativity, no
focus or direction, your energy and your power will leak out in a variety of

You will be left with a drained feeling and the subtle guilt that you wasted
precious time and energy.

Just as a light bulb focuses and radiates the energy of electricity, so a
clear purpose focuses and radiates the power of the self.

Take time out to consider your purpose in life and then how you can
translate that purpose into your day, everyday. You will see your purpose in
your mind’s eye.

One day it will occur to you, perhaps unexpectedly, perhaps in one single
thought, or a clear single image of stunning clarity (accuracy), but you
will know it with a certainty that needs no questioning.
Best-Ever Success Quotes

 “If you have a good name, if you are more often right than you

are wrong, if your children respect you, if your grandchildren are

glad to see you, if your friends can count on you and you can

count on them in time of trouble, if you can face God and say “I

have done my best,” then you are a success.”

Ann Landers

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the

formula for failure – which is, try to please everybody.”

Herbert Swope

“Success is the result of good judgment, good judgment is a result

of experience, experience is often the result of bad judgment.”

Anthony Robbins

“Be ready when opportunity comes... Luck is the time when

preparation and opportunity meet.”
Roy D. Chapin Jr.

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