From: Manova Jeevados D [] 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:10 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: A Story with a good Moral


A story from Zen Buddhism

There was a robber who amassed a lot of ill-gotten wealth. One day, he went
to a teacher who had great reputation of great character and asked, ``How
can I obtain happiness? I have lots of wealth and five hundred thieves ready
to obey me but somehow I still feel incomplete and empty.''

The teacher led him to the base of a hill, and pointing to three large
stones, asked the robber to carry them and follow him up the hill. The
robber could hardly move and said, ``I cannot follow you with this heavy
burden.' So the teacher asked the robber to drop one stone. After going a
little distance, the robber found it impossible to go up the hill with two
heavy stones. The teacher asked him to drop one more and the same thing
happened with the third one and the robber was able to easily follow the
teacher to the top of the hill. The teacher said, ``Deviating from the path
of righteousness does cause a heavy conscience. Just as you could not climb
the hill with the burden of heavy stones, you cannot achieve happiness if
you go through life carrying a heavy conscience.''


How true. Whenever we go against our values, our conscience gets burdened.
Stress level goes up. Insecurity comes in. ignoring conscience long enough
kills it eventually making it like dead weight like the rocks in the story.
Life becomes a burden.

Qoute for the day :


" None can destroy iron, but it own rust can !
Likewise, none can destroy a person , but its own mind set can "

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