Re: [Bf-committers] Patch [#36029] improvements to spline behavior with a SINGLE handle selected

2013-07-30 Thread David Jeske
ping... now that 2.68 is out can I get some feedback on this?

I made two alternative patches here. They both fix the same set of bugs in

- add tooltips to the handle-type-set menu (yay!)

- fix a visual bug where selected spline handles are highlighted incorrectly

- allow (S)cale to alter the length of a single handle without changing
it's rotation, just like double-handle scale does for two handles.

They both also add a small visual. I know this visual isn't perfect, though
it seems not terribly offensive, and it visually clarifies behavior which
is currently invisible. Open to suggestions about better visuals.

The above changes are included in this patch, and I think they are rather


I also made another patch which includes all of the above, but goes a bit
further. It makes a change to spline-handle set which makes it's behavior
match the documentation, the English definition of the word "free", and IMO
makes it more intuitive. However, the small amount of user feedback I've
been able to collect about this has been mixed, with some users preferring
it and some users preferring the current behavior.

I understand if this change is less preferred..
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] Patch [#36029] improvements to spline behavior with a SINGLE handle selected

2013-07-07 Thread David Jeske
I have uploaded the ALTERNATE patch ...

I *strongly* urge people to try both patches. Using it makes the difference
more apparent than thinking/talking about it. Set a handle-pair to "align",
then choose one handle to "free" and see the behavior difference
(summarized below).

BOTH patches fix issues working with single-spline handles:
- add tooltips to the handle-type-set menu
- fix a visual bug where selected spline handles are highlighted incorrectly
- add a (subtle) visual for a rotation-constrained spline handle
- introduce a safer eHandleSetMode enum (necessary to make the tooltips

BOTH patches have exactly the same possible spline handle behaviors for the
same handle states.

The DIFFERENCES between the patches can be understood somewhat by
considering the tooltips and options in the handle-type-set menu...

Patch [#36029] - match docs, fix behavior   (IMO, much more intuitive)

"Free" - allows the handle to rotate independently from the other handle.

"Align" - aligns the handle with the other handle

"Align + Constrain" - aligns the handle with the other hand and constrains
it's rotation

Patch  [#36048] - keep behavior, fix docs

"Free" - Align the handle(s) to the other. If the other handle is Free,
Vector, or Auto, this will cause the handle to be rotation constrained.

"Align" - Allow the handle(s) to freely rotate. To allow the handle to
rotate independently, set the other handle to Free, Vector, or Auto.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] Patch [#36029] improvements to spline behavior with a SINGLE handle selected

2013-07-07 Thread David Jeske
FYI - After much deliberation about feedback on BA, I've decided to take a
different route than I did with Patch [#36029]. I am going to create a NEW
version of this spline-fix-patch which fixes the tooltips, bugs, and adds
"rotation constraint" visuals -- while leaving the current behavior
untouched -- where handle-set always affects only selected handles. I will
also fix the wiki documentation to match the current behavior.


I created this patch because I want the documentation, tooltips, behavior,
and visuals to all match -- it doesn't matter to me which way it works, so
long as it's clear. When I started, the only thing that I understood was
the documentation, partially because the current behavior is not documented
and partially because bugs in the visuals make it confusing. Now that I
fully understand the (intended) current behavior, I see a way to fix the
tooltips, docs, and visuals which will be (mostly) consistent with the
current behavior.

Some factors in my thinking:

- While using patch [#36029], I have seen that 90% of the confusion with
the current system can be eliminated simply by showing visuals for
"rotation constrained" handles.

- I can see the desire for handle-set behavior which only "touches" the
state of the handle(s) which are actually selected.

But mostly:

I've realized that the "behavior inconsistency" is not possible to
eliminate with *either* approach without breaking file-format compatibility
-- something which I don't think is worth it at this point. That
inconsistency is the overloading of "align" and "constraint" behavior, such
that an align handle in align/free is rotation constrained, but in
align/align is not rotation constrained. The overloading also has the
side-effect that there is no way to rotation-constrain both handles. Other
features which have been requested are also not possible without some
amount of file-format conversion/confusion.. including rotation
constraining both handles, and length-mirroring both handles.

... new patch coming soon.
Bf-committers mailing list

[Bf-committers] Patch [#36029] improvements to spline behavior with a SINGLE handle selected

2013-07-05 Thread David Jeske
After hashing it out with a few artists/users who LOVE the current spline
handle behavior, I think I have a patch which will make single spline
handle-set more predictable/understandable, while retaining 110% of current
functionality. (not a joke, I added functionality by fixing bugs)


This patch improves the usability of the spline handle set menu behavior
when a SINGLE spline handle is selected. It does not change the behavior of
spline handle modes or how splines are interpreted.

It also...

- adds a visualization for a rotation-constrained spline handle, and fixes
a couple bugs in working with single spline handles.

- allows any single spline handle to be scaled along the spline axis with
no fear of rotating the spline (no matter what mode the spline is in).
Previously this was only possible for both handles together.

See the bug for the nitty gritty details...
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