Re: [Bibdesk-users] Applescript for Bibdesk to Endnote X4 synchronisation

2011-10-31 Thread Fischlin Andreas
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On 31/10/2011, at 18:51 , Peadar Grant wrote:

Good Evening Everyone,

Although I use LaTeX and Bibdesk for as much of my publication output as 
possible, there are still times when I have to complete an academic document 
that includes references in Microsoft Word.  Seen as I have access to Endnote, 
I have put together a script to automate the transfer from Bibdesk to Endnote 

Note that this script deletes everything in the Endnote database and re-creates 
it on every run, so do not make changes to the Endnote database unless you 
don't mind losing them.  I am working on a new version to do incremental 
updates, but it's still early in development.

Developers - please feel free to post this on the Bibdesk Wiki.

Best regards,


Script follows below:

--- Script to pre-load Endnote from BibDesk
--- Peadar Grant 2009, updated 2011.

--- Start with an empty Endnote library
--- This applescript will save the Bibdesk bibliography as
--- endnote XML and then will open Endnote,
--- delete all the references in your Endnote library
--- and populate it with your BibDesk references.

--- You need to set the three filenames:
--- bibdeskFile : your bibdesk file
--- exportFile : the interim file that's used to dump data
--- endnoteFile : your endnote library
--- ... and the filenames need to be specified
--- in applescript (as opposed to POSIX) format.

--- This has been tested to work with Endnote X4 for Mac only.

--- There seems to be a file access problem unless the applications
--- are both quit.

set bibdeskFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 
set exportFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 
set endnoteFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 

tell application "BibDesk"
open bibdeskFile
set theDoc to get first document
save theDoc in exportFile as "EndNote XML"
end tell

tell application "Finder"
set myXMLFile to open for access exportFile without write permission
set refsToImport to read myXMLFile
close access myXMLFile
end tell

tell application "EndNote X4"
set myDB to open endnoteFile
set res to find " "
delete record res
import refsToImport into myDB
close myDB saving yes
end tell

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[Bibdesk-users] Applescript for Bibdesk to Endnote X4 synchronisation

2011-10-31 Thread Peadar Grant
Good Evening Everyone,

Although I use LaTeX and Bibdesk for as much of my publication output as 
possible, there are still times when I have to complete an academic document 
that includes references in Microsoft Word.  Seen as I have access to Endnote, 
I have put together a script to automate the transfer from Bibdesk to Endnote 

Note that this script deletes everything in the Endnote database and re-creates 
it on every run, so do not make changes to the Endnote database unless you 
don't mind losing them.  I am working on a new version to do incremental 
updates, but it's still early in development.

Developers - please feel free to post this on the Bibdesk Wiki. 

Best regards,


Script follows below:

--- Script to pre-load Endnote from BibDesk
--- Peadar Grant 2009, updated 2011.

--- Start with an empty Endnote library
--- This applescript will save the Bibdesk bibliography as 
--- endnote XML and then will open Endnote,
--- delete all the references in your Endnote library
--- and populate it with your BibDesk references.

--- You need to set the three filenames:
--- bibdeskFile : your bibdesk file
--- exportFile : the interim file that's used to dump data
--- endnoteFile : your endnote library
--- ... and the filenames need to be specified
--- in applescript (as opposed to POSIX) format.

--- This has been tested to work with Endnote X4 for Mac only.

--- There seems to be a file access problem unless the applications
--- are both quit. 

set bibdeskFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 
set exportFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 
set endnoteFile to ((path to home folder as text) & 

tell application "BibDesk"
open bibdeskFile
set theDoc to get first document
save theDoc in exportFile as "EndNote XML"
end tell

tell application "Finder"
set myXMLFile to open for access exportFile without write permission
set refsToImport to read myXMLFile
close access myXMLFile
end tell

tell application "EndNote X4"
set myDB to open endnoteFile
set res to find " "
delete record res
import refsToImport into myDB
close myDB saving yes
end tell

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