Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Kevin Darcy

On 10/24/2012 9:50 AM, Nicholas F Miller wrote:

On Oct 24, 2012, at 7:12 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

We use Bind for all DNS including DDNS for our AD. We use GSS-TSIG to
control what record types and machines can make dynamic updates to our AD
zone.  We use ISC's DHCP but don't allow it to do DNS updates since we use
GSS-TSIG at the client level instead.

For me to understand: do your clients use GSS-TSIG to update temselves
instead of DHCP server doing the same?

That is correct.

On Oct 22, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Aaron Thompson wrote:

Are you using AD or Bind for DNS/DHCP?  I'm assuming your using AD for
On Oct 19, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Nicholas F Miller 

DDNS record scavenging is the only feature I'm aware of that MS DNS has
that Bind doesn't .  On the flip side, ISC Bind can ACL who can add
certain record types to a dynamic zone using GSS-TSIG as well as
supports views and ACLs for recursion.  Everything else should be
standard DNS.

isn't the client self-registration the reason why scavenging is needed?

Scavenging is a concern but we didn't have much choice. Our AD is only one of 
many subdomains and our DHCP spans all of them. If we used DHCP for DDNS 
records we wouldn't be guaranteed unique names. By limiting DDNS to just the AD 
we are guaranteed unique names. We only needed DDNS in our AD so it made the 
most sense to use GSS-TSIG.

A dirty way to scavenge 'A' or '' records is to compare the records in your 
DDNS zone to all of the existing computer objects in your AD. If an 'A' or 
'' record is in your zone but no computer object matches it in the AD it 
can be assumed to be orphaned. Ldapsearch is a good tool to query the AD for 
computer objects.

Why do you feel the need to register clients in your AD domain at all? 
We register our clients outside of the AD domain via the DHCP server; 
our AD domain only contains resource records that are actually relevant 
to AD (i.e. over 92% of the records in the zone are SRV records).

- Kevin
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Re: BIND does not answer

2012-10-24 Thread Chris Buxton
On Oct 23, 2012, at 5:17 PM, Christian Tardif wrote:

 I have a strange BIND behaviour I don't know how to handle. As I don't 
 exactly know how to describe it, I'll rather explain what I did and what 
 happens. But not quite easy to follow.
 In my tests, I have two servers with BIND installed on them: SiteA (BIND 
 9.8.2rc1 on CentOS 6.3), and SiteB (BIND 9.5.0-P2, on Mandriva 2008.1). A 
 third environment helps me for diagnostics.
 SiteA is a recursive name server. I've been able to prove that it does not 
 behave correctly under certain circumstances by hitting it with a simple 
 request: asking it to give me NS records for a certain subdomain for which 
 it's primary for the base domain (dig @SiteA NS sub.domain.tld, SiteA being 
 authoritative for domain.tld). It just times out. There are glue records on 
 SiteA for the sub.domain.tld master BIND). In order to try to figure out what 
 was going on, I try, directly from SiterA, to send a request, as a client, 
 directly to the master of sub.domain.tld. Times out again. At this moment, I 
 can't tell which server is faulty. But I ge the same behaviour trying to get 
 an answer from a completely different server (SiteB). In that case as well, 
 no answer. But still starting from SiteA.
 I then tried to get a response for the request I made from SiteA to SiteB (as 
 I control both), but this time, starting for my third environment. Then, 
 SiteB answers to my request. So SiteB looks like it's working. But how come 
 it does not answer my request from SiteA?  From BIND logs on siteB, there's 
 no trace of SiteA-to-SiteB' request. In order to prove that my UDP packets 
 actually reaches their destination, and are not modified during transit, I 
 opened a tcpdump session on SiteA and on SiteB. Packets come through in good 
 shape, but didn't find their way to BIND application, as it seems. In my 
 opinion, SiteB is not part of the problem, as it answers normally to every 
 other it receives from anywhere else than SiteA. If I try again 
 SiteA-to-SiteB request, I can see with TCPDUMP that packets gets out of 
 SiteA, and enters SiteB. But BIND doesn't react. Even if I try to enable 
 debugging on SiteB, I don't see anything.
 What could be wrong, and how do I solve it? What tools are available to help 
 out? If I try to ask for recursive request (let's say from 
 anywhere, pointing at SiteA, I get a proper answer.

What happens if you use 'dig +norec' in your tests? That is, use iterative 
queries. Does that change the behavior you see?

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks
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Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Chris Buxton
On Oct 24, 2012, at 6:50 AM, Nicholas F Miller wrote:
 Scavenging is a concern but we didn't have much choice. Our AD is only one of 
 many subdomains and our DHCP spans all of them. If we used DHCP for DDNS 
 records we wouldn't be guaranteed unique names. By limiting DDNS to just the 
 AD we are guaranteed unique names. We only needed DDNS in our AD so it made 
 the most sense to use GSS-TSIG.

So let the client specify the DDNS domain name, in the DHCP transaction. Or 
just hard-code a DDNS domain name into each subnet, possibly varying by subnet. 
Or do both -- use the client-supplied value if one is supplied, or else use the 

Bear in mind, I'm not saying client updates are necessarily bad, only that you 
could have done it the other way.

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks
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Re: Disable log message

2012-10-24 Thread Tony Finch
Alan Clegg wrote:

 This message was added by general recognition that being able to rebuild
 a drop-in binary for BIND when you didn't have access to the build
 directory (where the config.log contains the information) was a good

 I, for one, see no reason to suppress this message (but I do have blind
 spots at times).

I have a tangentially related patch. I wanted to direct BIND's startup
logging to the same file that it is configured to use after initialization -
rather than always sending startup messages to syslog. The patch adds a -L
command-line option for this purpose. You could use it to suppress the
startup logging with -L/dev/null I suppose...;h=logging-startup

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Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Phil Mayers

On 24/10/12 16:54, Kevin Darcy wrote:

Why do you feel the need to register clients in your AD domain at all?
We register our clients outside of the AD domain via the DHCP server;

Our experience is that this can cause (minor) problems.

The basic issue is that, if you have an AD realm:


...and a machine:


...then windows tries very hard to stick its fingers in its ears, shout 
la la I am not listening and assume its hostname is:

You have to fiddle around extensively to make the client *think* it's 
name is what it really is, and it has never been clear to me what the 
implications of doing so are.

This can matter if you have systems that trust the clients own idea of 
the hostname (e.g. vPro/AMT enterprise provisioning) or if you have 
support staff who want to be able to right-click on a machine from the 
AD users  computers snap-in and click manage.

If people have any insight into an easy way of updating clients with the 
correct idea of their own DNS hostnames, and can explain how this 
interacts with the per-connection DNS suffix stuff in the IP stack, I 
would be very grateful!

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Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Carsten Strotmann

Hello Aaron,

Aaron Thompson writes:

 I have little experience in the AD arena for DNS/DHCP.  Without being
 a too loaded question, with your experience is it possible or common
 to have a very knowledgeable understanding of the performance and
 health of an AD system similar to a BIND system? (redundant, process,
 snmp, logging, trouble shooting, cacti integration, ect..)

possible: yes
common: less so. 

I found some very very knowledgeable people in larger
Microsoft dominated networks (AD networks), that know a lot about 
DNS and AD, at the same level as some people do in the BIND community. 

However there are a couple of system administrators in Microsoft
networks that think that having a GUI does not require them to learn
what is going on under the hood. Not good.

The challenge is that sometimes the Microsoft community (and Microsoft
themselves) are using the same words as people in the Unix community,
but they describe different things, or the other way around (using
different terms for the same stuff). Keeping a sane mind is not always
easy in that respect.

-- Carsten
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Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Carsten Strotmann

Hello Phil,

Phil Mayers writes:

 Our experience is that this can cause (minor) problems.

 The basic issue is that, if you have an AD realm:


 ...and a machine:


 ...then windows tries very hard to stick its fingers in its ears,
 shout la la I am not listening and assume its hostname is:

 You have to fiddle around extensively to make the client *think* it's
 name is what it really is, and it has never been clear to me what the
 implications of doing so are.

 This can matter if you have systems that trust the clients own idea of
 the hostname (e.g. vPro/AMT enterprise provisioning) or if you have
 support staff who want to be able to right-click on a machine from the
 AD users  computers snap-in and click manage.

 If people have any insight into an easy way of updating clients with
 the correct idea of their own DNS hostnames, and can explain how this
 interacts with the per-connection DNS suffix stuff in the IP stack, I
 would be very grateful!

my experience is that it is safe to place clients in either a DNS domain
with the same name as the AD domain, or in a subdomain of the AD

Using a subdomain has the benefit of seperating infrastructure
information (SRV records, server A/ records) from client
information. These DNS zones can have a different dynamic update
policy/ACL, can even be delegated to different DNS servers.

Client-DNS Zone:

all with proper delegations.

Clients will follow the DNS hierarchy to find the SRV records in the
AD-Domain DNS-Zone. Putting AD-Clients into a DNS-Suffix (aka local
domain) that is a different branch of the DNS namespace than the
AD-Domain DNS name creates problems and is not
recommended. (e.g. AD-Domain, clients in ad.example.)

Using connection-specific DNS-Suffixes to my knowledge are used in the
case that one machine has network connections into mutliple AD-networks
(a gateway machine, or a common server that servers multiple, disjoint
AD domains).

As always, DNS (also Microsoft based DNS for AD) works best if there is
a un-interrupted delegation chain from the root (can be an internal root
or the Internet DNS root) to the authoritative DNS servers, and if
resolving DNS servers are separated from the authoritative DNS
servers. Important is a unified DNS namespace from every machine in the
AD network. There should be only one DNS namespace.

A general observation:
If find a high number of DNS admins in AD networks that have the
preception that the earth, pardon DNS, is flat. It is not, it is a
hierarchy :). And every attempt too make it appear flat creates problems.

Carsten Strotmann
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Re: ISC Bind in Active Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Phil Mayers

On 10/24/2012 10:17 PM, Carsten Strotmann wrote:

my experience is that it is safe to place clients in either a DNS domain
with the same name as the AD domain, or in a subdomain of the AD

What does place mean, exactly?

Bear in mind that, unfortunately, Microsoft chose to embed DNS names in 
a lot of places when they retrofitted Kerberos, DNS and LDAP to the NT 
domain protocols.

You've got:

 1. The clients own idea of its main hostname
 2. Global DNS search suffixes
 3. Connection-specific DNS suffixes
 4. The value of the dNSHostName AD attribute
 5. The suffixes to qualified servicePrincipalNAme AD attribute(s)
 6. The value of msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes on the domain OU
 7. Finally, DNS names which point to the clients addresses

...and that's just off the top of my head. Telling me it's safe to put 
the client in another DNS zone doesn't really tell me anything about 
the interaction of those things, I'm afraid ;o)

Using a subdomain has the benefit of seperating infrastructure

Yes, obviously it's desirable. The question is, how do you appropriately 
configure all of the above (and anything else besides) in a safe, 
scalable and supported way, that won't cause odd things to break, in 
such a way as to achieve that?

This is largely a dead issue to me - we just live with the massive 
inconsistency of clients believing they're one thing, and DNS saying 
another - so my knowledge is a bit rusty, but from what I recall, it's a 
huge pain configuring clients into sub-domains of the AD domain, because 
there are so many places you have to get it right. And *renaming* is 
even harder.

So we just stopped trying. All clients think they live in, 
and we use DNS names as we like e.g., The problems it causes are less hassle than a 
mass reconfiguration of 20k machines...

AD-Domain DNS-Zone. Putting AD-Clients into a DNS-Suffix (aka local
domain) that is a different branch of the DNS namespace than the
AD-Domain DNS name creates problems and is not

Why? And again, putting means what here?

Using connection-specific DNS-Suffixes to my knowledge are used in the
case that one machine has network connections into mutliple AD-networks
(a gateway machine, or a common server that servers multiple, disjoint
AD domains).

I don't think this is everything. IIRC, connection-specfic DNS suffixes 
are candidates for the client to perform DDNS updates, depending on your 
configuration. And this, of course, is where the thread has spent much 
of it's time.

AD network. There should be only one DNS namespace.

Yes. We have independent research groups who run their own private AD 
who painted themselves into this corner. It's extremely difficult to get 
out of.

A general observation:
If find a high number of DNS admins in AD networks that have the
preception that the earth, pardon DNS, is flat. It is not, it is a
hierarchy :). And every attempt too make it appear flat creates problems.

I don't think this accurately describes the issue, though I think I know 
what you mean.

I think the issue is that AD servers and clients make it EXTREMELY 
DIFFICULT to run what you and I would describe as a best-practice DNS, 
due to the above mentioned plethora of things you have to get just 
right, and the extremely awkward ways of doing so.

In addition, having adopted Kerberos and DNS in Windows 2000, Microsoft 
then went and ignored it in lots of places, so having broken DNS isn't 
the showstopper it would be. Example: Windows does *not* use the DNS 
name of a CIFS server to obtain a kerberos ticket. It uses the name the 
CIFS server claims in the SMB connection setup. Which is horribly insecure.

Hell, if you've got WINS running and broadcast netbios, I think it's 
still possible to log in with *no* working DNS at all.

So the pressure on AD admins to get it right just isn't there, and 
thus the knowledge base isn't either :o(

If someone can give pointers to comprehensible docs about how to make 
all this work in *all* the places it needs to, I'd be really interested. 
Because it'd be great to have a subdomain at our site that clients just 
register themselves into, and it all just work.

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Re: transparent DNS load-balancing with a Cisco ACE

2012-10-24 Thread Phil Mayers

On 10/19/2012 07:25 PM, John Miller wrote:

Here's a question, however: how does one get probes working for a
transparent LB setup?  If an rserver listens for connections on all
interfaces, then probes work fine, but return traffic from the uses the
machine's default IP (not the VIP that was originally queried) for the
source address of the return traffic.

I'm not sure I understand this.

If a DNS request comes in on a particular IP, bind should reply from 
that IP, always. If it doesn't, something is going seriously wrong.

What have people done to get probes working with transparent LB?  Are
any of you using NAT to handle your dns traffic?  Not tying up NAT
tables seems like the way to go, but lack of probes is a deal-breaker on
this end.

We didn't have to do anything special, and I'm not sure why you have 
either. Our probes are just:

probe tcp TCP_53_RECDNS
  ip address public ip
  port 53
  interval 10

serverfarm host INTERNAL-DNS
  predictor leastconns
  probe TCP_53_RECDNS
  rserver private IP 53

The ACE uses ARP to discover the destination MAC of the private IP, but 
sends an IP packet to that MAC with a destination of the public IP. The 
DNS reply comes back from that, and all is well.

I get the feeling I'm not understanding what isn't working for you; can 
you describe the failure in more detail? What server OS are you running, 
and can you describe the network config?

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