If I do:

cd /etc/named/working/main/
for i in *; do dig $i +dnssec | grep "A 13 2" | awk '{print $1}';done

I see a list of all the domains on the system, so that's good, everything has a 
ALG-13 signature.

If I do

for i in *; do dig $i +dnssec | grep "A 7 2" | awk '{print $1}';done

I see a list of a handful of domains that still have ALG-7 signatures. This is 
confirmed by a warning in dnsviz.

I don't see any differences in the configurations, and none of the main records 
on the registrar list ALG-7 anymore, only ALG-13.

All of the domains are setup with  dnssec-policy default.

Thera re still 007 keyholes on the system for ALL domains (unexpected), updated 
every hour  (expected).

 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   1.0K Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+01083.key
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   587B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+01083.state
 8 -rw-------  1 bind  bind   3.3K Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+01083.private
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   708B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+30512.key
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   520B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+30512.state
 8 -rw-------  1 bind  bind   1.8K Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+007+30512.private
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   399B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+013+29597.key
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bind  bind   651B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+013+29597.state
 8 -rw-------  1 bind  bind   215B Apr  5 06:21 Kkreme.com.+013+29597.private

This domain does not show any ALG-7 keys in dig:

# dig kreme.com +dnssec +short
A 13 2 3600 20210415161448 20210401155316 29597 kreme.com. 

Is there anything I need to do here or not? Will those alg-7 key files continue 
to hang around forever? Do I need to do something to get dnsviz and dig +dnssec 
to stop reporting the old keys or is that like propagation and it will sort 
itself out? I don't see a pattern in the domains that are still showing alg-7 
but it is possible they had the DS/registrar info updated later than the other 

I loved you when our love was blessed I love you now there's nothing
        left But sorrow and a sense of overtime

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