RE: A beginner's guide to DNSSEC with BIND 9

2022-10-24 Thread Richard T.A. Neal
Jan-Piet Mens wrote:

>> A Beginner's Guide to DNSSEC with BIND 9.

> Well done! A few comments, if I may:


Thanks JP, I really appreciate the feedback. I'll take all of that onboard, 
change my zones and guide from master/slave to primary/secondary, and take a 
look at TSIG as well.

As PGNet Dev said, I would also be interested to hear more about 
"inline-signing might go away". In fact when creating my first DNSSEC zone I 
initially *did not* include this statement in the zone file, but this caused 
named to fail to start and it threw the following error:

'dnssec-policy;' requires dynamic DNS or inline-signing to be configured for 
the zone 

Like PGNet Dev I would also prefer to continue to hand-edit my zone files for 
the time being (rather than using a tool such as nsupdate) so I'm interested to 
hear if this will still be supported or what the roadmap is for deprecating the 
ability to hand-edit these files for DNSSEC-enabled zones.

Once again many thanks for taking the time to provide feedback and advice, I 
really appreciate it. I'll take any further comments off-list.

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'inline-signing' might go away and be replaced by dnssec-policy ?

2022-10-24 Thread PGNet Dev

i've read this comment

'inline-signing' might go away and be replaced by dnssec-policy

now a few times, in posts and in docs

currently, WITH 'dnssec-policy' signing enabled & in-use, i've

zone "" IN {
type master; file "namedb/primary/";
dnssec-policy "test";
inline-signing yes;

the 'inline-signing yes;' is needed IN ADDITION to 'dnssec-policy' in order to 
_not_ overwrite original zone files/data on signing.  e.g., with the config 

cd namedb/primary/
ls -1 *example*  < THIS is the original, unsigned 
zone data   < THIS is the signing-generated 
zone data, which gets propagated

without it, the original "" is overwritten with signed data.

is there already config in, or planned for, 'dnssec-policy' that preserves that 
separate-file functionality, preserving the original?
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Re: A beginner's guide to DNSSEC with BIND 9

2022-10-24 Thread Jan-Piet Mens via bind-users

A Beginner's Guide to DNSSEC with BIND 9.

Well done! A few comments, if I may:

1. in your zone stanzas you use the term "master" (type: master, ... masters 
{}). BIND has been updated already a while ago to support the term primary, e.g. `type 
primary;' and `primaries {};' (likewise for 'secondary'). It might be a good time to 
switch to the new nomenclature, particularly as you rightly call the primary primary and 
secondary a secondary :)

2. I tend to use `rndc reconfig' for re-configuration (after adding a new zone, 
say) rather than `reload', which I used when I wish named to load a modified 
primary zone.

3. on your primary you have an allow-transfer{} ACL for your secondary using its IP address. You might wish to look into using TSIG for that. 

4. note that `inline-signing' might go away and be replaced by dnssec-policy 
which you may wish to look into at some point.

5. I'm not familiar with the paths used by your Ubuntu distro, but the command 
at #6 appears to be incorrect:

sudo ./etc/bind/named-checkconf named.conf.local

   named-checkconf(8) is likely in /usr/sbin and it will use a compiled-in 
default configuration file.

6. just as a FYI: instead of "and if you quickly type tail var/log/syslog" I 
typically `tail -f' (follow) the log file in a second window/pane/console or even in the 
same session in order to have logs show up immediately. :)

7. Instead of querying for the SOA (dig ... SOA +dnssec), I like querying for 
the DNSKEY RRset so that I see the key tags (key IDs): `dig @::1 
DNSKEY +dnssec +multi' (the +multi flag shows me the key types and tags, or use 
+nocrypto to omit the base64-encdoded stuff)

8. in the section on externally validating, I'd love to recommend I 
cannot think of another testing site which I would *pay* to use. These chaps 
are grand!

Feel free to talk to me off-list if I've not made sense.

Best regards,

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Re: after DS RECORD publish/verify, DSStatus stuck @ "rumoured" after manual `rndc dnssec -checkds` update ?

2022-10-24 Thread PGNet Dev

The good news it is not stuck.

What indicator flags that it IS 'stuck'?  Is it explicitly logged?

BIND is waiting to make sure the new DS is also known to the validators. The 
time being evaluated here is the DS TTL, plus parent-propagation-delay, plus 
retire-safety. All these three values are configurable within dnssec-policy.

my current config has

parent-ds-ttl  PT1H;
parent-propagation-delay   PT1H;
retire-safety  PT1H;

@ parental-agents, the DS is cached; ttl appears spec'd other than my set ttl. 
e.g., @ cloudflare, it's 1 day ...

in any case, all of my domains still returned "DSState: rumoured" at < 4 days.
since then, about 1/4 of the domains have flipped from "rumoured" -> 
"omnipresent", with no manual intervention; the rest are still unchanged.

again, i've noticed no actual operational problems -- e.g., queries failing, 
etc -- other than these delays.

seems, tho, i've still got a likely misconfig somewhere in here.

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Re: after DS RECORD publish/verify, DSStatus stuck @ "rumoured" after manual `rndc dnssec -checkds` update ?

2022-10-24 Thread Matthijs Mekking


On 21-10-2022 23:05, PGNet Dev wrote:

I exec

 rndc dnssec -checkds -key 63917 published IN external

with dnssec loglevel -> debug, on exec, in logs

   2022-10-21T16:55:22.690603-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 
16:55:22.689 dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: examine KSK type DS in state RUMOURED
   2022-10-21T16:55:22.690608-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 
16:55:22.689 dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: can we transition KSK type DS state RUMOURED to state 
   2022-10-21T16:55:22.690615-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 
16:55:22.689 dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: dnssec evaluation of KSK record DS: rule1=(~true or true) 
rule2=(~true or true) rule3=(~false or false)
   2022-10-21T16:55:22.690622-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 
16:55:22.689 dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: time says no to KSK type DS state RUMOURED to state 
OMNIPRESENT (wait 93600 seconds)

which certainly looks like a 'no'

reason is "time says no", after "dnssec evaluation".

which time is being evaluated here?

The good news it is not stuck. BIND is waiting to make sure the new DS 
is also known to the validators. The time being evaluated here is the DS 
TTL, plus parent-propagation-delay, plus retire-safety. All these three 
values are configurable within dnssec-policy.

Best regards,

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