I have been thinking of this same issue lately when I had to move a dns service from one host to another to re-build the OS.

I use virtual IPs on the host making it relatively easy to move the service around. But as I use Solaris 10 as the platform I am thinking that Zones would be a winner here as I could move the service around physical machines much easier, much like vmotion.

It would require the zone data to be on shared storage, but would bring me huge flexibility.

On 8 Jul 2009, at 15:15, Chris Hills wrote:

On 08/07/09 15:46, Alans wrote:

Can someone tell me how webhosting providers or ISPs do maintenance on
their DNSs?

I mean, can they take it offline? What is the procedure usually?


You can use a load balancer in front of your DNS servers, and remove the
host from the pool when maintenance is needed.

Another approach is to run your servers as virtual machines. With a
platform like VMware you can move the guest from host to host without
disruption using vmotion, which allows maintenance to be performed on
the host. However, this will not help if you need to do a software or
kernel upgrade on the guest.


Chris Hills

bind-users mailing list

Barry Dean
Principal Programmer/Analyst
Networks Group
Computing Services Department
Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
               -- Foghorn Leghorn

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