We are testing a query:
FQDN: test.testdomain.net
Query Type: AAAA

Client > DNS A > DNS B

Simplified DNS query flow:
1. Client queries test.testdomain.net -t AAAA
2. Query goes to DNS A which then forwards the query to DNS B
3. DNS B responds with 2 ORDERED IPV6 addresses to DNS A
4. DNS A receives the 2 ORDERED IPV6 addresses from DNS B

5. DNS A responsds with 2 ORDERED IPV6 addresses to Client

What is happening
5. DNS A responds with 2 NON-ORDERED IPV6 addresses to Client

Things we have tried:
Turn off cacheing on DNS A and DNS B

Things we noticed:
When the query goes from DNS A to DNS B, the transaction ID changes
When DNS A responds with 2 IPV6 address to Client, the transaction ID
changes back to the original transaction ID.

What options/settings are we overlooking to make sure the Client receives
fixed ordered query responses?
What could be the reason for DNS A receiving the ordered query response
from DNS B, but does not send the ordered query response back to the client?

Brent D
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