BIND 10 Alpha Program Announcement

2012-10-09 Thread Larissa Shapiro
BIND 10 Alpha Is Here!
BIND 10 is ISC's next generation of BIND, the most widely used DNS
server on the internet. Now in its fourth year, BIND 10 has reached a
major milestone: the /Alpha Release/ of our authoritative nameserver.

BIND 10 alpha is available now, with the Beta being released toward the
end of 2012. The DHCP implementation and recursive resolver are both
planned to enter user test later in 2013. It is critical to the success
of BIND 10 that we gather feedback from DNS experts, BIND vendor
partners, and others who have a strong interest in BIND 10 as early as
possible. General purpose and end users are also most welcome to test
BIND 10 during the alpha phase, but the real end user push will be for
the beta program timeframe. We really do need your feedback... and those
who register for the alpha and provide feedback will get not just our
undying gratitude, but thanks in the form of the opportunity to win
spiffy ISC swag.BIND 10 Alpha is a fully featured authoritative
nameserver, focusing on:

  * Supporting all major DNS protocol standards, including DNSSEC and DDNS
  * Generic DB backend framework (currently with SQLite3)
  * Fast and memory efficient in-memory backend
  * Modular architecture for better customization and resilience

For more information, to register for the alpha program and download
bind10, please visit ,

Thank you so much for your support,

Larissa Shapiro
Internet Systems Consortium Product Manager
Technology Leadership for the Common Good
+1 650 423 1335

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from this list

bind-users mailing list

ISC Security Advisory: Handling of zero length rdata can cause named to terminate,unexpectedly

2012-06-04 Thread Larissa Shapiro
ISC Security Advisory:

Note: This email advisory is provided for your information. The most up to date 
advisory information 
will always be at: 
please use this URL for 
the most up to date advisory information.

Title: Handling of zero length rdata can cause named to terminate

Processing of DNS resource records where the rdata field is zero length
may cause various issues for the servers handling them.

CVE: CVE-2012-1667

Document Version: 1.0

Posting date: 4 June 2012

Program Impacted: BIND

Versions affected: 9.0.x - 9.6.x, 9.4-ESV-9.4-ESV-R5-P1,
9.6-ESV-9.6-ESV-R7, 9.7.0-9.7.6, 9.8.0-9.8.3, 9.9.0-9.9.1

Severity: Critical

Exploitable: Remotely


This problem was uncovered while testing with experimental DNS record
types. It is possible to add records to BIND with null (zero length)
rdata fields.

Processing of these records may lead to unexpected outcomes. Recursive
servers may crash or disclose some portion of memory to the client.
Secondary servers may crash on restart after transferring a zone
containing these records. Master servers may corrupt zone data if the
zone option auto-dnssec is set to maintain. Other unexpected
problems that are not listed here may also be encountered.

Impact: This issue primarily affects recursive nameservers.
Authoritative nameservers will only be impacted if an administrator
configures experimental record types with no data. If the server is
configured this way, then secondaries can crash on restart after
transferring that zone. Zone data on the master can become corrupted if
the zone with those records has named configured to manage the DNSSEC
key rotation.

CVSS Score: 8.5

CVSS Equation: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:C)

For more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and to
obtain your specific environmental score please visit:


Workarounds are under investigation, but none are known at this time.


Upgrade to one of the following versions:

Exploit Status: No known active exploits but a public discussion of the
issue has taken place on a public mailing list.

Acknowledgment: Dan Luther, Level3 Communications, for finding the
issue, Jeffrey A. Spain, Cincinnati Day School, for replication and testing.

*Document Revision History: *

1.0 Released to Public 4 June, 2012

1.1 Updated Severity to Critical


- Do you have questions? Questions regarding this advisory should go to

- ISC Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: Details of our current
security advisory policy and practice can be found here:

See our BIND Security Matrix for a complete listing of Security
Vulnerabilites and versions affected.
Note: ISC patches only Currently supported versions. When possible we
indicate EOL versions affected.
Legal Disclaimer:

Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) is providing this notice on an AS IS
basis. No warranty or guarantee of any kind is expressed in this notice
and none should be inferred. ISC expressly excludes and disclaims any
warranties regarding this notice or materials referred to in this
notice, including, without limitation, any inferred warranty of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, absence of hidden
defects, or of non-infringement. Your use of, or reliance on, this
notice or materials referred to in this notice is at your own risk. ISC
may change this notice at any time.

A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this document that omits
the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy.
Uncontrolled copies may lack important information, be out of date, or
contain factual errors.

Larissa Shapiro
BIND and DHCP Product Manager, Internet Systems Consortium   +1 650 423 1335
Need BIND or DHCP support? Look to the experts!

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bind-users mailing list

Invitation to help ISC out with BIND10 command line tool testing

2012-05-03 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Dear BIND User Community,

The BIND 10 engineering team and are looking for BIND 9 users or other
DNS users who would be interested in helping us do some requirements
gathering and prototype testing. We're asking a select group of
customers to apply to be in a user test project for the command line tool.

_What you would need to commit to_:
Several 1/2 hr to 1 hr sessions with Shane and Larissa where we walk
through command line tool scenarios, later test out the actual tool and
provide feedback.

_Benefits to you_:
Opportunity to make sure their requirements get into the next generation
of BIND. Hopefully make their lives easier in the long run. Love,
admiration, and probably a free t-shirt.

_Benefits to ISC_:
Making sure the tool actually meets our users requirements. Hopefully
reducing support overhead in the future as a result. Developing and
strengthening relationships with our users.

If you cannot help out but someone within your group/team is interested,
please let me know as soon as possible! We're finalizing participants
Wednesday, May 9th.

Thank you for your consideration.


Larissa Shapiro
BIND and DHCP Product Manager
Internet Systems Consortium
+1650 423 1335
Please visit to unsubscribe 
from this list

bind-users mailing list

BIND Security Advisory May 2011: Large RRSIG RRsets and Negative Caching can crash named

2011-05-27 Thread Larissa Shapiro

Hash: SHA1

*Summary:* A BIND 9 DNS server set up to be a caching resolver is
vulnerable to a user querying a domain with very large resource record
sets (RRSets) when trying to negatively cache a response. This can
cause the BIND 9 DNS server (named process) to crash.

*Document ID:* CVE-2011-1910

*Document Status:* Draft

*Posting date:* 26 May 2011

*Program Impacted:* BIND

*Versions affected:* 9.4-ESV-R3 and later, 9.6-ESV-R2 and later,
9.6.3, 9.7.1 and later, 9.8.0 and later

*Severity:* High

*Exploitable:* Remotely

*CVSS Score:* Base 7.8


For more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and to
obtain your specific environmental score please visit:


DNS systems use negative caching to improve DNS response time. This
will keep a DNS resolver from repeatedly looking up domains that do
not exist. Any NXDOMAIN or NODATA/NOERROR response will be put into
the negative cache.

The authority data will be cached along with the negative cache
information. These authoritative ?Start of Authority? (SOA) and
NSEC/NSEC3 records prove the nonexistence of the requested name/type.
In DNSSEC, all of these records are signed; this adds one additional
RRSIG record, per DNSSEC key, for each record returned in the
authority section of the response.

In this vulnerability, very large RRSIG RRsets included in a negative
cache can trigger an assertion failure that will crash named (BIND 9
DNS) due to an off-by-one error in a buffer size check.

The nature of this vulnerability would allow remote exploit. An
attacker can set up an DNSSEC signed authoritative DNS server with a
large RRSIG RRsets to act as the trigger. The attacker would then find
ways to query an organization?s caching resolvers, using the negative
caches and the ?trigger? the vulnerability. The attacker would require
access to an organization?s caching resolvers. Access to the resolvers
can be direct (open resolvers), through malware (using a BOTNET to
query negative caches), or through driving DNS resolution (a SPAM run
that has a domain in the E-mail that will cause the client to do look
up a negative cache).

*Workarounds:* Restricting access to the DNS caching resolver
infrastructure will provide partial mitigation. Active exploitation
can be accomplished through malware or SPAM/Malvertizing actions that
will force authorized clients to look up domains that would trigger
this vulnerability.


Upgrade to: 9.4-ESV-R4-P1, 9.6-ESV-R4-P1, 9.7.3-P1 or 9.8.0-P2
BIND 9.4 is less vulnerable than other versions, and a patched version
will be available on May 27th at

*Exploit Status:* High. This issue has caused un-intentional outages.

US CERT is tracking this issue with INC00152411.


Thanks to Frank Kloeker and Michael Sinatra for getting the details to
this issue to the DNS Operations community and to Michael Sinatra,
Team Cmyru, and other community members for testing.

Questions regarding this advisory shoud go to Questions on ISC's Support services
or other offerings should be
sent to More information on
ISC's support and other offerings are available

- -- 
Larissa Shapiro
Internet Systems Consortium Product Manager
Technology Leadership for the Common Good
+1 650 423 1335
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


bind-users mailing list

Updated Security Advisory: BIND 9.4-ESV-R4-P1 is now available.

2011-05-27 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Change: BIND 9.4-ESV-R4-P1  is now available.

Title: Large RRSIG RRsets and Negative Caching can crash named.

Summary: A BIND 9 DNS server set up to be a caching resolver is
vulnerable to a user querying a domain with very large resource record
sets (RRSets) when trying to negatively cache a response. This can cause
the BIND 9 DNS server (named process) to crash.

Document ID: CVE-2011-1910

Posting date: 26 May 2011

Program Impacted: BIND

Versions affected: 9.4-ESV-R3 and later, 9.6-ESV-R2 and later, 9.6.3,
9.7.1 and later, 9.8.0 and later

Severity: High

Exploitable: Remotely

CVSS Score: Base 7.8


For more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and to
obtain your specific environmental score please visit:


DNS systems use negative caching to improve DNS response time. This will
keep a DNS resolver from repeatedly looking up domains that do not
exist. Any NXDOMAIN or NODATA/NOERROR response will be put into the
negative cache.

The authority data will be cached along with the negative cache
information. These authoritative Start of Authority (SOA) and
NSEC/NSEC3 records prove the nonexistence of the requested name/type. In
DNSSEC, all of these records are signed; this adds one additional RRSIG
record, per DNSSEC key, for each record returned in the authority
section of the response.

In this vulnerability, very large RRSIG RRsets included in a negative
cache can trigger an assertion failure that will crash named (BIND 9
DNS) due to an off-by-one error in a buffer size check.

The nature of this vulnerability would allow remote exploit. An attacker
can set up an DNSSEC signed authoritative DNS server with a large RRSIG
RRsets to act as the trigger. The attacker would then find ways to query
an organization's caching resolvers, using the negative caches and the
trigger the vulnerability. The attacker would require access to an
organization's caching resolvers. Access to the resolvers can be direct
(open resolvers), through malware (using a BOTNET to query negative
caches), or through driving DNS resolution (a SPAM run that has a domain
in the E-mail that will cause the client to do look up a negative cache).

Workarounds: Restricting access to the DNS caching resolver
infrastructure will provide partial mitigation. Active exploitation can
be accomplished through malware or SPAM/Malvertizing actions that will
force authorized clients to look up domains that would trigger this


Upgrade to: 9.4-ESV-R4-P1, 9.6-ESV-R4-P1, 9.7.3-P1 or 9.8.0-P2

Exploit Status: High. This issue has caused unintentional outages.

US CERT is tracking this issue with INC00152411.


Thanks to Frank Kloeker and Michael Sinatra for getting the details to
this issue to the DNS Operations community and to Michael Sinatra, Team
Cmyru, and other community members for testing.

Revision History: Added the 9.4-ESV-R4-P1 download. 2011-May-27

Questions regarding this advisory should go to
Questions on ISC's Support services or other offerings should be sent to More information on ISC's support and other offerings are
available at:

Larissa Shapiro
Internet Systems Consortium Product Manager
Technology Leadership for the Common Good
+1 650 423 1335

bind-users mailing list

DNS BIND Security Advisory: RRSIG Queries Can Trigger Server Crash When Using Response Policy Zones

2011-05-05 Thread Larissa Shapiro

Hash: SHA1

Note: is the authoritative source
for this Security Advisory. Please check the source for any updates.

Summary: When a name server is configured with a response policy zone
(RPZ), queries for type RRSIG can trigger a server crash.

CVE: CVE-2011-1907
Posting date: 05 May 2011
Program Impacted: BIND
Versions affected: 9.8.0
Severity: High
Exploitable: remotely

Description: This advisory only affects BIND users who are using the
RPZ feature configured for RRset replacement. BIND 9.8.0 introduced
Response Policy Zones (RPZ), a mechanism for modifying DNS responses
returned by a recursive server according to a set of rules which are
either defined locally or imported from a reputation provider. In
typical configurations, RPZ is used to force NXDOMAIN responses for
untrusted names. It can also be used for RRset replacement, i.e.,
returning a positive answer defined by the response policy. When RPZ
is being used, a query of type RRSIG for a name configured for RRset
replacement will trigger an assertion failure and cause the name
server process to exit.

Workarounds: Install 9.8.0-P1 or higher.

Active exploits: None. However, some DNSSEC validators are known to
send type=RRSIG queries, innocently triggering the failure.

Solution: Use RPZ only for forcing NXDOMAIN responses and not for
RRset replacement.

CVSS Score: Base 6.1, adjusted for lack of targets, score is 1.5

For more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and to
obtain your specific environmental score please visit:

Thank you to Mitsuru Shimamura at Internet Initiative Japan for
finding this defect.

For more information on support and other services for ISC's software
products, please visit

For more information about DNS RPZ, please check security advisory @

Questions about this Security Advisory should be sent to the ISC
Security Officer

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


bind-users mailing list

Security Advisory: Server Lockup Upon IXFR or DDNS Update Combined with High Query Rate

2011-02-22 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Internet Systems Consortium Security

Title: Server Lockup Upon IXFR or DDNS Update Combined with High Query Rate




CVSS: 7.1  (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C)
for more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and to
obtain your specific environmental score please visit:

Posting date: 2011-02-22 

Program Impacted: BIND

Versions affected: 9.7.1-9.7.2-P3

Severity: High

Exploitable: Remotely

Description and Impact:

When an authoritative server processes a successful IXFR transfer or a
dynamic update, there is a small window of time during which the
IXFR/update coupled with a query may cause a deadlock to occur. This
deadlock will cause the server to stop processing all requests. A high
query rate and/or a high update rate will increase the probability of
this condition.


Depending on your performance requirements, a work-around may be
available. ISC was not able to reproduce this defect in 9.7.2 using -n
1, which causes named to use only one worker thread, thus avoiding the
deadlock. If your server is powerful enough to serve your data with a
single processor, this option may be fast to implement until you have
time to perform an upgrade.

Active exploits: None known, but a description of the issue is available
in the release notes for BIND 9.6.3 and 9.7.3.

Solution: If you run BIND 9.7.1 or 9.7.2, upgrade to BIND 9.7.3. Earlier
versions are not vulnerable. If you run BIND 9.6.x, 9.6-ESV-R?, or
9.4-ESV-R4, you do not need to upgrade. BIND 9.5 is End of Life and is
not supported by ISC. BIND 9.8 is not vulnerable.

Credits: Thank you to Neustar for finding the initial defect and JPRS
for further testing and analysis.

Questions regarding this advisory or ISC's Support services should be
sent to
For more information on ISC's support, consulting, training, and other
services, visit

bind-users mailing list

Re: Security Advisory: Server Lockup Upon IXFR or DDNS Update Combined with High Query Rate

2011-02-22 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Hi Dennis,

Thank you for getting 9.7.3 out on Solaris, that is a huge help in
getting this important update out there.

I do not know the answer to your question about the NIST CVE listings,
but I will inquire. Our CVE numbers actually come to us from
Carnegie-Mellon CERT, not NIST, but NIST does keep an up to date list

I'll also post here if/when I find out more.



On 2/22/11 8:26 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:
 Sorry for the top post but there is no data yet at I'll assume
 that is coming along. I have 9.7.3 ready for relase on Solaris 8 and 9 and
 10 however I wanted to refer to the various security info sites.

 Do you know if the folks at nist are doing an update ?

bind-users mailing list

Public Advisory on DNSSEC Failures with New DS Records

2011-02-04 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Hash: SHA1


ISC has issued a public advisory regarding the DNSSEC issue raised on
this list earlier this week. All operators who use or plan to use DNSSEC
should take careful note, prior to the addition of .com to the signed
root at the end of March. The full advisory is located at:

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions
regarding this matter.


Larissa Shapiro
ISC Product Manager
+1 650 423-1335
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

bind-users mailing list

Update to CVE 2010-3613

2010-12-14 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Hash: SHA1

ISC has updated CVE 2010-3613 and the associated operational guidance
based on feedback from one of our forum members. The update changes
affected versions to include versions of BIND 9 back to 9.0.x. Please
review carefully and respond appropriately if you are running an
affected version.

Best Regards,


Larissa Shapiro
ISC Product Manager

- --

Updated CVE:

BIND: cache incorrectly allows a ncache entry and a rrsig for the same type

Summary: Failure to clear existing RRSIG records when a NO DATA is
negatively cached could cause subsequent lookups to crash named.

CVE:  CVE-2010-3613
CERT: VU#706148
Posting date: 01 Dec 2010
Revision: 14 December 2010
Program Impacted: BIND
Versions affected: 9.0.x to 9.7.2-P2, 9.4-ESV to 9.4-ESV-R3, 9.6-ESV to
Severity: High
Exploitable: remotely

Description: Adding certain types of negative signed responses to cache
doesn't clear any matching RRSIG records already in cache. A subsequent
lookup of the cached data can cause named to crash (INSIST).

CVSS Base Score: 7.8 - (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C)
For more on CVSS scores and to calculate your environment's specific
risk, please visit:

Impact and Risk Assessment: The INSIST crashes the server.
This vulnerability affects recursive nameservers irrespective of whether
DNSSEC validation is enabled or disabled.

Workarounds: none
Active exploits: None known at this time.

The versions listed below are supported by ISC.  All other versions are
End of Life, and will not be patched.  If you are running a version not
listed below, you should upgrade as soon as possible.
9.4.x: upgrade to 9.4-ESV-R4, or newer
9.6.x: upgrade to 9.6.2-P3 or newer
9.6-ESV: upgrade to 9.6-ESV-R3 or newer
9.7.x: upgrade to 9.7.2-P3

Acknowledgment: Shinichi Furuso

Revision History:
24 November 2010: Corrected/Updated: Versions affected, CVSS Score,
Impact, Risk Assessment and Solution
14 December 2010: Updated Versions Affected, Solution and Acknowledgment
For more information please contact

Updated Guidance Text:

CVE: CVE-2010-3613
CERT: VU#706148
BIND: cache incorrectly allows a ncache entry and a rrsig for the same type

Although the defect is very unlikely to be encountered in normal
operation, if your recursive resolver is being used to query public
Internet zones and you cannot readily restrict your client queries then
there is the potential for a remote attacker to cause your nameserver to

Note particularly that disabling DNSSEC validation is NOT an effective

 * We recommend that you plan to upgrade immediately if ALL of the
following apply to your BIND installation:
   a) You are operating a recursive server which obtains answers
from public Internet zones.
   b) You are running any version of BIND 9 including or prior to:
9.6.2 - 9.6.2-P2, 9.4-ESV - 9.6-ESV-R2, 9.7.0 - 9.7.2-P2
   c) The DNS clients accessing your resolver constitute a large
pool and are not under you control or you can not limit access only to
machines with full trust.

  * We suggest that you put this upgrade in your plans for 2011 if you
are not operating recursive DNS servers.

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

bind-users mailing list

BIND 10 Operational Requirements Survey: Help shape the future of BIND

2010-11-10 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Hash: SHA1

Dear User Community -

BIND 10 is now in its second year of development, and we would like to
hear more from current BIND 9 users about operational needs for BIND 10
as we move toward the more user-facing aspects of BIND 10 development.

This survey will ask about your specific business and operational
environment, what works well for you in BIND 9 and what does not, and
then what aspects of BIND 9 would be critical for you to maintain in
migrating to BIND 10. This data will be used to develop user-facing
aspects of BIND 10 including but not limited to the command line interface.

Your responses will be kept confidential. We would like to contact some
respondents by phone for further discussion, so please indicate if this
is an option for you. Participants in the follow on phone call will
receive a BIND 10 t-shirt as a thank you.

Thank you for your time, and for your support of ISC and BIND.

The survey is at:



Larissa Shapiro
BIND and DHCP Product Manager
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

bind-users mailing list

Notice regarding BIND 9.7.2

2010-09-19 Thread Larissa Shapiro

Dear User Community,

ISC has learned of a late-breaking bug in the BIND 9.7.2 code base, so
we have removed it from our website and ftp site as it is not currently
recommend for deployment. BIND 9.7.1-P2 is our current recommended
release for Production. We will provide more information on these
developments early next week, as soon as they are available.

Larissa Shapiro
ISC Product Manager
bind-users mailing list

Re: rndc reconfig delays

2010-08-27 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Probably. I'd like to get Michael's feedback... I have not heard of  
this from anyone else have either of you?

On Aug 26, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Rob Foehl wrote:

I've been experimenting with loading a large number of master zones  
(on the order of 250,000) in a single BIND instance, and have  
noticed that 'rndc reconfig' with this many zones loaded can take a  
very long time to determine that it has little or nothing to do.   
Worse, the server stops answering other requests for the duration,  
in both threaded and non-threaded builds -- I'm testing with 64 bit  
builds of both 9.7.0-P1 and 9.7.1-P2.

In the best case, a reconfig will take about 40 seconds to complete,  
and stalls the server for most of that time.  Loading zones in bulk  
is substantially slower, but is less of an issue for the intended  
use, and is more or less limited by the speed of the storage.

My next step is going to be to experiment with the rndc addzone/ 
delzone feature in the 9.7.2 betas, which hopefully should avoid any  
need to attempt a reconfig during normal use.  That aside, is there  
anything else I could be doing to speed things up?

bind-users mailing list

bind-users mailing list

BIND 9.7.1-P1 Release Announcement

2010-07-08 Thread Larissa Shapiro

BIND 9.7.1-P1 is now available.

BIND 9.7.1-P1 is a maintenance release for BIND 9.7.

BIND 9.7.1-P1 addresses two backwards compatibility issues introduced in
BIND 9.7.0:

  1) BIND 9.7.x expected negative responses to be in a certain format,
 one that matches what BIND generates. However, some non-BIND
 servers (including custom-created servers and load balancers) did
 not include everything BIND expected, so BIND returned SERVFAIL to
 the client.

  2) BIND 9.6.x and earlier accepted authoritative answers, even if the
 AA (authoritative data) bit was not set. This was done to work
 around TLD servers that were not correctly setting this bit. In
 BIND 9.7.0, answers without the AA bit set resulted in SERVFAIL,
 even if there was an answer.

BIND 9.7.1-P1 fixes the bug in issue #1 and backs out the code in issue
2 (AA bit strictness), restoring the pre-9.7.x behavior.

See this article for more details:

BIND 9.7.1-P1 can be downloaded from

The PGP signature of the distribution is at

The signature was generated with the ISC public key, which is
available at

A binary kit for Windows XP and Window 2003 is at

The PGP signature of the binary kit for Windows XP and Window 2003 is at

Changes since 9.7.1.

--- 9.7.1-P1 released ---

2926.   [rollback]  Temporarily rollback change 2748. [RT #21594]

2925.   [bug]   Named failed to accept uncachable negative responses
from insecure zones. [RT# 21555]

--- 9.7.1 released ---
bind-users mailing list

Re: BIND 9.7.1-P1 planned to address issues in BIND 9.7.0 and 9.7.1

2010-07-06 Thread Larissa Shapiro

Michael Graff, BIND 9 Engineering Manager, posted a blog entry today
addressing questions around the upcoming BIND 9.7.1 patch release. The
entry can be found at:

Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions.

Best Regards,


Larissa Shapiro
ISC Product Manager
bind-users mailing list

BIND 9.7.1-P1 planned to address issues in BIND 9.7.0 and 9.7.1

2010-06-28 Thread Larissa Shapiro
Dear Users,

We have received reports that BIND 9.7.0 and 9.7.1 are failing to
resolve certain zones. These zones are resolved correctly by earlier
versions of BIND.

BIND 9.7.0 and 9.7.1 follows the DNS protocol more strictly than
earlier versions.  We felt that this change created added safety for
certain types of responses from potentially misconfigured servers, but
now believe it is hurting more than helping.

We are planning a patch release to revert to previous behavior.  We
hope to get BIND 9.7.1-P1 released to our forum members this week and
to the public shortly after.  This patch will also include an unrelated
compatibility fix for responses from some non-BIND servers.

The strictness checking may be added again in a future version, with
ample notification and any backwards-compatibility support that may
be required.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


Larissa Shapiro
ISC Product Manager
+1 650 423 1335
bind-users mailing list

BIND 9.7.1 is now available

2010-06-18 Thread Larissa Shapiro

BIND 9.7.1 is now available.

BIND 9.7.1 is a maintenance release for BIND 9.7.

BIND 9.7.1 can be downloaded from

The PGP signature of the distribution is at

The signature was generated with the ISC public key, which is
available at

A binary kit for Windows XP and Window 2003 is at

The PGP signature of the binary kit for Windows XP and Window 2003 is at

Changes since 9.7.0.

--- 9.7.1 released ---

--- 9.7.1rc1 released ---

2909.   [bug]   named-checkconf -p could die if update-policy local;
was specified in named.conf. [RT #21416]

2908.   [bug]   It was possible for re-signing to stop after removing
a DNSKEY. [RT #21384]

2907.   [bug]   The export version of libdns had undefined references.
[RT #21444]

2906.   [bug]   Address RFC 5011 implementation issues. [RT #20903]

2905.   [port]  aix: set use_atomic=yes with native compiler.
[RT #21402]

2904.   [bug]   When using DLV, sub-zones of the zones in the  

could be incorrectly marked as insecure instead of
secure leading to negative proofs failing.  This was
a unintended outcome from change 2890. [RT# 21392]

2903.   [bug]   managed-keys-directory missing from namedconf.c.
[RT #21370]

--- 9.7.1b1 released ---

2902.   [func]  Add regression test for change 2897. [RT #21040]

2901.   [port]  Use AC_C_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER. [RT #21316]

2900.   [bug]   The placeholder negative caching element was not
properly constructed triggering a INSIST in
dns_ncache_towire(). [RT #21346]

2899.   [port]  win32: Support linking against OpenSSL 1.0.0.

2898.   [bug]   nslookup leaked memory when -domain=value was
specified. [RT #21301]

2897.   [bug]   NSEC3 chains could be left behind when transitioning
to insecure. [RT #21040]

2896.   [bug]   rndc sign failed to properly update the zone
when adding a DNSKEY for publication only. [RT #21045]

2895.   [func]  genrandom: add support for the generation of multiple
files.  [RT #20917]

2894.   [contrib]   DLZ LDAP support now use '$' not '%'. [RT #21294]

2893.   [bug]   Improve managed keys support.  New named.conf option
managed-keys-directory. [RT #20924]

2892.   [bug]   Handle REVOKED keys better. [RT #20961]

2891.   [maint] Update empty-zones list to match
draft-ietf-dnsop-default-local-zones-13. [RT# 21099]

2890.   [bug]   Handle the introduction of new trusted-keys and
DS, DLV RRsets better. [RT #21097]

2889.   [bug]   Elements of the grammar where not properly reported.
[RT #21046]

2888.   [bug]   Only the first EDNS option was displayed. [RT #21273]

2887.   [bug]   Report the keytag times in UTC in the .key file,
local time is presented as a comment within the
comment.  [RT #21223]

2886.   [bug]   ctime() is not thread safe. [RT #21223]

2885.   [bug]   Improve -fno-strict-aliasing support probing in
configure. [RT #21080]

2884.   [bug]   Insufficient valadation in dns_name_getlabelsequence().
[RT #21283]

2883.   [bug]   'dig +short' failed to handle really large datasets.
[RT #21113]

2882.   [bug]   Remove memory context from list of active contexts
before clearing 'magic'. [RT #21274]

2881.   [bug]   Reduce the amount of time the rbtdb write lock
is held when closing a version. [RT #21198]

2880.   [cleanup]   Make the output of dnssec-keygen and