How can I log only autorized queries

2017-01-13 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I'm logging queries
    channel queries_file {
    file "/var/log/queries.log" versions 3 size 5m;
    severity dynamic;
    print-time yes;
    category queries { queries_file; };

And queries that are not allowed
    channel "dns_secu" {
    file "/var/log/dnssecurity" versions 2 size 10485760;
    severity info;
    print-time yes;
    print-severity yes;
    print-category yes;
    category "update-security" { "dns_secu"; };
In the file queries.log I can see the queries but I would like to have it only 
for valid queries (not REFUSED)
How can I do this ?
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Re: switching entire DNS system to new servers and IP addresses

2017-02-25 Thread Mik J via bind-users

From my personnal experience I would add
* Check if you have monitoring in place, you might want to monitor all types of 
queries and error messages.
* Since you have external and internal DNS then there might be firewalls 
between them, check if the flows are opened and prepare a test plan with many 
cases long queries, tcp etc.

* Don't do everything at once, do external DNS first, then internal DNS, then 

* Check if your bind version and Infoblox bind versions are roughly the same, 
if your bind version is really old it might tolerate things that newer bind 
version won't

* Take care about your ACLs, you might want to do some cleaning and you also 
might want to make sure you don't have any security holes
* If you delegate zones or zones are delegated to you or another university is 
slave for your zones or some of you zones is slave of other servers that don't 
belong to you, check with them to update firewalls rules and ACLs

* Make sure your new IP adresses are routed :D
* Prepare your rollback

I would really pay attention to the cleaning and everything that goes around 
this swap (my points above) because in my opinion failure is often because of 
these things more than upgrading bind or changing vendor

Le Vendredi 24 février 2017 11h57, Phil Mayers  a 
écrit :
On 23/02/17 20:21, Mitchell Kuch wrote:

> In practice, we have encountered caching resolvers that provide
> non-decrementing TTL values to downstream resolvers and clients. Even

That is a depressingly common residential ISP trick :o(

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Difference between delegation and forward zone

2017-03-06 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I would like to check if my understanding is correct regarding delegation and 
Delegation: I want to delegate the administrative tasks to someone else for one 
subdomainsubdomain1.mydomain.orgI'll specify the NS of that in my zone fileThe other person will be 
able to create
Forward zone: I can forward a specific zone to a DNS that is different from the 
default fowarders or I won't attempt to do an iterative lookup.
=> Question 1: Can I have a forward zone that is a subdomain ? Or when the zone is a subdomain of mydomain (I'm 
athoritative) it's always a delegation ?
=> Question 2: When I do a delegation, is it correct that the remote DNS server 
holding must always answer the SOA with SOA records and 
NS records (RFC 2181 chapter 6.1)

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Re: Difference between delegation and forward zone

2017-03-06 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Barry: "Also, if there are no delegation records for the subdomain, the parent 
server believes it's authoritative for them, despite having forwarders 
I don't understand what you just wrote above. Are you saying I need to do both 
delegation and forwarding on my authoritative server on the parent domain ?
So yes the case is load balancers or other devices that are not real DNS, they 
behave in funny way.

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Why would a master zone use forwarders ?

2017-05-12 Thread Mik J via bind-users
If my DNS is master/slave for a zone, why would I want it to use forwarders.
In other terms why would I wantzone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/";
    allow-update { acl; };

Instead of (forwarders {};)zone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/";
    allow-update { acl; };    forwarders {};};
Why would I want to forward requests if I'm autoritative for the zone ?
Thank you for those who can hightligh this point.
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Re: Why would a master zone use forwarders ?

2017-05-12 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Thank you Ben for your answer
My server uses a global forwarding
I don't understand what you wrote"If it is master for a and also has 
global forwarding it will use the global forward for any delegated child 
domains under unless they are also loaded locally."
If my DNS is autoritative, why would I use a forwarding ?
For my sub domains I use NS A
What's the difference between the global forward for delegated child domains 
and the delegation I do ?
Thank you


Le Vendredi 12 mai 2017 15h34, Ben Croswell  a 
écrit :

 This would only change behavior if the server has global forwarding. 
If it is master for a and also has global forwarding it will use the 
global forward for any delegated child domains under unless they are 
also loaded locally.  The forward{} turns off global forwarding for that branch 
of the tree.
On May 12, 2017 9:27 AM, "Mik J via bind-users"  

If my DNS is master/slave for a zone, why would I want it to use forwarders.
In other terms why would I wantzone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/ ";
    allow-update { acl; };

Instead of (forwarders {};)zone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/ ";
    allow-update { acl; };    forwarders {};};
Why would I want to forward requests if I'm autoritative for the zone ?
Thank you for those who can hightligh this point.

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Re: Why would a master zone use forwarders ?

2017-05-13 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Thank you Ben,"With no forward {} the path for directed at 
server A will be A > C > B"Do you see any reason why I would use this non 
optimal path ?
 In your example, how would C contact B, there would be a zone forward ?Regards

Le Vendredi 12 mai 2017 18h10, Ben Croswell  a 
écrit :

 If you load on server A and delegate to server B with a 
global forwarder of server C you resolution will vary depending on forward 
first vs forward only and forwarders {}.
With no forward {} the path for directed at server A will be A 
> C > BWith forward {} the global forward will be short circuited for 
and below resulting in a path of A > B
On May 12, 2017 11:56 AM, "Mik J"  wrote:

Thank you Ben for your answer
My server uses a global forwarding
I don't understand what you wrote"If it is master for a and also has 
global forwarding it will use the global forward for any delegated child 
domains under unless they are also loaded locally."
If my DNS is autoritative, why would I use a forwarding ?
For my sub domains I use NS A
What's the difference between the global forward for delegated child domains 
and the delegation I do ?
Thank you


Le Vendredi 12 mai 2017 15h34, Ben Croswell  a 
écrit :

 This would only change behavior if the server has global forwarding. 
If it is master for a and also has global forwarding it will use the 
global forward for any delegated child domains under unless they are 
also loaded locally.  The forward{} turns off global forwarding for that branch 
of the tree.
On May 12, 2017 9:27 AM, "Mik J via bind-users"  

If my DNS is master/slave for a zone, why would I want it to use forwarders.
In other terms why would I wantzone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/ ";
    allow-update { acl; };

Instead of (forwarders {};)zone ""
    type master;
    file "zones/master/com/ ";
    allow-update { acl; };    forwarders {};};
Why would I want to forward requests if I'm autoritative for the zone ?
Thank you for those who can hightligh this point.

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DNS Flag signification in Syslog

2017-08-18 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Do you know where I can find the signification of DNS syslog messages ?
client x.x.x.x#64111 ( query: IN  + 
(y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the +
client z.z.z.z#39953 ( query: IN A -ED 
(y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the -EC
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Re: DNS Flag signification in Syslog

2017-08-18 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Thank you very much Mark for your quick answer

Le Vendredi 18 août 2017 13h46, Mark Andrews  a écrit :

In message <>, Mik J via 
bind-users writes:
> Hello,
> Do you know where I can find the signification of DNS syslog messages ?

In the Administrators Reference Manual

Search for querylog

> client x.x.x.x#64111 ( query:
> IN  + (y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the +
> client z.z.z.z#39953 ( query: IN
> A -ED (y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the -EC
> Thank you

The query log entry first reports a client object identifier in
@0x format. Next, it reports the client’s IP
address and port number, and the query name, class and type. Next,
it reports whether the Recursion Desired flag was set (+ if set, -
if not set), if the query was signed (S), EDNS was in used along
with the EDNS version number (E(#)), if TCP was used (T), if DO
(DNSSEC Ok) was set (D), if CD (Checking Disabled) was set (C), if
a valid DNS Server COOKIE was received (V), or if a DNS COOKIE
option without a valid Server COOKIE was present (K). After this
the destination address the query was sent to is reported.

client (www.example. com) IN
 +SE client ::1#62537 (

(The first part of this log message, showing the client address/port
number and query name, is repeated in all subsequent log messages
related to the same query.)

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                INTERNET:

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Recommended values for a zone

2018-01-03 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I would like to have your thoughts about what should be the best values for 
refresh, retry, expire and negative cache.
In my case I have 2 DNS which are hosted in 2 different locations. These 
location are near one another (100km). The latency is very low and packet is 
0.I configured a lot of zones on my DNS and they not master for someone 
else.This is a very simple setup in termes of master/slave.
I would be tempted to* configure a high refresh period since I have notify 
configured on the master. What about 7200s ?* Configure a high retry period 
because I don't expect the master to be offline, what about 3600 ?* configure a 
expire very high like 2 days so that the DNS service would work even if the 
master is down* I don't have any opinion about the negative ttl yet but any 
advices are welcomed.
What about your setups if it looks like mine ?
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Re: Recommended values for a zone

2018-01-03 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Thank you Bob for your answer.I continued to search and saw rfc1912 page 4It's 
much higher than I first thought


Le mercredi 3 janvier 2018 à 20:05:57 UTC+1, Bob Harold 
 a écrit :  
On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 1:57 PM, Mik J via bind-users  

I would like to have your thoughts about what should be the best values for 
refresh, retry, expire and negative cache.
In my case I have 2 DNS which are hosted in 2 different locations. These 
location are near one another (100km). The latency is very low and packet is 
0.I configured a lot of zones on my DNS and they not master for someone 
else.This is a very simple setup in termes of master/slave.
I would be tempted to* configure a high refresh period since I have notify 
configured on the master. What about 7200s ?* Configure a high retry period 
because I don't expect the master to be offline, what about 3600 ?* configure a 
expire very high like 2 days so that the DNS service would work even if the 
master is down* I don't have any opinion about the negative ttl yet but any 
advices are welcomed.
What about your setups if it looks like mine ?

I typically use an expire time of 14 days or a month.  But that said, you need 
some way to get notified that zone transfers are failing.The refresh and retry 
are ok, but personally I would set them lower because they don't generate a lot 
of traffic, and a notify could get lost.  It depends on how sensitive you are 
to extra traffic.
Negative TTL depends partly on how fast you want new (or accidentally deleted) 
records to be usable.  I use 10 minutes.
-- Bob Harold
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RPZ question autoritative/recursive servers

2019-01-22 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I tried to dissociate roles and have:- 1 set of authoritative master/slave 
server- 1 set of recursive servers
For a zone that I owned, the "recursive" servers forwards the request to the 
authoritative server. Otherwise the server resolves the query directly on the 
Internet.The authoritative servers hold my zones and recursion is disabled.
I was reading about RPZ zones but it seems to me these are implemented on 
authoritative servers ?I'm interested in RPZ zone in order to intercept some 
queries aiming to the internet youp*rn or wannacry.
As I explained, my authoritative servers are not on the path to Internet, only 
my forward servers are, should I implement the RPZ functionality on these 
forward only servers ?

Any thoughts on this ?
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Advice for DNS reverse zones

2019-02-06 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I would like to know how do you manage reverse zones and the 10.x.x.x zone 
I can see three choices:- One global zone- Many /24 zones zone- Something in between
One global zone:The problem is that I end having a very populated zone and if 
someone asks me to setup an acl or anything like that it has to be global.This 
solution might be the easiest but definatly not the best in terms of scalability
Many /24 zones:The problem is that I end creating zones all the time or make 
them first in one go, so 65536 zones...And when someone has a /16 network I 
need to delete the 256 x /24 zones to make one single.
What do you people do on your DNS servers ?

And is it possible to make a for the 16 first adresses (a 
/28 network) ?
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Re: Advice for DNS reverse zones

2019-02-07 Thread Mik J via bind-users
 Hello Bob, Tony,
Thank you for your answers, I'm going to study this topic.

Le mercredi 6 février 2019 à 21:11:59 UTC+1, Bob Harold 
 a écrit :  
On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:03 PM Mik J via bind-users  

I would like to know how do you manage reverse zones and the 10.x.x.x zone 
I can see three choices:- One global zone- Many /24 zones zone- Something in between
One global zone:The problem is that I end having a very populated zone and if 
someone asks me to setup an acl or anything like that it has to be global.This 
solution might be the easiest but definatly not the best in terms of scalability
Many /24 zones:The problem is that I end creating zones all the time or make 
them first in one go, so 65536 zones...And when someone has a /16 network I 
need to delete the 256 x /24 zones to make one single.
What do you people do on your DNS servers ?

And is it possible to make a for the 16 first adresses (a 
/28 network) ?

For ranges with few records, that don't need to be acl'ed or delegated, put 
them in the zone.Any /16 that has a lot of records can be split 
off into its own if a /24 gets really busy, you can split 
it out
There is no need to create all 256 /16's or all the /24's, just create them as 
If having different sizes is too confusing, I suggest all /16's.
-- Bob Harold
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Re: Bind 9.14.1 will not build on OpenBSD 6.5 (amd64)

2019-04-27 Thread Mik J via bind-users

I'm also an Openbsd user
I see you used CC can you try with GCC ?

I hope that will help
Le samedi 27 avril 2019 à 22:56:25 UTC+2, paranoid sysadmin 
 a écrit :  
 I have begun work on upgrading a group of OpenBSD boxes that are used at a 
bunch of small sites as a "network services" processor and gateway.. The 
existing boxes are mostly running some version of 9.12, though one is running a 
9.11.Aside from the usual "version-ites" problems, this has been a largely 
mechanical "turn the crank and let the scripts run" process.

EXCEPT for Bind. The biuld process keeps failing when it gets down far enough 
to trying to compile isc/lib/rwlock.c which fails miserably.. Using the "out of 
the box" gcc compiler generates the following:

--- snip ---
gcc -std=gnu99  -I/opt/src/bind-9.14.1 -I../.. -I./unix/include  
-I./pthreads/include  -I./include  -I./include 
-I/opt/src/bind-9.14.1/lib/dns/include  -I../../lib/dns/include -I/usr/include  
    -g -O2 -pthread -I /usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 
-I/usr/local/include -I /usr/local/include -W -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wformat -Wpointer-arith -fno-strict-aliasing 
-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks  -c rwlock.c
rwlock.c:51:24: error: immintrin.h: No such file or directory
rwlock.c: In function 'isc__rwlock_lock':
rwlock.c:302: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:302: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:302: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
rwlock.c: In function 'isc_rwlock_lock':
rwlock.c:342: warning: implicit declaration of function '_mm_pause'
rwlock.c: In function 'isc_rwlock_trylock':
rwlock.c:395: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:395: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:395: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
rwlock.c: In function 'isc_rwlock_tryupgrade':
rwlock.c:427: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:427: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
rwlock.c:427: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
*** Error 1 in lib/isc (Makefile:273 'rwlock.o')
*** Error 1 in lib (Makefile:89 'subdirs')
*** Error 1 in /opt/src/bind-9.14.1 (Makefile:96 'subdirs')
--- snip ---

After looking, I found that the ./configure had selected the default gcc ( 
4.2.1 ) which is old. I have since retried this with both clang (7.0.1) and 
egcc (8.3.0) with similar, but slightly more illuminating results.

While I'm not much of a C programmer, the problem appears to be in the "new 
code" that was added between 9.12.4-P1 (which  builds fine on this same 
platform) and the 9.14 version. 

--- snip from rwlock.c ---
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# include 
# define isc_rwlock_pause() YieldProcessor()
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
# include 
# define isc_rwlock_pause() _mm_pause()
#elif defined(__i386__)
--- snip ---

Since I know you are going to ask, I'm trying to use the following configure:

CC=/usr/bin/cc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--sbindir=/usr/local/sbin \
--bindir=/usr/local/sbin \
--libdir=/usr/local/lib \
--includedir=/usr/local/include \
--mandir=/usr/local/share/man \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--enable-shared \
--enable-static  \
--with-openssl=/usr \
--with-python=/usr/local/bin/python \
--with-libxml2 \
--with-libjson \
--without-readline \
--without-protobuf-c \
--without-libfstrm \
--with-lmdb \
--disable-dnstap \

I have tried this with variations on this theme ( with libtool, etc.).

Your thoughts will be appreciated.

Attachments area

  paranoid sysadmin___
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RPZ with Spamhaus

2019-06-23 Thread Mik J via bind-users

I tried to understand how to use Spamhaus as a RPZ provider but without any 
I'll use the non commercial service at least for some time because I have a few 
servers and one or two users, the trafic is very low.

What I thought I should do first is be able to dig axfr the spamhaus rpz
$ dig axfr
Of course I see a failed transfer

I registered in spamhaus but don't know how to be able to axfr the content of 
the zone


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Re: Bind-Efficientip

2019-10-23 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Efficient IP uses bind (+ nsd/unbound) as the DNS server.
One major difference between Efficient IP and bind is when you want to delegate 
the zone configuration to users and groups. I think it's called role based 
management.So let's say you want team1 to have read/write access to the zone, team2 to on one server.You can 
have team2 to be able to view all the content of the zone 
and so on.I don't think it's possible to do this on bind only / unixThere are 
granular rights.
The second thing it that DHCP, DNS, IPAM work together. You can automate the IP 
reservation and the DNS record creation for example.
The ability to import/export data from csv or API SOAP/Rest
Infoblox and Bluecat are other similar products along with a few others.


Le lundi 21 octobre 2019 à 18:34:24 UTC+2, -  a écrit :  
 We tested Bluecat, Infoblox, Solarwinds and EfficientIP solutions. In
the end we went with EfficentIP for our IPAM solution. We don't run
their DNS servers but do use their DHCP package on our own servers.

When we reviewed the major players EfficientIP had the most
versatility in how one could run and setup their products. We still
run our own DNS servers using BIND. Our DNS servers get their zone
files from our EfficientIP server. EfficientIP offer hardware, VMs and
packages for DNS and DHCP. We chose to only use their IPAM VM server
and DHCP package. This is partially to keep from being reliant on a
single vendor. EfficientIP offers a lot of customization, be it you
modifying things or paying them to create them for you. We have done

They are using ISC BIND and DHCP under the hood. In the case of DHCP
they are running their own branch of DHCP to leverage some features
they wanted that ISC didn't provide. The biggest being they can HUP
DHCP instead of restarting it when a config change it made. DNS is
still standard BIND as far as I am aware.

We are very happy with EfficientIP and wouldn't hesitate recommending them.

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Re: Bind-Efficientip

2019-10-23 Thread Mik J via bind-users
 You won't do it within a night that's for sure.But yes the vendors assemble 
components with a web interface and database.But now it seems to me that all 
products add more intelligence.
For my own needs bind alone is all fine because I'm root.But for 500+ users 
that need to view, modify some zones, import, export I'm not sure that would be 

Le jeudi 24 octobre 2019 à 00:44:36 UTC+2, Reindl Harald 
 a écrit :  

Am 24.10.19 um 00:35 schrieb Mik J via bind-users:
> Efficient IP uses bind (+ nsd/unbound) as the DNS server.
> One major difference between Efficient IP and bind is when you want to
> delegate the zone configuration to users and groups. I think it's called
> role based management.
> So let's say you want team1 to have read/write access to the zone
>, team2 to on one server.
> You can have team2 to be able to view all the content of the zone 
> and so on.
> I don't think it's possible to do this on bind only / unix
> There are granular rights.
> The second thing it that DHCP, DNS, IPAM work together. You can automate
> the IP reservation and the DNS record creation for example.
> The ability to import/export data from csv or API SOAP/Rest
> Infoblox and Bluecat are other similar products along with a few others.

at the end of the day it's just some interface utilizing the underlying
tools - i don't see why i couldn't expand my webinterface generating
zonefiles since 11 years now with some permission delegation within a
night if needed
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RPZ behavior for authoritative servers

2019-10-23 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I know that the RPZ functionality aims to block/redirect/log DNS queries from 
the inner network.
What about the authoritative DNS facing the Internet ?
I receive some spam, I get probed on my webservers etc.Many of these 
annoiyances start with a DNS query.
What is ? My DNS answers the annoyances starts on port 
25 or 80 or 443...
So my question is this one.Is it possible to load a list of IP clients and/or 
networks that can be called the "zombie list"If a computer from the zombie list 
wants to resolve, my DNS replies or some IP that are 
allocated to an antartic network.Then, I never get annoyed.
Something like a mix between RPZ and views on my authoritative DNS servers 
sitting on Internet.
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Re: RPZ behavior for authoritative servers

2019-10-24 Thread Mik J via bind-users
 Hello Chuck,Thank you for this clarification.I get your point and it makes 

Le jeudi 24 octobre 2019 à 05:38:03 UTC+2, Chuck Aurora  a 
écrit :  
 On 2019-10-23 18:14, Mik J via bind-users wrote:

> I know that the RPZ functionality aims to block/redirect/log DNS
> queries from the inner network.
> What about the authoritative DNS facing the Internet ?
> I receive some spam, I get probed on my webservers etc.
> Many of these annoiyances start with a DNS query.
> What is ? My DNS answers
> Then the annoyances starts on port 25 or 80 or 443...
> So my question is this one.
> Is it possible to load a list of IP clients and/or networks that can
> be called the "zombie list"
> If a computer from the zombie list wants to resolve, my

Here is where you err.  You're assuming that you will know the source
of the query and be able to associate a certain query with an attack.
That's highly improbable.

Most [probably all] of these annoyances are malware running on
compromised machines.  Malware usually makes an effort to stay small,
and as such, it's likely to offload as much as it can to the system
libraries.  Name resolution is a good candidate for offloading.

The system library will send DNS queries to the nameserver[s] as
received from DHCP.  Those nameservers will do the recursion, and you
will see the queries coming from ISP resolvers and open resolvers like

> DNS replies or some IP that are allocated to an antartic
> network.
> Then, I never get annoyed.

Even if you DO correctly pin the query to the attack, you do NOT want
to poison Google's cache with misinformation.


Also, if you were to do something like this, please do NOT abuse real
IP address holders, especially not our .AQ friends.  I'm sure network
lag there is bad enough without us making it worse.

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Calculate the size of a DNS record in the cache

2020-07-28 Thread Mik J via bind-users
My cache is 100MB and I'd like to know how many records can fit inside.I 
suppose that it depends on the record: is 7 characters and shorter than
And it probably depends on the type and adress.
So which size would A be ?

I ask my question because I was wondering how many, 
I generate before fil in the cache of my recursive server
According to the RFC, if my SOA TTL is 86400, the NXDOMAIN entry 
would remain in the cache for 1 day.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts

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How to show run the active configuration on bind

2022-01-04 Thread Mik J via bind-users
How can I check which variables are loaded in memory and considered as active.
For example, I would like to check that the value of lame-ttl is 0In my 
named.conf configuration file I haveinclude "myconf.conf";
lame-ttl 600;
And in the myconf.conf file I havelame-ttl 0;

So how can I make sure which value is used ?

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What is the meaning of an ecs log

2022-12-07 Thread Mik J via bind-users
I see logs like [ECS] but I don't understand what is the last 
/0 part.
Where can I get an explanation ?
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Re: What is the meaning of an ecs log

2022-12-07 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Hello Daren,

The entire message is
client @0x53eda9122d0 ( query: IN A 
-E(0)DC ( [ECS]

The version is: 9.18.7
It's both autoritative and recursive

Le jeudi 8 décembre 2022 à 01:56:57 UTC+1, Darren Ankney 
 a écrit : 

Is that the entire log message or just part of it?  Is this a
recursive or authoritative name server?  What version of bind?

Logging is covered in the manual though I don't really see a
comprehensive explanation of message format (maybe it's there and I'm
just not seeing it).

On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 7:42 PM Mik J via bind-users
> Hello,
> I see logs like [ECS] but I don't understand what is the 
> last /0 part.
> Where can I get an explanation ?
> Regards
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Re: What is the meaning of an ecs log

2022-12-07 Thread Mik J via bind-users
Thank you for your answer and pointing out this information.

When I showed you this message
client @0x53eda9122d0 ( query: IN A 
-E(0)DC ( [ECS

This query was to my authoritative server which holds
The client IP is a Google DNS public IP (I had changed the IP to
And the prefix is a prefix from a hosting company in Turkey (I 
had changed the IP)

So I suppose that a machine hosted in that subnet use google DNS 
as a resolver. And that resolver is quering my authoritative DNS.

I had read the documentation and this /0 is noted as a scope
"a statement which appears in a zone block has scope only for that zone"
I understand this sentence but I don't understand this /0

In my logs it's always a /0
I'm wondering in which case it could be different that a /0

Le jeudi 8 décembre 2022 à 02:36:40 UTC+1, Darren Ankney 
 a écrit : 

Found the answer in the manual:

"Finally, if any CLIENT-SUBNET option was present in the client query,
it is included in square brackets in the format [ECS

On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 8:25 PM Mik J via bind-users
> Hello Daren,
> The entire message is
> client @0x53eda9122d0 ( query: IN 
> A -E(0)DC ( [ECS]
> The version is: 9.18.7
> It's both autoritative and recursive
> Le jeudi 8 décembre 2022 à 01:56:57 UTC+1, Darren Ankney 
>  a écrit :
> Is that the entire log message or just part of it?  Is this a
> recursive or authoritative name server?  What version of bind?
> Logging is covered in the manual though I don't really see a
> comprehensive explanation of message format (maybe it's there and I'm
> just not seeing it).
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 7:42 PM Mik J via bind-users
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I see logs like [ECS] but I don't understand what is the 
> > last /0 part.
> > Where can I get an explanation ?
> > Regards
> --
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> ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
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