Don't understand why I get a FORMERR (quad-A - ipv6 related)

2012-04-25 Thread Nicolas Michel
 resolving '':
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: fctx 0x7f0d23be2dc0('): try
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: fctx 0x7f0d23be2dc0('): query
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: resquery 0x7f0d23be8dc0 (fctx
0x7f0d23be2dc0( send
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: resquery 0x7f0d23be8dc0 (fctx
0x7f0d23be2dc0( sent
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: resquery 0x7f0d23be8dc0 (fctx
0x7f0d23be2dc0( udpconnected
25-Apr-2012 14:00:52.050 resolver: debug 3: resquery 0x7f0d23be8dc0 (fctx
0x7f0d23be2dc0( senddone

So if I understand well, BIND received no answer for its query so it raise
a FORMERR return code. So the difference in the return code between the
google dns and bind is only a matter of DNS spec implementation difference?
Or do I have a misconfiguration on my bind server?

Why do I care about this? Some Windows XP which are DNS clients of my BIND
server have ipv6 enabled so they try to resolve URLs with quad-A. As they
received SERVFAIL they try any other known server names in their network
configuration in a loop until a (very long) timeout before trying single-A
resolution. When configuring google nameserver as Windows network
resolvers, I don't get any timeout since I get the blank response
immediately for the quad-A record (with no error as return code) and it
immediately try to resolve with single-A.

= I know the root cause is the enablement of IPV6 on the clients and that
part of the problem will be fixed. But I also want to understand and fix if
possible the behavior of my BIND server.

Nicolas MICHEL
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Re: Don't understand why I get a FORMERR (quad-A - ipv6 related)

2012-04-25 Thread Nicolas Michel
Thank you for your answers guys! It's much more clear now ;)
But the google DNS ( still return NOERROR for the same query and
the same situation. So I wonder what is the right behavior (documented in
RFC? or maybe that situation is not documented so it is right to the
software dev to decide wether to raise an error or not in that case?)

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