Logging problem

2009-08-09 Thread Raven
Hi all.
I have just deployed a bind installation (freebsd port v9.4.3-P2) and I
seem to be unable to have it log the queries.
This is the section I put in named.conf:

logging {
  channel munin_log {
file "/var/log/bind9/query.log" versions 7 size 100m;
severity dynamic;
print-time yes;  };

  category queries {
munin_log; };

What's weird is that if I start bind from the cli with 
"named -f -c /etc/namedb/named.conf -d 3"
then the queries are correctly logged to the desired file.
Any suggestions to fix this?


bind-users mailing list

Logging issue with bind

2012-02-16 Thread Raven
Hi guys.
I am currently trying to setup query logging with bind on a debian
server, but I seem unable to.
I have the exact same setup on another debian box and it works
flawlessly. I've been scratching my head all morning..

My configuration:

logging {
  channel munin_log {
file "/var/log/bind9/query.log" versions 30 size 15m;
severity dynamic;
print-time yes;  };

  category queries {
munin_log; };


statistics-file "/var/log/bind9/named.stats";

List for the directory where logs should be:

root@srv:~# ls -alh /var/log/bind9/
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x  2 bind bind 4.0K 2012-02-16 10:25 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4.0K 2012-02-16 10:21 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bind bind 6.9K 2012-02-16 10:45 named.stats
-rwxrwxrwx  1 bind bind0 2012-02-16 10:21 query.log

Why does "named.stats" get written correctly and "query.log" not??


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Re: Logging issue with bind

2012-02-16 Thread Raven
On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 09:54 +, Phil Mayers wrote:
> On 02/16/2012 09:48 AM, Raven wrote:
> > Hi guys.
> > I am currently trying to setup query logging with bind on a debian
> > server, but I seem unable to.
> > I have the exact same setup on another debian box and it works
> > flawlessly. I've been scratching my head all morning..
> >
> > My configuration:
> > /etc/bind/named.conf:
> >
> > logging {
> >channel munin_log {
> >  file "/var/log/bind9/query.log" versions 30 size 15m;
> >  severity dynamic;
> "severity dynamic" starts at 0 i.e. off.
> Just remove the "severity" line.

Still not working I'm afraid.
I deleted query.log and restarted bind, but the log's still empty:

root@srv:~# ls -alh /var/log/bind9/
total 40K
drwxr-xr-x  2 bind bind 4.0K 2012-02-16 11:53 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4.0K 2012-02-16 10:21 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bind bind  31K 2012-02-16 12:11 named.stats
-rw-r--r--  1 bind bind0 2012-02-16 11:53 query.log

And I double checked with rndc:

root@srv:~# rndc status
version: 9.7.3
CPUs found: 4
worker threads: 16
number of zones: 31
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is ON
recursive clients: 0/0/1000
tcp clients: 0/100
server is up and running

What else could it be? Some debian-specific bug?


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Re: Logging issue with bind

2012-02-16 Thread Raven
On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 09:55 -0600, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > > Do:
> > > 
> > > rndc querylog
> > 
> > or "querylog yes;"
> But the previous email showed rndc status had:
> query logging is ON

Indeed. I tried disabling and re-enabling it, but to no avail.
Don't really know where to look now..


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