Re: minimum cache times?

2010-10-05 Thread Rob Austein
At Tue, 5 Oct 2010 09:19:49 -0400, Atkins, Brian (GD/VA-NSOC) wrote:
 I asked a similar question 2 weeks ago and got a non-response (e.g., a
 response with no real information).
 From what I've read, everyone seems to frown on over-riding cache times,
 but I haven't seen any specifics as to why it's bad.

Because it's a protocol violation, deliberately ignores the cache time
set by the owner of the data, and is dangerous.

Eg, you ask me for the address of my web server.  I answer, saying
that the answer is good for a week, after which you need to ask again
because I might have changed something.  You override the TTL time and
cache the data for two weeks.  Meanwhile, I start the process of
moving my server to a different address.  Protocol says I have to wait
the time I set in the TTL, then I can assume that all cached copies of
the old data are dead, at which point it's safe for me to kill the old
address.  But you're ignoring the TTL.  So I go ahead and move my
server, your users still see your past-expiration copy of the old
address, can't reach my server, and my help desk phone starts ringing.
Your fault, but I pay for it, because you violated the protocol.

The above is a simple example.  For some real fun, throw DNSSEC into
the mix and think about signature expiration times.

min-ttl is a really bad idea.  I first saw it proposed in the late
'80s.  It was a bad idea then, and it's still a bad idea now.  Every
few years somebody exhumes it, it lurches, undead, into some patch
set, and we replay this discussion again.  Most likely the reason you
didn't get an immediate response is simply that playing whack-a-zombie
gets old after the first decade or so.

The TTL mechanism is part of the protocol for a reason: it's to
control how tightly consistent the data are supposed to be in the
opinion of the publisher of the data.  Nobody but the publisher of the
data has enough information to know how long it's safe to keep the
data.  Some publishers make silly decisions about this setting, which
causes other problems, but keeping data past its expiration time is
not the answer.
bind-users mailing list

Re: minimum cache times?

2010-10-05 Thread Rob Austein
At Tue, 5 Oct 2010 10:45:04 -0400, Nicholas Wheeler wrote:
 I think Brian's OP was about a max-ttl override ... Which is the
 opposite. The only disadvantages I see is a potential waste of
 bandwidth (and it violates the protocol).

max-ttl is (very) different from min-ttl.  max-ttl might (or might
not) be a waste of bandwidth, but it can't be a violation of the
protocol, because nobody can require you to cache at all, or to
preserve your cache across reboots, etc.

max-ttl has been around since at least, um, 1985, when I implemented
it in a non-BIND iterative resolver to cope with the  TTLs
that we were receiving from certain badly configured authoritative
nameservers.  It's not something to use blindly, but it's definitely
legal, and is sometimes necessary.  The trick with max-ttl is to set
it to a sane value for your situation.  Eg, an iterative resolver
associated with a busy MTA might use a max-ttl setting equal to half
of the MTA's queue lifetime, to insure that it tried looking for an
updated MX RR at least once before giving up on a message.
bind-users mailing list

Re: tkey-gssapi-credential

2010-10-01 Thread Rob Austein
At Fri, 1 Oct 2010 07:05:40 -0600, Nicholas F Miller wrote:
 It is interesting, when I try an update from a client all I get are
 denies. When I try an update using nsupdate -g from the DNS server I
 will get a REFUSED but I will also get a DNS/h...@domain kerb ticket
 from the keytab.

It might be worth watching the Kerberos (UDP port 88) traffic during
both exchanges, to see if there are visible differences.

Basic capture of Kereberos can tell you a fair amount about
principals, realms, and algorithm negotiations.  tshark's -K option
lets you load keytabs, which in theory might let you peer deeper into
the packet, but I've never experimented with that option and don't
know if it's useful in this scenario.

bind-users mailing list

Re: GSS-TSIG and Active Directory

2010-10-01 Thread Rob Austein
If you're trying to grant update rights to a specific machine (rather
than every machine in the realm), something like:

  grant d...@realm. subdomain dnsname.;

might work better, where d...@realm is (eg) the Kerberos principle
corresponding to your DC and dnsname is the tree to which you want
to grant rights.  The $ is a Microsoft-ism.
bind-users mailing list

Re: tkey-gssapi-credential

2010-09-30 Thread Rob Austein
Sorry, I spent most of the last two weeks locked in a conference room
and mostly off net, still catching up.

At Mon, 27 Sep 2010 07:54:54 -0600, Nicholas F Miller wrote:
 DNS Standard query TKEY 
472-ms-7.32-1772bef1.ddfb6613-c726-11df-dfa0-005056a22c3e: type TKEY, 
 class IN
Additional records
472-ms-7.32-1772bef1.ddfb6613-c726-11df-dfa0-005056a22c3e: type TKEY, 
 class ANY
Algorithm name: gss-tsig
Signature inception: Sep 27, 2010 07:26:04.0 Mountain 
 Daylight Time
Signature expiration: Sep 28, 2010 07:26:04.0 Mountain 
 Daylight Time
GSS-API Generic Security Service Application Program Interface
OID: (SPNEGO - Simple Protected Negotiation)
Simple Protected Negotiation
mechTypes: 3 items
MechType: 1.2.840.48018.1.2.2 (MS KRB5 - 
 Microsoft Kerberos 5)
MechType: 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 (KRB5 - 
 Kerberos 5)
MechType: 1.2.840.113554. (KRB5 - 
 Kerberos 5 - User to User)
KRB5 OID: 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 (KRB5 - 
 Kerberos 5)
Kerberos AP-REQ
Realm: FQN of DOMAIN
Server Name (Service and Instance): 
 DNS/fqn of the DNS server
 DNS Standard query response TKEY
472-ms-7.32-1772bef1.ddfb6613-c726-11df-dfa0-005056a22c3e: type TKEY, 
 class IN
472-ms-7.32-1772bef1.ddfb6613-c726-11df-dfa0-005056a22c3e: type TKEY, 
 class ANY
Algorithm name: gss-tsig
Signature inception: Dec 31, 1969 17:00:00.0 Mountain 
 Standard Time
Signature expiration: Dec 31, 1969 17:00:00.0 Mountain 
 Standard Time
Error: Bad key

The nameserver appears to be rejecting the GSSAPI negotiation due to
some basic failure, there are too many possibilities (all of which the
protocol lumps into BADKEY, sigh) to guess which.  In theory named
should have logged something like failed gss_accept_sec_context:
blah where blah is the output of gss_error_tostring(); if there
really is no such message (ie, it's not just lost under all the
noise), this may indicate that you're somehow getting an impossible
GSSAPI failure, ie, something that we don't ever expect to fail, so
we're handling it via a RETERR() wrapper around an API call, or
something like that (in which case said error clearly is not
impossible and probably needs to be handled differently).

The timestamps in the response is just the Unix epoch.  I don't recall
offhand whether that's what TKEY is supposed to return in this mode if
there's no signature, but if not this would be consistent with the
theory that something is erroring out early in processing.

FWIW, here's the ktpass incantation that's worked for me in the past:

C:\ ktpass -out foo.keytab -princ DNS/ -pass * 

where foo.keytab is the filename for the new keytab,
DNS/ is the principal name, and is the Active Directory user account.
bind-users mailing list

Re: tkey-gssapi-credential

2010-09-17 Thread Rob Austein
At Fri, 17 Sep 2010 09:17:09 -0600, Nicholas F Miller wrote:
 I was wondering if it is possible to use the tkey-gssapi-credential
 and update-policy on a Windows install of bind. It strikes me that
 running bind on a Windows server, snapped into the AD it will serve
 DNS to, should be the easiest way of getting DDNS with update-policy
 control working.

It would be, except for one small problem: the Windows native Kerberos
doesn't support GSS-API (or didn't, when last I checked), instead it
supports some similar-but-different Microsoft proprietary API whose
name has temporarily escaped my memory.  So either we would have to
hack Windows-specific code here to use Microsoft's API, or we would
have to get a Unix-style Kerberos library working on Windows.

We spent an insane amount of time banging our head against the latter
approach, but never got it to work, for reasons that never made a lot
of sense (eg, linking against precompiled MIT Kerberos binaries
resulted in binaries that worked fine for everything but GSS-TSIG but
failed silently for that, attempting to build MIT Kerberos for Windows
from source resulted in Kerberos code that couldn't even kinit, and
nobody on the MIT Kerberos project could tell us why).  We eventually
gave up, because we had deadlines to meet and this configuration
(BIND9 running GSS-TSIG on Windows) wasn't on our critical feature

 Am I nuts? Should I just install it on a Linux box and be done?

Yes, unless you (or some other brave soul) have the time and energy to
get this working on Windows, in which case please tell us what you did
(and i will stand you a beer if we ever meet...).
bind-users mailing list

Re: tkey-gssapi-credential

2010-09-17 Thread Rob Austein
At Fri, 17 Sep 2010 13:18:42 -0600, Nicholas F Miller wrote:
 Does anyone have instructions on how to setup a Linux bind server to
 use GSS-TSIG against an AD? I have found many articles from people
 having issues with it but none that had good instructions on how to
 get it working. Last year we played around with it but were having
 issues getting it to work. kinit would work against the AD on our
 RHEL bind server but our clients couldn't update their records.

Beyond what's already been posted here?  Not really.  I can perhaps
tell you two things that might be useful.

1) The code really does work, honest.  I have personally seen it work
   (in the lab -- my last stint as an operator supporting anything on
   Windows predated AD) with Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server, and
   Windows XP.  I have not (yet) personally tested it with anything
   more recent than that, but unless Microsoft has done something
   weird (nah) it still should.

2) If you run into problems, the best debugging tools I can recommend

   a) Running named with full debugging (named -g and capture the
  stderr output somewhere, or do the equivalent with logging
  options in named.conf); and

   b) A good packet sniffer watching both DNS and Kerberos traffic.

   For (b) I recommend Wireshark (or tshark, same difference).  You
   can use some other tool (eg, tcpdump) to capture the dump, but
   understanding what happened requires an analyzer that do deep
   insepction of both DNS and Kerberos.  Make sure you capture full
   packets for both Kerberos and DNS, ie, UDP ports 88 and 53 as well
   as TCP port 53 (Yes, Windows uses all three).
bind-users mailing list

Re: BIND 9.7.0a1 and dnssec-signzone verification

2009-06-24 Thread Rob Austein
At Wed, 24 Jun 2009 18:23:52 +, Evan Hunt wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 05:45:33PM +0200, wrote:
  I have some issues with dnssec-signzone under BIND 9.7.0a1.
  I'm using different algorithms for key- and zone signing keys.
 You can use multiple algorithms in a zone, but each algorithm must be
 represented as both KSK and ZSK.  If you have an RSASHA1 KSK, an RSAMD5
 KSK, an RSASHA1 ZSK and an RSAMD5 ZSK, you'll be fine.  But if all
 your KSKs are RSASHA1 and all your ZSK's are RSAMD5, that's actually
 a protocol violation.  dnssec-signzone should have been complaining
 all along; it was a bug that it didn't.

Evan's rule (that the KSK and ZSK algorithms should match) is
correct, but the reasons are a bit (more) complex.

The protocol requirement is that every signed RRset in a zone have an
RRSIG for each algorithm listed in the zone's DS RRset in the parent.
A simpler way of saying this is that every KSK algorithm in a zone
must also be a ZSK algorithm.  Note that this has nothing to do with
the SEP bit in the DNSKEY RRs, only to do with which keys sign which
RRsets (the protocol forbids the validator from using the SEP bit).

The validator allows ZSK algorithms which are not KSK algorithms, but
signing your zone that way leaves you vulnerable to the same algorithm
downgrade attack that resulted in the seemingly bizzare protocol
requirement noted above.  So don't do that.  Allowing ZSK algorithms
that aren't KSK algorithms is useful during certain transitions, but
you don't want verification to rely on mismatched algorithms.
bind-users mailing list

Re: Has PGP key been changed?

2009-05-26 Thread Rob Austein
At Tue, 26 May 2009 15:12:15 +0200, Adam Tkac wrote:
 has PGP key been changed?


 Current ISC key located on
 has different ID - 1BC91E6C.
 Would it be possible to publish updated PGP key, please?


The new key is in the worldwide PGP keyserver system, but yes, the
copy on the ISC web site should have been updated.  Thanks.
bind-users mailing list

Re: Bind-9.5 GSS-TSIG and dynamic updates.

2009-02-13 Thread Rob Austein
At Mon, 9 Feb 2009 20:11:20 -0500, Peter Fraser wrote:
 HI All
 I have been working to get dynamic updates working with bind-9.5 and
 FreeBSD 7 So far I have done the following:
 1. COmpiled bind with GSSAPI enabled.
 2. Added these to named.conf
 options {
 tkey-gssapi-credential DNS/;
 zone {
 type master;
 file master/;
 update-policy {
  grant MYDOMAIN.COM ms-subdomain * A;
 zone {
 type master;
 file master/;
 update-policy {
  grant MYDOMAIN.COM ms-subdomain * PTR;
 3. Created a user in AD called binddns and set the password to never expire.
 4.  Used ktpass  to create the keytab like this:
 C:\ ktpass -out krb5.keytab -princ
 DNS/ -pass * -mapuser
 5. Copied krb5.keytab to /etc
 6. At s point I figured I should be done. Reloaded bind but no updates.
 When I run rndc trace, I see this in the logs for the zone
 09-Feb-2009 07:36:30.369 dns_zone_dialup: zone atlas.local/IN: notify
 = 0, refresh = 0
 Is there anything I am leaving out?

Nothing blatant, but I may have missed something.  Things to try:

1) Run named -g to get full debugging output during your tests.

2) Try running an update with GSS-TSIG from unix if that's easier than
   forcing an update from Windows:

 $ kinit
 $ nsupdate -g

   You will of course have to modify your update-policy to permit
   whatever principal you use for this test.

3) tshark is your friend.  Make sure you watch port 53 on both TCP and
   UDP, as well as port 88 (krb5) on UDP.
bind-users mailing list

Re: BIND Security Advisory (CVE-2009-0025; Severity: Low)

2009-01-10 Thread Rob Austein
At Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:10:42 -0500, David Coulthart wrote:
 Would someone be able to provide some more details as to what  
 particular configurations of BIND this affects?  My interpretation is  
 it only impacts recursive nameservers that have DNSSEC validation  

And not even all of those.  It only affects DSA signatures (RSA is not
affected), and only if an attacker can provoke a rather peculiar error

The root problem, which was also behind the recent OpenSSL release, is
that a couple of the low-level OpenSSL libcrypto library functions
that deal with DSA signatures return a tri-state value rather than a
boolean: 1 == success, 0 == bad signature, -1 == other failure (eg,
malloc() failure).  The corresponding RSA functions return boolean
values, this is a peculiarity of the DSA routines.  Due to the, um,
minimal nature of the OpenSSL internals documentation, a lot of code
that calls the OpenSSL DSA was not checking the error returns
correctly, and was misinterpreting other errors as success.  Among
others, affected code included both a few routines in BIND's DNSSEC
code and portions of OpenSSL itself (if you look closely at the recent
OpenSSL release, you'll see that there were a bunch of little changes
in libssl to fix this).

So an attacker trying to exploit this vulnerablity would have to
provoke an other error while the victim was validating a DSA
signature.  This is pretty freaking unlikely, hence the Severity:
low rating on the BIND security advisory, but as nobody can prove
that this can't be done and BIND really wasn't checking the return
code correctly, it seemed best to handle the fix as a security issue.

 Speaking in terms of BIND config options, the dnssec-validation
 option would need to be set to yes (so just having the default of
 dnssec-enable set to yes isn't enough to make the server
 vulnerable).  Is this a correct interpretation?

Vulnerable in this case means could be tricked into believing
DNSSEC signatures that should not have passed validation.  That is,
we're not talking about named crashing here, we're talking about a
security mechanism not working as expected due to a bug.

If you don't have DNSSEC validation enabled you presumably have no
expectation that DNSSEC signatures will be checked correctly, so,
indeed, you are not affected, in that without DNSSEC there are
easier ways to feed you bad data.

At Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:37:27 -0500, Steve Shockley wrote:
 The OpenSSL vulnerability affects DSA and ECDSA certificates; an 
 attacker is able to bypass validation of the certificate.  Since DNSSEC 
 uses ECDSA, this means an attacker could use a forged certificate in a 
 man-in-the-middle attack.

s/certificate/RRSIG/ (DNSSEC doesn't use certificates).

 If you're not using DNSSEC, then this vulnerability doesn't really
 affect you, since you already have no way of knowing if a MITM
 attack is occurring.

bind-users mailing list

Re: Bind9 Kerberos authentication

2009-01-07 Thread Rob Austein
At Wed, 07 Jan 2009 09:51:07 +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 I'm trying to find some more clarification on how to use kerberos for
 dnssec. I thought it may have been possible a while ago, was told there
 was only tsig, then found a reference to it in the Administrators guide.
 I've been trying to find a tutorial or howto (or at least something) on
 google but with no luck at all.
 Anyone here that could help?

You're confusing DNS object security with DNS channel security.

There's a (hideously complex) specification for using Kerberos to
provide DNS channel security (GSS-TSIG).  There is no mechanism for
using Kerberos to provide DNS object security (DNSSEC), nor is there
likely to be.
bind-users mailing list

Re: Using bind 9.5.0 with Active directory

2009-01-06 Thread Rob Austein
No obvious reason why it shouldn't work with ms-subdomain.

Next step is probably a protocol trace to see what's happening on the
wire.  wireshark/tshark is pretty good for this kind of analysis.

Probably best to run named with -g while you're doing the trace and
capture the output as well (if you're not doing that already), since
there may be clues in the log that aren't obvious with your normal
logging configuration.

If possible, do the trace on the same machine that's running named, so
that timestamps in packet trace and log will match up.
bind-users mailing list

Re: Using bind 9.5.0 with Active directory

2008-12-26 Thread Rob Austein
At Fri, 26 Dec 2008 14:28:13 +0100, Nico De Ranter wrote:
 Dec 26 13:55:33 dns named[8546]: configuring TKEY: not implemented

The error suggests that you don't really have GSSAPI enabled
(dst_gssapi_acquirecred() returns that error when called with GSSAPI
support disabled).  Check your build log to make sure that -DGSSAPI
was included on the command line when compiling lib/dns/gssapictx.c.
If not, you've got some kind of autoconf problem or are specifying the
wrong directory for the GSSAPI libraries, so check config.log next to
see what happened.
bind-users mailing list