Re: Detailed Log Analysis based on rndc stats!!

2012-01-29 Thread Shiva Raman
Hi Peter

Thanks a lot for your reply. I had enabled query-errors with debug level 2
in my bind logging, now i am able to log all SERVFAIL related error logs in
query-errors.log. But i am unable to log the NXDOMAIN error logs .
   Referring to Bind documentation, i enabled delegation-only option(which
Logs queries that have returned NXDOMAIN as the result of a delegation-only
zone or a delegation-only statement in a hint or stub zone declaration) ,
but this also not logging the NXDOMAIN errors. Kindly guide me whether any
additional parameters to be enabled in query-errors to log NXDOMAIN also.


Shiva Raman

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Peter Andreev

 2012/1/17 Shiva Raman

  Hi All

  i am running  Bind version 9.8.1  as an Authoritative Name server. From
 the rndc.stats , i observe that there are some query failures happening
 in the server. I am trying to get a detailed information of this query
 failures, but the current logging options is not allowing me to get a
 report on the reason of failure. I tried enabling detailed logs, but that
 is also not providing me which all queries failed with  NXDOMAIN ,

  Please find  the ouptut of named.stats and Logging options enabled in

 Output of /chroot/named/conf/named.stats

 +++ Statistics Dump +++ (1326803941)
 ++ Incoming Requests ++
75808 QUERY
 ++ Incoming Queries ++
75786 A
   22 PTR
 ++ Outgoing Queries ++
 [View: default]
 7374 A
13410 NS
   97 PTR
 [View: _bind]
 ++ Name Server Statistics ++
75808 IPv4 requests received
75781 requests with ADNS(0) received
75019 responses sent
75003 responses with ADNS(0) sent
 2848 queries resulted in successful answer
72340 queries resulted in authoritative answer
 2239 queries resulted in non authoritative answer
  440 queries resulted in SERVFAIL
71731 queries resulted in NXDOMAIN
 3466 queries caused recursion
  789 duplicate queries received
 ++ Zone Maintenance Statistics ++
 ++ Resolver Statistics ++
 [View: default]
20881 IPv4 queries sent
 5283 IPv4 responses received
  111 NXDOMAIN received
 2533 SERVFAIL received
16195 query retries
15598 query timeouts
  450 IPv4 NS address fetches
6 IPv4 NS address fetch failed
 4226 queries with RTT  10ms
   17 queries with RTT 10-100ms
  869 queries with RTT 100-500ms
   82 queries with RTT 500-800ms
   37 queries with RTT 800-1600ms
   52 queries with RTT  1600ms
 [View: _bind]
 ++ Cache DB RRsets ++
 [View: default]
   72 A
   24 NS
 [View: _bind (Cache: _bind)]
 ++ Socket I/O Statistics ++
20886 UDP/IPv4 sockets opened
4 TCP/IPv4 sockets opened
20883 UDP/IPv4 sockets closed
 3910 TCP/IPv4 sockets closed
2 UDP/IPv4 socket bind failures
20881 UDP/IPv4 connections established
 3911 TCP/IPv4 connections accepted
 ++ Per Zone Query Statistics ++
 --- Statistics Dump --- (1326803941)

 Logging options in /etc/named.conf

 // Logging options
 logging {
 // logging option for named  process
 channel default_debug {
 file /logs/named.log versions 10 size 500m;
 print-time yes;
 print-category yes;
 severity dynamic;

 channel queries { // logging option for queries to
 file /logs/query.log versions 20 size 500m;
 print-time yes;
 print-category yes;
 severity dynamic;

   category default { default_debug; };
   category queries { null; };   // comment this line to log queries
   category queries { queries; };// uncomment this to log queries
   category config { default_debug; };
   category security { default_debug; };
   category network { default_debug; };
   category lame-servers { null; };
   category general { null; };
   category edns-disabled { null; };


 Kindly let me know the procedure to follow/options to enabled in logs  to
 get a detailed report of queries  the following lines.

440 queries resulted in SERVFAIL

DNS latency!!!

2010-08-15 Thread Shiva Raman
Hi All

  Which is the best method to measure dns latency ? Is there any scripts /
available to measure the dns latency directly?


Shiva Raman
bind-users mailing list

Re: Protecting bind from DNS cache poisoning!!!

2010-08-09 Thread Shiva Raman
Thanks for your valuable suggestions

Run an up-to-date version of bind.  Be fanatical about applying security
patches promptly.

Yes , i am running the latest version Bind-9.7.1-P2.

Don't allow recursion /at all/ for queries from the general public to
your authoritative servers, nor permit authoritative servers to send
additional data from cache.

I am running separate caching and authoritative servers. As suggested
by you, i had disabled recursion to for the authoritative servers.

Permit only your trusted clients to make recursive queries through your
recursive servers.

Yes, in caching servers, i have only enabled recursion for our trusted

If you have sufficient DNS traffic to warrant it, it is very good to run
completely separate instances of bind as authoritative and recursive
servers -- use of virtualization techniques like FreeBSD jails can help
reduce hardware costs.

Yes, i am running separate instances of authoritative and recursive servers.

Allow bind to use as wide a range of port numbers as possible for UDP

Yes this is allowed in the firewall.

 Make sure your firewalls don't do daft things like forcing any DNS
traffic to come from a limited range of source ports, or blocking large
UDP packets or EDNS.  Allow DNS queries over TCP as well as UDP.

 Yes in firewall , both TCP and UDP DNS queries are allowed.

  Implement DNSSEC.

 I tried implementing dnssec using the following document

After modifying named.conf for recursive server, i restarted named.

Now named is working with dnssec enabled .But i am not able to verify the

Kindly let me know how can we verify that dnssec is enabled and running ,
from the logs.

Thanks in advance.

Shiva Raman
bind-users mailing list

Protecting bind from DNS cache poisoning!!!

2010-08-08 Thread Shiva Raman
Dear All

   I am running   Bind caching and bind authoritative servers with current
9.7  version. I would like
to know the steps to be followed to protect bind from  DNS Cache poisoning.
The bind DNS server
is running behind the firewall which allows only DNS queries .

kindly share  your views.

Thanks in advance.

Shiva Raman
bind-users mailing list

Performance tuning tips required for bind 9.6.1-P3!!!

2010-07-13 Thread Shiva Raman
Dear All

 This is in reference to the performance tuning , i had already gone through
the mailing list archives , but could not find answer to my
specific query mentioned here.

 I had installed  bind as a caching name  server for test purposes  and
planning to test performance that could give me around 1 qps.

The os running Centos 5.4 64 bit , with minimal packages installed. The
server is dual quad core Intel Xeon 2.53 GHz ,16 GB RAM with 300 GB Hdd(
Raid 1) .

*Bind version installed is bind 9.6.1-P3 . Source extracted and compiled
with the following options. *

./configure --enable-epoll  --enable-atomic  --enable-ipv6 --enable-chroot
--with-openssl --with-randomdev=/chroot/named
--disable-openssl-version-check --with-libtool --enable-threads

Chrooted bind installation is done.

Only named, ssh and ntp services are running on the servers.

Right now i am using queryperf to test the performance with sample query
file of thousand entries. Right now
i am getting only 2000 to 2300 qps . I am writing querylogs to a separate
partition with noatime enabled for the

   OS hardening is done by  removing unwanted services, closing all
unneccesary ports and  securing the running services.

   My system is now using only 3 GB of RAM of total 16 GB.

*Following is the output of uptime;free -m during performance testing*

[r...@localhost ~]# uptime;free -m
 22:19:52 up 1 day,  6:06,  3 users,  load average: 2.03, 2.06, 1.34
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 16047   3183  12864  0238   2037
-/+ buffers/cache:907  15140
Swap: 8189  0   8189

*Following is my named.conf*

acl testsetup_net {; };

acl blacklistnets {;;;;

// Main options defined here
options {
  directory /conf;
  dump-file named_dump.db;
  statistics-file named.stats;
  pid-file /var/run/;
  allow-recursion { localhost; ; testsetup_net; };
  allow-query { localhost; testsetup_net; };
  allow-query-cache { localhost;  testsetup_net; };
  allow-transfer { none; };
  blackhole { blacklistnets; };
  recursive-clients 2;
  version Not old!;
  datasize default;
  notify yes;

// Logging options are defined here.
logging { // logging option for named  process
channel default_debug {
file /logs/named.log versions 10 size 50m;
   print-time yes;
print-category yes;
 severity dynamic;

  channel queries { // logging option for queries to named
file /logs/query.log versions 20 size 100m;
print-time yes;
print-category yes;
severity dynamic;

  category default { default_debug; };
 category queries { queries; };// uncomment this to log queries
  category config { default_debug; };
  category security { default_debug; };
  category network { default_debug; };
  category lame-servers { null; };
category edns-disabled { null; };

zone . in {
  type hint;
  file db.rootcache;

zone localhost in {
  type master;
  file db.local;
  notify no;

zone in {
  type master;
  file db.127.0.0;
  notify no;

   Kindly guide me for improving the bind performance from 2000 qps to
nearly 1 qps. Which are the parameters i should change for improving
the performance? Any os level parameters to be changed for improving the

thanks in advance


Shiva Raman
bind-users mailing list