Re: filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

2023-02-01 Thread Thomas Schäfer

Am 01.02.23 um 16:12 schrieb Bjørn Mork:

This sort of "works" for me (although very broken by design, as already

Thank you for providing a work around and testing it.

I am still not convinced that the filter-a harms less when a real  
is provided instead of the synthesized. It breaks dnssec anyway.


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Re: filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

2023-02-01 Thread Thomas Schäfer

Thank you for your answers.

Of course dns64 breaks dnssec, like any other manipulation of dns 
resource records.
But it doesn't mean that filtering A records breaks dns64, it still only 
breaks dnssec.

So filtering A records and dnssec is mutually exclusive.

I know almost all popular dual stack methods.
e.g. pure dual stack ( at work since 2005)
 ds-lite ( very common in Germany for private users, personally 
since 2018)

 464xlat - used here at mobile by DTAG and WiFi at work

After two decades of dual stack my approach is to see an end of the 
migration. That means single stack IPv6.

One element of it is DNS64 with NAT64.
Another element maybe filtering A records, so clat can be removed. ( 
clat was originally invented for very very old ip stacks/apps - 10 years 

Other people have recently introduced a third way between dual stack and 
ipv6 only called "ipv6 mostly"( RFC 8925)

That is two steps forward and one backward.

Nevertheless the goal is: IPv6 single stack.

I have learned bind/isc is not willing to support such (test) scenarios.

Thanks for the conversation.


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Re: filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

2023-01-31 Thread Thomas Schäfer
Am Dienstag, 31. Januar 2023, 20:03:42 CET schrieb Marco:

> Why would it make sense to block them?

Avoiding wrong decisions by "happy eyeballs" - probably the same rare reasons 
why isc introduced the  filter yeas ago - in theory there is no reason to 
block  nor A. But blocking A depending on the existence of   makes no 
sense at all.
(as bind at moment is doing)
> > > You seem to have this strange notion that to run an IPv6-only node
> > > or network that you need to filter out A records.
> > 
> > It isn't  more strange than filtering  records in old IPv4 only
> > networks. That filter is ironically implemented by the isc - despite
> > there is no serious RFC for that.
> I don't see a reason for filtering at all. What is the benefit of that?

wrong ipv6/ipv4  preference/selections by apps

> > The purpose of the A record filter is to correct the behavior of apps
> > which don't respect IPv6 RFCs regarding the preference of IPv6 over
> > IPv4.
> Best would be to fix these "apps".
> If the computer does not have an IPv4 address, the A records are
> useless, it can't use them and needs to connect via IPv6.

It would be of course  - but reality is - apps, even the defaults in some 
programming languages like java are still wrong.

> Why don't they work if they can't connect using IPv4?
> Which apps are affected?

e.g. gpsprune under linux:

LANG=C java -jar gpsprune_22.2.jar
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable
IOE: - Network is unreachable

They don't load the cards.

I have to set manually the environment for  the(each wrong)  java app:

I have to ensure clatd is running - which is not my understanding of ipv6 
I have to remove the A record, independent of the fact if the  record is 
real or synthesized .  


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Re: filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

2023-01-31 Thread Thomas Schäfer
Am Montag, 30. Januar 2023, 23:12:53 CET schrieb Mark Andrews:
> Do you want a correctly operating DNS64 server or do you want to filter
> all A records?  They are mutually exclusive requirements.  Please read
> RFC 6147 to understand why they are mutually exclusive.

That's simply not true. RFC 6147 is about synthesizing  records based on A 
records. It says nothing about blocking A records afterwards.

> You seem to have this strange notion that to run an IPv6-only node or
> network that you need to filter out A records. 

It isn't  more strange than filtering  records in old IPv4 only networks. 
That filter is ironically implemented by the isc - despite there is no serious 
RFC for that. 
The purpose of the A record filter is to correct the behavior of apps which 
don't respect IPv6 RFCs regarding the preference of IPv6 over IPv4.

> Could you tell me who or
> what told you this was required?

Thank you for the personal attack within the first contact.  I am old (enough) 
-  I can speak for myself. 
I am an experienced user of different IPv6 only networks. 
daily at eduroam-IPv6only,  a big Wifi network administrated by the Leibniz 
Supercomputinger Centre in Munich, 
daily at the IPv6-only mobile network(4g/5g) by Deutsche Telekom, 
once a year at the RIPE conference WiFi
I am the admin of my home/test lab with: tayga, jool, unbound (filters a, does 
dns64) , dnsmasq (can filter a, but can't do dns64 )

I know that clat is a solution for *some* very old apps, usually on 
smartphones and recently also on macs.
Nevertheless Windows doesn't use clat in wireless/wired LANs.
I want to get rid of clat - aka 464xlat. ( clat was not invented for eternity)
Even linux has no default clat installation on many distributions. 

My experience until now: the a record filter doesn't break anything, but it 
make some apps working  without clat - so at least some windows and linux 

Now I am testing the usefulness of bind. In the recent state it isn't useful.

Thomas Schäfer

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filter-a and dns64 in a ipv6-only network

2023-01-30 Thread Thomas Schäfer

I use tumbleweed for testing, since compiling bind is hard(at least for me).

bind version: 9.18.11

options {

dns64 64:ff9b::/96 {
clients { any; };
recursive-only yes;
mapped { !10/8; any; };


plugin query "" {
  filter-a-on-v6 break-dnssec;
  filter-a-on-v4 break-dnssec;
  filter-a { ::/0 ; };

My test setup is intended to be ipv6-only. Please don't try to convince me, 
that clat would be better. 
( I 
don't want IPv4 at all.

The first line of the man page says:
"filter-a - filter A in DNS responses when  is present"

and here starts my problem: dns64 generates an -Record, but the plugin 
filter-a expects an real -response. In the end a isn't filtered.

Example with real -record
host ::1
Using domain server:
Name: ::1
Address: ::1#53
Aliases: has IPv6 address 2a02:2e0:3fe:1001:302:: mail is handled by 50 mail is handled by 10

Example with synthesized -record

host ::1
Using domain server:
Name: ::1
Address: ::1#53
Aliases: has address has IPv6 address 64:ff9b::c332:b13d has IPv6 address 64:ff9b::c332:b13d mail is handled by 50

How can I achieve to remove a-records at any time?


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