Fwd: ip forwarding DNS 9.6.0

2009-04-06 Thread myron
I gave the wrong view if that makes the difference. That was the  
internal network.

view external {
 match-clients { any; };
 recursion no;

Myron Kowalski
MoCoSIN Network/Systems Administrator
Moravian College

Begin forwarded message:

From: myron kowal...@cs.moravian.edu
Date: April 6, 2009 12:00:55 PM EDT
To: bind-users@lists.isc.org
Subject: ip forwarding DNS 9.6.0

I upgraded from 9.2.3.

I can't seem to do forwarding from a browser.

Everything works from 9.2.3. When I swap out to 9.6.0, from a  
command line I
can do: nslookup; ping outside the domain; traceroute outside the  

From a web browser I can get out if I use the ip address. However,  
when I

put in a canonical name get an rcode 5.

There's a barracuda spam firewall in the path. If I take it out,  
then everything works.
There's really nothing to change on the barracuda as far as dns is  
concerned, other

than pointing to a dns server.

snoop on the wire:
barracuda - ns DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
  ns - barracuda DNS R  Error: 5(Refused)

barracuda - ns DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
  ns - barracuda DNS R www22.verizon.com. Internet CNAME  

I glanced through the archives and found some suggestions about  
recursions to ip forwarding. I think the

conf is set up correctly. At least, it works fine with 9.2.3.

Here's some of my named.conf edited.

acl mylab {;
options {
  directory   /etc/dns;
  auth-nxdomain   yes;
view trusted {
match-clients { mylab; };
recursion yes;
zone moravian.edu in {
  type forward;
  forwarders {;; };

Any help appreciated.

Myron Kowalski
MoCoSIN Network/Systems Administrator
Moravian College

bind-users mailing list

bind-users mailing list

Re: Fwd: ip forwarding DNS 9.6.0

2009-04-06 Thread Mark Andrews

allow-recursion and allow-query-cache have different defaults.


New option allow-query-cache.  This lets allow-query
be used to specify the default zone access level rather
than having to have every zone override the global value.
allow-query-cache can be set at both the options and view
levels.  If allow-query-cache is not set then allow-recursion
is used if set, otherwise allow-query is used if set
unless recursion no; is set in which case none; is used,
otherwise the default (localhost; localnets;) is used.


In message cf090150-f1c9-45c7-a4dd-6a5e1c429...@cs.moravian.edu, myron writes
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-233-881694232
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 I gave the wrong view if that makes the difference. That was the  
 internal network.
 view external {
   match-clients { any; };
   recursion no;
 Myron Kowalski
 MoCoSIN Network/Systems Administrator
 Moravian College
 Begin forwarded message:
  From: myron kowal...@cs.moravian.edu
  Date: April 6, 2009 12:00:55 PM EDT
  To: bind-users@lists.isc.org
  Subject: ip forwarding DNS 9.6.0
  I upgraded from 9.2.3.
  I can't seem to do forwarding from a browser.
  Everything works from 9.2.3. When I swap out to 9.6.0, from a  
  command line I
  can do: nslookup; ping outside the domain; traceroute outside the  
  From a web browser I can get out if I use the ip address. However,  
  when I
  put in a canonical name get an rcode 5.
  There's a barracuda spam firewall in the path. If I take it out,  
  then everything works.
  There's really nothing to change on the barracuda as far as dns is  
  concerned, other
  than pointing to a dns server.
  snoop on the wire:
  barracuda - ns DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
ns - barracuda DNS R  Error: 5(Refused)
  barracuda - ns DNS C www22.verizon.com. Internet Addr ?
ns - barracuda DNS R www22.verizon.com. Internet CNAME  
  I glanced through the archives and found some suggestions about  
  recursions to ip forwarding. I think the
  conf is set up correctly. At least, it works fine with 9.2.3.
  Here's some of my named.conf edited.
  acl mylab {;
  options {
directory   /etc/dns;
auth-nxdomain   yes;
  view trusted {
  match-clients { mylab; };
  recursion yes;
  zone moravian.edu in {
type forward;
forwarders {;; };
  Any help appreciated.
  Myron Kowalski
  MoCoSIN Network/Systems Administrator
  Moravian College
  bind-users mailing list
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