Dear BIND User Community,

The BIND 10 engineering team and are looking for BIND 9 users or other
DNS users who would be interested in helping us do some requirements
gathering and prototype testing. We're asking a select group of
customers to apply to be in a user test project for the command line tool.

_What you would need to commit to_:
Several 1/2 hr to 1 hr sessions with Shane and Larissa where we walk
through command line tool scenarios, later test out the actual tool and
provide feedback.

_Benefits to you_:
Opportunity to make sure their requirements get into the next generation
of BIND. Hopefully make their lives easier in the long run. Love,
admiration, and probably a free t-shirt.

_Benefits to ISC_:
Making sure the tool actually meets our users requirements. Hopefully
reducing support overhead in the future as a result. Developing and
strengthening relationships with our users.

If you cannot help out but someone within your group/team is interested,
please let me know as soon as possible! We're finalizing participants
Wednesday, May 9th.

Thank you for your consideration.


Larissa Shapiro
BIND and DHCP Product Manager
Internet Systems Consortium
+1650 423 1335
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