Hello, BIND Users --

The second release candidates for the upcoming maintenance releases
of BIND are now available on the ISC FTP server.  9.9.3rc2, 9.8.5rc2,
and 9.6-ESV-R9rc2 can now be downloaded; you will find them at

Also, please recall that in April we posted a change to our
announcement policy for new versions.  Previously we had announced
each new version on each of the ISC public lists for BIND 9,
but in order not to duplicate we are now posting only to bind-announce.
We will post reminders here for the time being but if you are not
subscribed to bind-announce we recommend that you consider it.

You can manage your subscriptions for ISC's public mailing lists by
visiting https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo

Michael McNally
ISC Support
Please visit https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/bind-users to unsubscribe 
from this list

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