Re: [Bioc-devel] Gene annotation: TxDb vs ENSEMBL/NCBI inconsistency

2015-06-09 Thread Rainer Johannes
dear Ludwig,

On 09 Jun 2015, at 10:46, Ludwig Geistlinger 

Dear Johannes,

Thx for providing the great EnsDb packages!

One question:

As of now, I am able to choose between TxDb and EnsDb for genomic
coordinates of genomic features such as genes, transcripts, and exons.
For the sequences themselves I need the corresponding BSgenome package.

While it is easy to automatically map from a specific TxDb package (eg
TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene) to the corresponding BSgenome package
(here: BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38), I wonder how to do that for an
EnsDb package as the package name (eg EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79) contains no
information about the genome build.

A cumbersome option would be to extract the genome_build from the metadata
of the EnsDb package (which would give me for EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79:
'GRCh38') and then ask all existing BSgenome.Hsapiens packages for their
metadata release name (eg 'GRCh38' for BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38).

This however needs all BSgenome.Hsapiens packages installed and takes thus
too much time and space for a programmatic access.

Can you suggest a better way to map from coordinates to sequence (within
the BioC annotation functionality)?

agree, there's no easy mapping (yet). I'll implement a method 
suggestGenomePackage in the ensembldb package. In the long run I hope that 
also NCBI BSgenome packages (like the BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38) will 
become available for all species... that would make the mapping much easier...

cheers, jo

Thanks  Best,

dear Robert and Ludwig,

the EnsDb packages provide all the gene/transcript etc annotations for all
genes defined in the Ensembl database (for a given species and Ensembl
release). Except the column/attribute entrezid that is stored in the
internal database there is however no link to NCBI or UCSC annotations.
So, basically, if you want to use pure Ensembl based annotations: use
EnsDb, if you want to have the UCSC annotations: use the TxDb packages.

In case you need EnsDbs of other species or Ensembl versions, the
ensembldb package provides functionality to generate such packages either
using the Ensembl Perl API or using GTF files provided by Ensembl. If you
have problems building the packages, just drop me a line and I'll do

cheers, jo

On 03 Jun 2015, at 15:56, Robert M. Flight wrote:


If you do this search on the UCSC genome browser (which this annotation
package is built from), you will see that the longest variant is what

If instead of genes you do transcripts, you will see 20 different
transcripts for this gene, including the one listed by NCBI.

I havent tried it yet (haven't upgraded R or bioconductor to latest
version), but there is now an Ensembl based annotation package as well,
that may work better??


On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM Ludwig Geistlinger wrote:

Dear Bioc annotation team,

Querying TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene for gene coordinates, e.g.

BRCA1; ENSG0012048; entrez:672


genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene, vals=list(gene_id=672))

gives me:

GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column:
seqnames   ranges strand | gene_id
   RleIRanges  Rle | character
672chr17 [43044295, 43170403]  - | 672
seqinfo: 455 sequences (1 circular) from hg38 genome

However, querying Ensembl and NCBI Gene;g=ENSG0012048

the gene is located at (note the difference in the end position)

Chromosome 17: 43,044,295-43,125,483 reverse strand

How is the inconsistency explained and how to extract an ENSEMBL/NCBI
conform annotation from the TxDb object?
(I am aware of biomaRt, but I want to explicitely use the Bioc


Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger

Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik
Institut für Informatik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro A201
80333 München

Tel.: 089-2180-4067

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Re: [Bioc-devel] Changes in AnnotationDbi

2015-06-09 Thread Simon Anders


My two cents:

On 04/06/15 19:50, James W. MacDonald wrote:

In other words, for me it is a common practice to do something like this:

fit - lmFit(eset, design)
fit2 - eBayes(fit)
gns - select(chippackage, featureNames(eset), c(ENTREZID,SYMBOL))
gns - gns[!duplicated(gns[,1]),]
fit2$genes - gns

I add in the step where dups are removed because I already know they are
there. But a naive user might instead do

fit2$genes - select(chippackage, featureNames(eset),

I'm not even that happy with James' first solution, as it relies on the 
order being correct after removing the duplicates. I'd feel safer to use 
'match' to ensure that. (What if an EntrezId is not found in the 
Annotation DB? Will we have a line with NA, or is the line simply 
missing? The latter would break James' code.)

What users really want here is a way to get the preferred symbol for 
an entrezId, and for lack of this, they accept simply a random one or 
the first one (in some unspecified collation). So, we should have a 
function, maybe 'select1', to select one and only one hit for each query 

  select1(x, keys, columns, keytype, requireUnique=FALSE, ... )

This would query the AnnotationDbi object 'x' as does 'select', but 
return a data frame with the columns specified in 'columns', and the 
vector that was passed as 'keys' as row names, thus guaranteeing that 
each line in the data frame corresponds to one query key. If there were 
multiple records for a key, the first one is used, unless 
'requireUnique' is set, in which case an error is issued. And if no 
record is present for a key, the data frame contains a row of NAs for 
this key.

This would be quite convenient for any kind of ID conversion issues.


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Re: [Bioc-devel] Gene annotation: TxDb vs ENSEMBL/NCBI inconsistency

2015-06-09 Thread Ludwig Geistlinger
Dear Johannes,

Thx for providing the great EnsDb packages!

One question:

As of now, I am able to choose between TxDb and EnsDb for genomic
coordinates of genomic features such as genes, transcripts, and exons.
For the sequences themselves I need the corresponding BSgenome package.

While it is easy to automatically map from a specific TxDb package (eg
TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene) to the corresponding BSgenome package
(here: BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38), I wonder how to do that for an
EnsDb package as the package name (eg EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79) contains no
information about the genome build.

A cumbersome option would be to extract the genome_build from the metadata
of the EnsDb package (which would give me for EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79:
'GRCh38') and then ask all existing BSgenome.Hsapiens packages for their
metadata release name (eg 'GRCh38' for BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38).

This however needs all BSgenome.Hsapiens packages installed and takes thus
too much time and space for a programmatic access.

Can you suggest a better way to map from coordinates to sequence (within
the BioC annotation functionality)?

Thanks  Best,

 dear Robert and Ludwig,

 the EnsDb packages provide all the gene/transcript etc annotations for all
 genes defined in the Ensembl database (for a given species and Ensembl
 release). Except the column/attribute entrezid that is stored in the
 internal database there is however no link to NCBI or UCSC annotations.
 So, basically, if you want to use pure Ensembl based annotations: use
 EnsDb, if you want to have the UCSC annotations: use the TxDb packages.

 In case you need EnsDbs of other species or Ensembl versions, the
 ensembldb package provides functionality to generate such packages either
 using the Ensembl Perl API or using GTF files provided by Ensembl. If you
 have problems building the packages, just drop me a line and I'll do

 cheers, jo

 On 03 Jun 2015, at 15:56, Robert M. Flight wrote:


 If you do this search on the UCSC genome browser (which this annotation
 package is built from), you will see that the longest variant is what

 If instead of genes you do transcripts, you will see 20 different
 transcripts for this gene, including the one listed by NCBI.

 I havent tried it yet (haven't upgraded R or bioconductor to latest
 version), but there is now an Ensembl based annotation package as well,
 that may work better??


 On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM Ludwig Geistlinger wrote:

 Dear Bioc annotation team,

 Querying TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene for gene coordinates, e.g.

 BRCA1; ENSG0012048; entrez:672


 genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene, vals=list(gene_id=672))

 gives me:

 GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column:
  seqnames   ranges strand | gene_id
 RleIRanges  Rle | character
  672chr17 [43044295, 43170403]  - | 672
  seqinfo: 455 sequences (1 circular) from hg38 genome

 However, querying Ensembl and NCBI Gene;g=ENSG0012048

 the gene is located at (note the difference in the end position)

 Chromosome 17: 43,044,295-43,125,483 reverse strand

 How is the inconsistency explained and how to extract an ENSEMBL/NCBI
 conform annotation from the TxDb object?
 (I am aware of biomaRt, but I want to explicitely use the Bioc


 Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger

 Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik
 Institut für Informatik
 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
 Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro A201
 80333 München

 Tel.: 089-2180-4067

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Re: [Bioc-devel] Gene annotation: TxDb vs ENSEMBL/NCBI inconsistency

2015-06-09 Thread Rainer Johannes
dear Robert and Ludwig,

the EnsDb packages provide all the gene/transcript etc annotations for all 
genes defined in the Ensembl database (for a given species and Ensembl 
release). Except the column/attribute entrezid that is stored in the internal 
database there is however no link to NCBI or UCSC annotations.
So, basically, if you want to use pure Ensembl based annotations: use EnsDb, 
if you want to have the UCSC annotations: use the TxDb packages.

In case you need EnsDbs of other species or Ensembl versions, the ensembldb 
package provides functionality to generate such packages either using the 
Ensembl Perl API or using GTF files provided by Ensembl. If you have problems 
building the packages, just drop me a line and I'll do that.

cheers, jo

 On 03 Jun 2015, at 15:56, Robert M. Flight wrote:
 If you do this search on the UCSC genome browser (which this annotation
 package is built from), you will see that the longest variant is what is
 If instead of genes you do transcripts, you will see 20 different
 transcripts for this gene, including the one listed by NCBI.
 I havent tried it yet (haven't upgraded R or bioconductor to latest
 version), but there is now an Ensembl based annotation package as well,
 that may work better??
 On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM Ludwig Geistlinger wrote:
 Dear Bioc annotation team,
 Querying TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene for gene coordinates, e.g. for
 BRCA1; ENSG0012048; entrez:672
 genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene, vals=list(gene_id=672))
 gives me:
 GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column:
  seqnames   ranges strand | gene_id
 RleIRanges  Rle | character
  672chr17 [43044295, 43170403]  - | 672
  seqinfo: 455 sequences (1 circular) from hg38 genome
 However, querying Ensembl and NCBI Gene;g=ENSG0012048
 the gene is located at (note the difference in the end position)
 Chromosome 17: 43,044,295-43,125,483 reverse strand
 How is the inconsistency explained and how to extract an ENSEMBL/NCBI
 conform annotation from the TxDb object?
 (I am aware of biomaRt, but I want to explicitely use the Bioc annotation
 Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger
 Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik
 Institut für Informatik
 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
 Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro A201
 80333 München
 Tel.: 089-2180-4067
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Re: [Bioc-devel] Gene annotation: TxDb vs ENSEMBL/NCBI inconsistency

2015-06-09 Thread Martin Morgan

On 06/08/2015 11:43 PM, Rainer Johannes wrote:

dear Robert and Ludwig,

the EnsDb packages provide all the gene/transcript etc annotations for all
genes defined in the Ensembl database (for a given species and Ensembl
release). Except the column/attribute entrezid that is stored in the
internal database there is however no link to NCBI or UCSC annotations. So,
basically, if you want to use pure Ensembl based annotations: use EnsDb, if
you want to have the UCSC annotations: use the TxDb packages.

In case you need EnsDbs of other species or Ensembl versions, the ensembldb
package provides functionality to generate such packages either using the
Ensembl Perl API or using GTF files provided by Ensembl. If you have problems
building the packages, just drop me a line and I'll do that.

Two other sources of Ensembl TxDb's are GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromBiomart() 
and AnnotationHub. For the latter, I'll add a variant of the following to the 
AnnotationHub HOWTO vignette later today.

## Gene models

_Bioconductor_ represents gene models using 'transcript'
databases. These are available via packages such as
or can be constructed using functions such as
or `GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges()`.

_AnnotationHub_ provides an easy way to work with gene models
published by Ensembl. Here we discover the Ensemble release 80 r
esources for pufferfish,_Takifugu rubripes_

```{r takifugu-gene-models}
query(ah, c(Takifugu, release-80))

We see that there is a GTF file, as well as various DNA
sequences. Let's retrieve the GTF and top-level sequence files. The
GTF file is imported as a _GRanges_ instance, the DNA sequence as a
compressed, indexed Fasta file

```{r takifugi-data}
gtf - ah[[AH47101]]
dna - ah[[AH47477]]

head(gtf, 3)

It is trivial to make a TxDb instance

```{r takifugi-txdb}
txdb - makeTxDbFromGRanges(gtf)

and to use that in conjunction with the DNA sequence, e.g., to find
exon sequences of all annotated genes.

```{r takifugi-exons}
library(Rsamtools) # for getSeq,FaFile-method
exons - exons(txdb)
getSeq(dna, exons)

Some difficulties arise when working with this partly assembled genome
that require more advanced GenomicRanges skills, see the
vignettes, especially GenomicRanges HOWTOs and An Introduction to

cheers, jo

On 03 Jun 2015, at 15:56, Robert M. Flight wrote:


If you do this search on the UCSC genome browser (which this annotation
package is built from), you will see that the longest variant is what is

If instead of genes you do transcripts, you will see 20 different

transcripts for this gene, including the one listed by NCBI.

I havent tried it yet (haven't upgraded R or bioconductor to latest
version), but there is now an Ensembl based annotation package as well,
that may work better??


On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM Ludwig Geistlinger wrote:

Dear Bioc annotation team,

Querying TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene for gene coordinates, e.g.

BRCA1; ENSG0012048; entrez:672


genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene, vals=list(gene_id=672))

gives me:

GRanges object with 1 range and 1 metadata column: seqnames
ranges strand | gene_id RleIRanges  Rle |
character 672chr17 [43044295, 43170403]  - | 672
--- seqinfo: 455 sequences (1 circular) from hg38 genome

However, querying Ensembl and NCBI Gene;g=ENSG0012048

the gene is located at (note the difference in the end position)

Chromosome 17: 43,044,295-43,125,483 reverse strand

How is the inconsistency explained and how to extract an ENSEMBL/NCBI
conform annotation from the TxDb object? (I am aware of biomaRt, but I
want to explicitely use the Bioc annotation functionality).

Thanks! Ludwig

-- Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger

Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik Institut für Informatik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro
A201 80333 München

Tel.: 089-2180-4067 eMail:

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Re: [Bioc-devel] Changes in AnnotationDbi

2015-06-09 Thread Simon Anders

Hi Martin

On 09/06/15 15:35, Martin Morgan wrote:

In case  you missed it in Marc's reply, and acknowledging that this is
different from your suggestion, there is mapIds() for doing this on a
single column basis, which is the common use case where one doesn't care
too much about multiple mapping ids

I have indeed missed this point in Marc's reply -- and you are right, 
the single column case is the only one where it is common that one does 
not care for multiple mapping. So, sorry for the noise.

How comes I never knew 'mapIds' even though it is clearly mentioned in 
the AnnotationDb help page? Maybe the page is too long, or --more 
likely-- I'm to impatient when browsing through help pages.


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Re: [Bioc-devel] Changes in AnnotationDbi

2015-06-09 Thread Martin Morgan

On 06/09/2015 02:52 AM, Simon Anders wrote:


My two cents:

On 04/06/15 19:50, James W. MacDonald wrote:

In other words, for me it is a common practice to do something like this:

fit - lmFit(eset, design)
fit2 - eBayes(fit)
gns - select(chippackage, featureNames(eset), c(ENTREZID,SYMBOL))
gns - gns[!duplicated(gns[,1]),]
fit2$genes - gns

I add in the step where dups are removed because I already know they are
there. But a naive user might instead do

fit2$genes - select(chippackage, featureNames(eset),

I'm not even that happy with James' first solution, as it relies on the order
being correct after removing the duplicates. I'd feel safer to use 'match' to
ensure that. (What if an EntrezId is not found in the Annotation DB? Will we
have a line with NA, or is the line simply missing? The latter would break
James' code.)

What users really want here is a way to get the preferred symbol for an
entrezId, and for lack of this, they accept simply a random one or the first one
(in some unspecified collation). So, we should have a function, maybe 'select1',
to select one and only one hit for each query value.

   select1(x, keys, columns, keytype, requireUnique=FALSE, ... )

This would query the AnnotationDbi object 'x' as does 'select', but return a
data frame with the columns specified in 'columns', and the vector that was
passed as 'keys' as row names, thus guaranteeing that each line in the data
frame corresponds to one query key. If there were multiple records for a key,
the first one is used, unless 'requireUnique' is set, in which case an error is
issued. And if no record is present for a key, the data frame contains a row of
NAs for this key.

This would be quite convenient for any kind of ID conversion issues.

In case  you missed it in Marc's reply, and acknowledging that this is different 
from your suggestion, there is mapIds() for doing this on a single column basis, 
which is the common use case where one doesn't care too much about multiple 
mapping ids

 org =
 head(select(org, keys(org), ALIAS))
11  A1B
21  ABG
31  GAB
41 HYST2477
51 A1BG
62 A2MD
 head(mapIds(org, keys(org), ALIAS, ENTREZID))
 1  2  3  9 10 11
 head(mapIds(org, keys(org), ALIAS, ENTREZID, multiVals=CharacterList))
CharacterList of length 6
[[1]] A1B ABG GAB HYST2477 A1BG
[[2]] A2MD CPAMD5 FWP007 S863-7 A2M
[[3]] A2MP A2MP1
[[10]] AAC2 NAT-2 PNAT NAT2
 str(head(mapIds(org, keys(org), ALIAS, ENTREZID, multiVals=list)))
List of 6
 $ 1 : chr [1:5] A1B ABG GAB HYST2477 ...
 $ 2 : chr [1:5] A2MD CPAMD5 FWP007 S863-7 ...
 $ 3 : chr [1:2] A2MP A2MP1
 $ 9 : chr [1:5] AAC1 MNAT NAT-1 NATI ...
 $ 10: chr [1:4] AAC2 NAT-2 PNAT NAT2
 $ 11: chr [1:3] AACP NATP1 NATP

Also since this is the devel list, there is

 d = src_sqlite(org.Hs.eg_dbfile())
src:  sqlite 3.8.6 

tbls: accessions, alias, chrlengths, chromosome_locations, chromosomes,
  cytogenetic_locations, ec, ensembl, ensembl_prot, ensembl_trans,
  ensembl2ncbi, gene_info, genes, go, go_all, go_bp, go_bp_all, go_cc,
  go_cc_all, go_mf, go_mf_all, kegg, map_counts, map_metadata, metadata,
  ncbi2ensembl, omim, pfam, prosite, pubmed, refseq, sqlite_stat1, ucsc,
  unigene, uniprot
 d %% tbl(alias) %% group_by(`_id`) %% summarize(alias_symbol)
Source: sqlite 3.8.6 

From: derived table [?? x 2]

   _id alias_symbol
11 A1BG
22  A2M
44 NAT1
55 NAT2
10  10AANAT
.. ...  ...

(with lots of nice confusion there, including extensive masking of symbols 
between dplyr / AnnotationDbi, need for knowledge of the schema (basically a 
central id, ENTREZID for org packages, and tables of mappings from the central 
id to other ids), and the more-or-less arbitrary choice of alias_symbol).



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