Hi all,

I am submitting [EWCE](https://github.com/NathanSkene/EWCE) to bioconductor and 
have been working to reduce the runtime of the R CMD Check which was causing 
issues. I have improved the run time and locally, on my mac, it is now running 
in 11m 56.5s. However, I still get a timeout error on the bioconductor windows 
machine (tokay2). I don't get any warnings from any of the other machines (I 
think the linux machine malbec2 will give a warning if the runtime is over 10 

As I have nearly exhausted all tricks I can think of to reduce the run time, I 
was wondering is there a way to check how long the run takes to complete in 
full on tokay2? This way I can see how much more work is needed. Moreover, if 
anyone has other suggestions to improve run time of my package that would be 
greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Alan Murphy
Neurogenomics lab
UK Dementia Research Institute
Imperial College London

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