Bangalore Nano is organised by Department of IT, Biotechnology and
Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) and MM ACTIV Sci Tech
Communications. The event comprising of Exhibition & Conference will
encompass two full days of presentations and discussions and
interactive networking activities; a meeting place for the global
Scientists, Industry, Academia & Government with a focus on “Frontiers
of Nanotechnology: Impact on India”.

3rd Bangalore Nano will discuss a range of issues pertaining to
research, technology development, skills requirement, institutions
involved, risks issues, regulatory & governance structure, Investment
and collaborations between Academia, R&D & Industry. The Event will
see partcipation from Chief Scientific Officers, Policy Makers, VPs,
Directors, Heads, Scientists, Chemists, Research Leaders/Fellows/
Advisors from Industry, Governments and Research Institutions.

3rd Bangalore Nano will offer an unparallelled opportunity for
Business networking and for knowledge sharing in the exciting field of

Venue – The Lalit Ashok Bangalore

Further details can be read at

List of the biotech  company and address.
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