The International Conference on “Emerging Frontiers and Challenges in HIV/AIDS Research” aims to provide an interactive forum to the researchers who have been engaged in addressing the cutting edge researchable issues such as mode and mechanism of HIV infection and transmission; resistance to the pathogen as well as anti-HIV drugs; disease progression; and development of efficacious strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS.
The meeting will dwell on the key roadblocks to translational research in the field of HIV/AIDS which includes inconclusive knowledge of the basic mechanism of HIV pathogenesis, nature of the cellular and anatomical reserviores of virus infection, limitation of non human primate models and lack of consensus in the appropriate models for vaccine research and product testing. Special sessions on the policymaking and advocacy for the programmes on control and management of HIV/AIDS will be the other highlights of this international meet. This meeting is expected to create an excellent convergence of the perspectives of those with specific interests in fundamental, clinical and sociobehavioural research on HIV/AIDS. We earnestly hope that the deliberations during the conference will help in translating theoretical advances into the clinical practices and contribute towards deaccelerating the pace of this pandemic. The scientific programme will include plenary lectures, lectures from invited speakers and oral /poster sessions covering the following major themes Basic Research Clinical Research Socio-behavioral Research Submission of Abstract The abstract of about 300 words typed on a plain paper using Microsoft word (12pt, Times New Roman) to be sent by email to the Organizing Secretary by November 30, 2010 Please visit to read complete advertisement Team Bioexcellence -- List of the biotech company and address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Biofriend Forum ============================================= Meet Biofriend India Team Manager at Linkedin