[Ontbirds]Sandhill Cranes - Port Colborne- BOS count-Oct 14

2007-10-17 Thread Mike Zebehazy
During Sunday's BOS October count in Section 8,  Doug Happ and I had three
Sandhill Cranes in the Port Colborne area on the east side of Miller Rd.,
just north of Third Concession. There were two adults and one immature bird
feeding in a soy bean field that was being harvested. Someone from the farm
said they had been in the area for about a week.

From Port Colborne take Highway 3 East; turn north (left) on Babion, east 
(right) on 2nd Concession, north (left) on Miller to just past 3rd 

Sorry for the late post due to e-mail problems.

Mike Zebehazy
Orchard Park, NY

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]Hudsonian Godwit still at Darlington Tuesday PM.

2007-10-17 Thread Ian Cannell
The juvenile Hudsonian Godwit found by Julia Marko Dunn on Friday at Coot's
Pond on the Darlington Nuclear Waterfront Trail was still actively feeding
there at 4pm yesterday, Tuesday Oct 16, seen by Norm Murr and me. It had
moved from the previous location reported and was in the extreme south-east
corner of the pond. 



Directions: Leave Hwy.401 at the Courtice Exit between Oshawa and
Bowmanville,Exit 425, and take the Service Road just south of the highway.
Go east about 1.5 km to Solina Road, then south past the soccer fields to
the entrance to the Waterfront Trail. Park beside the road and walk east on
the red gravel trail about 200m.


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: Cranberry Marsh (16 Oct 2007) 119 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

Cranberry Marsh
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 16, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture  42   1798   2063
Osprey   0  9167
Bald Eagle   0 11 47
Northern Harrier 1 60198
Sharp-shinned Hawk   7318   1922
Cooper's Hawk2 46 88
Northern Goshawk 2  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk  5  7  9
Broad-winged Hawk0  5   3185
Red-tailed Hawk 57191287
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 1  1  1
American Kestrel 0 39603
Merlin   0  4 25
Peregrine Falcon 0 23 38
Unknown  2 24 85

Total: 119   2538   8720

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 12:00:00 
Total observation time: 4 hours

Official Counter: Doug Lockrey

Observers:Dan Kaczynski, Donna Foster, Jerry Ball, Jim Munroe

sunny; 10C; steady BP; TUV=2

Raptor Observations:
good thermals brought raptors on high, with excerption of great
low-flying goshawks and a 2-3yr.old GOLDEN EAGLE 

Non-raptor Observations:
many Am.pipits, black-bellied plovers, dunlins, male EASTERN TOWHEE

Report submitted by John Douglas Lockrey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Cranberry Marsh information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds] Marsh Monitoring Program Volunteers Needed in Sudbury and North Bay

2007-10-17 Thread Kathy Jones
Marsh Monitoring Program Volunteers Needed in Sudbury and North Bay 

Bird Studies Canada is seeking volunteers to be trained as amphibian 
and/or bird monitors for wetland areas in Sudbury, North Bay, and 
surrounding regions. No prior experience is necessary.

Interested nature lovers can attend Marsh Monitoring Program 
_http://www.bsc-eoc.org/volunteer/glmmp/index.jsp_  (MMP) 
Information and Orientation Sessions on:
* Saturday, November 3, 8:30-3:00 at Science North (INCO Cavern), or
* Sunday November 4, 9:00-3:00 p.m. at the North Bay-Mattawa 
Conservation Authority Office.
Returning participants are also welcome to attend, to meet program 
staff and refresh their survey technique.
These presentations will provide information about the MMP, its survey 
protocols, and how the collected data are used. Volunteers will also 
be formally registered and assigned a monitoring route. Participants 
are invited to attend a marsh walk following the training session 
(12:45, bring your own bagged lunch).
Financial support for this session has been provided by the TD Friends 
of the Environment Foundation. This event is free but participants 
must pre-register prior to Thursday, October 25 by contacting Kathy 
Jones at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 1-888-448-2473 ext. 212.

Kathy Jones 
Aquatic Surveys Volunteer and Data Coordinator
Bird Studies Canada 
P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan ON   N0E 1M0 
Phone: 1-519-586-3531 ext. 212  Toll Free: 1-888-448-2473 ext. 212  Fax: 
E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Web Page www.bsc-eoc.org 

Understand  Appreciate  Conserve 

From time to time, BSC may send you information regarding our programs, 
special issues, membership, and other correspondence. If you would prefer not 
to receive this information, please contact us by mail at the address above or 
e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you.

Au cours de l'année, Études d'Oiseaux Canada envoie de la documentation 
concernant ses programmes, ses activités ou autres. Si vous désirez ne pas 
recevoir cette information, faites-nous parvenir un message par la poste ou par 
courrier électronique à [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]NORTHERN WHEATEAR - NO for all day Tuesday

2007-10-17 Thread Dave Brown
Hi All,

Just posting this on behalf of my parents after seeing Steve's post from 

They wanted to let everyone know that there were a dozen people or so in 
Shrewsbury starting at pretty much day break Tuesday morning looking for the 
bird. They had no luck by the time they left in the afternoon...even with 
checking much of the rest of the area.

Perhaps someone will have more luck today.


Dave Brown


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]GTA Bird sightings

2007-10-17 Thread Norman Murr
Good day Roy

Toronto Islands - Oct. 15, 2007 - Bypassed sanctuary and Snug Harbour.

- Mute Swan - 47 - Thru-out
- Mallard - 225 - Thru-out
- Canvasback - 5 - on harbour off Algonquin
- Cooper's Hawk - 2 - Wards and Hanlans - both hunting
- Downy Woodpecker - 6 - Wards, Centre and Hanlans
- Eastern Phoebe - 10 - Wards to Hanlans
- Black-capped Chickadee - 96 - Wards to Hanlans
- White-breasted Nuthatch - 8 - Wards to Hanlans
- Golden-crowned Kinglet - 75 - Wards to Hanlans
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 175 - Wards to Hanlans
- Hermit Thrush - 66 - Wards to Hanlans
- Gray Catbird - 1 - Wards
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 30 - Wards to Hanlans
- Black-throated green Warbler - 1 - Hanlans
- Common Yellowthroat - 2 - Gibralter and Hanlans
- Field Sparrow - Gibralter
- Fox Sparrow - 9 - Wards and Hanlans
- Song Sparrow - 35 - Wards to Hanlans
- White-crowned Sparrow - 47 - Wards, Gibralter and Hanlans
- Dark-eyed Junco - 150 - Wards to Hanlans
- Purple Finch - 33 - Wards
- Pine Siskin - 38 - Wards

Cranberry Marsh - Oct. 16, 2007 - Ian Cannell and myself

- American Golden Plover - 11
- American Pipit - 75

Reesor Pond - Oct. 16, 2007 - Ian Cannell and myself

- Trumpeter Swan - 2
- Cackling Goose - 1
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds] 1,000's 10,000's RED BREASTED MERGANSERS 24 PINE SISKINS splashing, swimming, diving, flying and covering the niger feeder.

2007-10-17 Thread markus lise
Hello Everyone,

1,000's, 10,000's of RED BREASTED MERGANSERS splashing, swimming, diving,
flying among the  100'S of RING BILLED GULLS  1,000's of CANADA GEESE sown
below the 100 foot Bluffs by Newcastle/Bond Head.  I have never ever in my
life seen such a lake full of birds.

On the niger feeders the PINE SISKINS were all over them as well as a couple

Directions:  Take exit 440 off 401 and drive down to the lake and take the
Lakeshore Rd. east for 2 km.  Park your vehicle beside the road and walk up
to the edge of the 100 foot bluffs.  Watch out for the steep drop and poison

Markus Lise
Newcastle, On
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: Cranberry Marsh (17 Oct 2007) 59 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

Cranberry Marsh
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 17, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture  25   1823   2088
Osprey   0  9167
Bald Eagle   1 12 48
Northern Harrier 5 65203
Sharp-shinned Hawk   8326   1930
Cooper's Hawk1 47 89
Northern Goshawk 0  2  2
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  7  9
Broad-winged Hawk0  5   3185
Red-tailed Hawk 17208304
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  1  1
American Kestrel 0 39603
Merlin   0  4 25
Peregrine Falcon 0 23 38
Unknown  2 26 87

Total:  59   2597   8779

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 14:00:00 
Total observation time: 6 hours

Official Counter: Geoff Carpentier

Observers:Dan Kaczynski, Doug Lockrey, Jim Fairchild, Jim Skene

a misty day made it difficult to pick out the raptors; temp. of 14C rose to
17C in the early afternoon; TUV=1; BP was rising, starting to fall by
noonhour; strong N, then S winds. 

Raptor Observations:
59 raptors were counted; perhaps more slipped through to the north

Non-raptor Observations:
2 Trumpeter Swans, 3 Dowitcher spp. , male Eastern Towhee,CEDAR WAXWING,

Report submitted by John Douglas Lockrey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Cranberry Marsh information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: Holiday Beach (17 Oct 2007) 578 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

Holiday Beach
Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 17, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Turkey Vulture 366  14010  14599
Osprey   0 42176
Bald Eagle   0 40143
Northern Harrier22296843
Sharp-shinned Hawk 157   2568   9891
Cooper's Hawk3180459
Northern Goshawk 0  7 10
Red-shouldered Hawk 20 49 50
Broad-winged Hawk0 14  18398
Red-tailed Hawk  8336577
Rough-legged Hawk0  1  2
Golden Eagle 0  1  1
American Kestrel 1347   1452
Merlin   0 20 92
Peregrine Falcon 1 43 72
Unknown 6 18

Total: 578  17960  46783

Observation start time: 06:15:00 
Observation end   time: 14:15:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter: Claude Radley

Observers:Don Wiens, Donna Bedard, Eveyln Fisher, Janina Radley,
  Jim McCoy

A mild day with fog in the morning giving way to a mix of sun and cloud. 
Winds SW-SE 

Raptor Observations:
About what could be expected given the South winds with Sharp-shinned

Non-raptor Observations:
2000+ Blue Jays.  An early morning reverse migration of 1500 Red-winged
Blackbirds.  Tree Swallows were plentiful as were migrating Sparrows.  One
Common Snipe was seen as well as a number of Killdeer.  Both Kinglets and
Yellow-rumped Warblers are present in good numbers as are Hermit Thrush. 
All of the expected waterfowl are present in the marsh.  One Monarch
Butterfly was seen.

Numerous showers with the chance of a thunderstorm.  Winds from the S-SSE
and continuing mild with the low near 16 and the high near 22.

Report submitted by Claude Radley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark (17 Oct 2007) 468 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 17, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture 325  28960  30745
Osprey   2 39186
Bald Eagle   0 46185
Northern Harrier 2184684
Sharp-shinned Hawk  98   1956   8661
Cooper's Hawk   19197370
Northern Goshawk 0  1  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  5146154
Broad-winged Hawk0 39  69574
Red-tailed Hawk 14518881
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Golden Eagle 0  2  2
American Kestrel 2142   1204
Merlin   0 10 36
Peregrine Falcon 1 22 57
Swainson's Hawk  0  0  2

Total: 468  32262 112750

Observation start time: 08:15:00 
Observation end   time: 14:30:00 
Total observation time: 6.25 hours

Official Counter: Calvin Brennan

Observers:Bruce Roberts, Charlene Brennan, Terry Angevine

Jim Maki
Ron Harkness
Frank Kitakis
Tex Wells

Fog and haze dominated much of the day weather wise today. Visibility was
reduced early in the day to about 2 kilometers and although the fog burned
off somewhat the maximum viewing distance was restricted to about 10
kilometers (6 miles). Otherwise skies were sunny and the day overall was
quite pleasant topping out at about 70 degrees F. Winds were light
west-southwest early becoming moderate southeast by midday.


Raptor Observations:
The flight took some time to develop, not surprising given the conditions
and was light overall. What vulture movement there was passed well to the
north and was difficult to detect in the fuzzy air. It was a typical
scenario of wondering if there were large numbers of TVs migrating further
north but overall I did not get the impression that there was a major
flight afoot. An adult Peregrine Falcon that circled overhead for quite
some time provided a nice highlight on an otherwise ordinary day.

Non-raptor Observations:

Report submitted by Calvin Brennan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch (16 Oct 2007) 436 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 16, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture 353  12386  12628
Osprey   0 19204
Bald Eagle   0 68313
Northern Harrier 3479   1711
Sharp-shinned Hawk  16   4234  13680
Cooper's Hawk   15206395
Northern Goshawk 0 12 12
Red-shouldered Hawk 23249250
Broad-winged Hawk0  7  41018
Red-tailed Hawk 24743794
Rough-legged Hawk0  2  2
Golden Eagle 0  3  3
American Kestrel 2694   4396
Merlin   0 38230
Peregrine Falcon 0108138
Unknown 5 14

Total: 436  19253  75788

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 13:00:00 
Total observation time: 6 hours

Official Counter: Colin Horstead

Observers:Dave Verkley, Keith Sealy, Mary Carnahan, Su Ross-Redmond

A hazy day with lots of cloud cover. Temp got to a high of 16 C. Winds were
moderate to strong from the E and then the SE.

Raptor Observations:
A slow flight today with a total of 436 birds...which included 353 TV's.
The only real highlight today was the 23 Red-shoulders.

Non-raptor Observations:

Report submitted by Dave Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

Site Description:
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch:
Oldest Hawkwatch in Ontario - since 1931 - located just east of Port
Stanley on the cliff overlooking Lake Erie 

Directions to site:
From east 401, take the Highbury south cut off at London, follow Highbury
(Hwy 30) south to St. Thomas. Highbury changes into South Edgeware at a
large curve in the road to the west. Follow South Edgeware west to the
first set of traffic lights - Burwell Road, turn left (south) and stay on
this road. It becomes Fairview Ave (Regional Road 22), which runs directly
into Hawk Cliff Road. You will see a sign for Hawkes Cliff Farm, where they
sell fresh vegetables and a gravel road just beyond sign. Just continue
down gravel road to viewing area.

From west 401, take the Highway # 4 (Colonel Talbot Rd.) exit south,
through Talbotville, road now is Sunset Rd. continue towards St. Thomas;
you will come to a veer in the road, straight up to St. Thomas, veer to the
right for Port Stanley, follow Highway 4, now Sunset to Port Stanley. As
you approach Port Stanley you will come to a large curve  in the road with
a sign saying East St, to the left. Take East St., and follow it to the
first road left, (opposite Port Stanley Water Tower) Dexter Line. Follow
Dexter Line approximately 2 km. and turn right down gravel road at Hawkes
Cliff Farm, and follow gravel road to viewing area 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]HSR: Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch (17 Oct 2007) 267 Raptors

2007-10-17 Thread reports

Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 17, 2007

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture 215  12601  12843
Osprey   0 19204
Bald Eagle   2 70315
Northern Harrier11490   1722
Sharp-shinned Hawk  23   4257  13703
Cooper's Hawk5211400
Northern Goshawk 0 12 12
Red-shouldered Hawk  3252253
Broad-winged Hawk0  7  41018
Red-tailed Hawk  6749800
Rough-legged Hawk0  2  2
Golden Eagle 0  3  3
American Kestrel 1695   4397
Merlin   1 39231
Peregrine Falcon 0108138
Unknown 5 14

Total: 267  19520  76055

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter: Colin Horstead

Observers:Don Taylor, Keith Sealy, Mary Carnahan, Ronnie Goodhand

Lots of heavy fog to start the day and 100 % cloud cover until afternoon.
Poor visibility the whole day and temp a bit warmer to a high of 20 C.
Winds were light from the S and then SW.

Raptor Observations:
A very slow start to the flight (no surprise given the fog) with just 2
birds in each of the first four hours. Finally the flight picked up a bit
just prior to noon and the total ended up at 267 birds.

Non-raptor Observations:

Report submitted by Dave Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

Site Description:
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch:
Oldest Hawkwatch in Ontario - since 1931 - located just east of Port
Stanley on the cliff overlooking Lake Erie 

Directions to site:
From east 401, take the Highbury south cut off at London, follow Highbury
(Hwy 30) south to St. Thomas. Highbury changes into South Edgeware at a
large curve in the road to the west. Follow South Edgeware west to the
first set of traffic lights - Burwell Road, turn left (south) and stay on
this road. It becomes Fairview Ave (Regional Road 22), which runs directly
into Hawk Cliff Road. You will see a sign for Hawkes Cliff Farm, where they
sell fresh vegetables and a gravel road just beyond sign. Just continue
down gravel road to viewing area.

From west 401, take the Highway # 4 (Colonel Talbot Rd.) exit south,
through Talbotville, road now is Sunset Rd. continue towards St. Thomas;
you will come to a veer in the road, straight up to St. Thomas, veer to the
right for Port Stanley, follow Highway 4, now Sunset to Port Stanley. As
you approach Port Stanley you will come to a large curve  in the road with
a sign saying East St, to the left. Take East St., and follow it to the
first road left, (opposite Port Stanley Water Tower) Dexter Line. Follow
Dexter Line approximately 2 km. and turn right down gravel road at Hawkes
Cliff Farm, and follow gravel road to viewing area 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm